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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Damn blue twin made sure she is not going to show any skin tonight xD She put a bra+pantie + blue bodysuit xD
  2. On every cams ? btw when they said browser i think they meant google chrome/ mozzila / IE / Edge / Vivaldi & ... ^^'
  3. i think it's her phone that pisses her off ( maybe it's borken), she threw it again on her bed after pluging in the batery
  4. i have the strange feeling that either alex is coming or they are all going out later :X let's hope i'm wrong
  5. BTW i just sended the video to translate, while she was speaking irma spoke in english : " wait an answer for .... blabla .... the end of the month" i guess we will know more if yury can translate the conversation ^^
  6. talking about photoshoot the twins are going to one ? they put a shitload of makeup & have weird hairstyle ^^'
  7. Ho come one StnCld, Rlc is just starting to write answer that are more than 2 lines. You got to give them credit for that
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