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Everything posted by wathou

  1. no stella just poor herself a glass of wine ^^ and for the twins since the last time that one of them threw up in the toilet they are moderate drinker ^^'
  2. ok thank you i was scared because last time i had that i was hacked ^^' i guess it's on rlc this time ^^
  3. is it only me but sometimes when i swap cams i have "video file not found" in b2, anyone else ?
  4. I don't remeber who said having too many girls in the appt is never good well now we are down to 1 / 7 LMAO
  5. Don't get your hopes up budy ^^' it's alredy 22:31 and when they go in the other apt they only stay until midnight so it's pretty much not going to happen ^^' BUT who knows it's rlc afterall
  6. if they are going to the same place as danaya it's probably the swinger club since danaya only put on some sports clothe
  7. if you don't count the time she slept, she spend 4 hours in the apt xD and in that time she was mostly on her phone ( not the most golrious days of irma if you ask me :P)
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