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Everything posted by wathou

  1. I don't remember who said stella must be enregic with all her slepp well gues what she is going out ! :P ( or at least putting make up on so probably going out ^^')
  2. i'm sorry but my defenition of "girl next door" is not the same as you i guess because when i saw pics of those "girl next door" shoving double ended dildo in their ass, masturbating with dildo in front of the tv with 1-2 poeple around them, Having sex with 3 to 6 poeple ... LMAO
  3. I don't get thos girls ... There is a freakin huge living room but they do all their yoga/gym/dance class in their rooms where there is at most 1 or 2 square meters of free space Oo
  4. i don't think irma gives a fuck about gina being good friend with the twins she is already buzy enough with what she does outside ^^'
  5. i think Vh has a lot of potential ( great PR team), BUT right now the quality camera are not that great, and at least for me big b/g orgies are not my thing ^^' it gets quickly boring like watching a couple apt at rlc :X If vh upgrade their cams and go for the roomate girls kinda apt ( like k&k, b1 & b2) i think rlc should become worry but right now i don't think they are fearing Vh ^^' All depends on rlc about what they will do with those 30 additional $ that we are paying monthly with the replay fonction ... ( right now pretty disapointed :X)
  6. why rlc hasn't install a cam on the hamster/guinea pig's cage he is the most intersting tenants in the apartment right now ^^' ?
  7. Will b2 reach the 24h UM ( it's been now 17 hours so far :X) ? Or Rlc said fuck it we are done with this broke apartement and looking for a new one ? (even if for me this apartment is the best in cam covers ^^')
  8. Voritos, they have a sink equiped with a filter, Is the water drinkable ? YES. But since they'r in a country where the climate is really different from where they come from. The bacteria that are in the water are different from their country, therefore more risk too get "turista" ... ( and i know what i'm talking about ...). And in any country there are a lot of chimical compoud in the water ( you can look into it ^^') so me i only drink from bottle ( even if that's not the best either ^^')
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