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Everything posted by wathou

  1. the lights were never great there but yhea it's really overexposed now :X but i'd rather have a fluid cam that's a bit overexposed than a laggy cam ^^'
  2. gina having probleme with her bf i guess anyone understood what she was talking about ? :X
  3. yhea i hope it's just because she is wasted and nothing else :X she is usually full of energy ^^'
  4. Don't worry about that each one of you post is about the samething so everybody will understand even if you wright in chinese xD
  5. Well again nice apt with balcony cam and a lot of cams but it's another (boring) couple apt :X
  6. this aternoon he posted every sex that occured during the day with the mention OT ( out topic) and i guess the mods removed it because it was not about b1 or b2
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