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Everything posted by wathou

  1. i don't see how the girls would have more fun ... since they are meeting almost everynight in the same apt oroutside and during the day they are on their phone / sleeping / yoga / outside.
  2. like i said yesterday in b1 even if that would be nice it wouldn't change the routine that the girls have now
  3. belle was always like that during the day sleep/phone then once the night come she lights up to party ^^' but right now the other girls are not into partying i guess :X or at least not in the apt
  4. Well i see i didn't miss anything last night :X i hope this is not the new b1 & b2 because it's boring to death ! :X
  5. Maybe rlc asked them to group in b1 to test the cams but the thing is that they have their colthes on so not that much poeple are watching ^^'
  6. irma whispering againg with the twins which is funny because she seems always to be planning something but nothing ever happend ( in the apartment at leaast ...)
  7. even if that'd be nice i don't think it would change anything irma / stella / belle = the day phone + sleeping then the night go out. For the twins+ gina the day = go out & the night= dance in underwear then phone then sleep ^^'
  8. i think that rlc made a really bad move of not puting gina in b1, because with angelina in "vacation" b2 is dead ...
  9. Nothing has to do with guys ? Come one not even you believe that ... Nicole = dudes, nora = kiko, jessica = rus ... u didn't mention stella or irma because even you are digusted by alex .... And me too i'll post "my opinion" about your's ... no need to ignore if you can't handle "my opinion" maybe you shoud add me to your ignore list ...
  10. Dude wtf once again with the "no men no fun" ? there are 13 elses apartments for that ... go there if you don't like b1 & b2 like any sain person would do ...
  11. all the free cams are lagging when girls are half naked, i guess rlc didn't made the connection yet .... they think changing the cam will help but it's the bandwidth, in b2 there is no lag probleme because there is no free cams ...
  12. Don't know if anybody saw the newletter but Angelina won't be back until 13th ...., maintenace planed to change cam 2 & they are back at 720p in b2 due to the complain. It was actually the first time the new letter contain any appologies & is longer than 2 lines ... But nothing else that could legitimate the extra 30$ ... ( yet ? ...)
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