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Everything posted by wathou

  1. I see another weird UM at b2 ... what is it going to be this time we had electicity,internet, before. Now what's on the menu today
  2. her first day / party was great but after that nothing :X she is now in the same routine as irma & stella, sleep/phone/eat/go out/ body painting ( or any other bait show for new subscriber) ...
  3. Well i'm glad i didn't watch last night show at b1, from the replay it looked like they spend more time taking slefie/videos of themself than doing anything else xD
  4. yes but even with the covers off if she is on the far end of the bed ( like she is right now) we wouldn't see anything anyway :X ( or at least we'd have to look at cam 8 which is miles away :X
  5. Does anybody know why there are so many maintenance at anabelle & efim ? nothing changes but the maintenances last for hours :X
  6. Angelina made some kind of dick shrine on the top of her bed with the lollypops & the clay dick ^^
  7. Dang in b2 in one side you have angelina who's smiling/dancing and on the other side you have gina who looks depressed af :X
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