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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Don't worry i don't think rlc will close b2, I like many others only watch b1 , b2 & k&k. So if they close b2 it's easily 40% of their content that will be gone ( and their price won't change ...)
  2. Me too i have 200mbs, but when there is movement on the cam it pixelize, if they don't move it's fine ^^'
  3. that's a good point but why b2 is falling appart ? ( heat,water,electricity and now internet) the only difference from before is that we are paying a additional 30$ ... so it's understandable that we are kinda "pissed" ^^'
  4. i don't think so, i don't see why rlc would put the apt UM since it was the major (maybe only) event of the day ...
  5. Rlc answer : The internet now LMAO, after the heating, the water, the instalation of balcony cam, the electricity now the internet LOL
  6. it's the box that regulate the heat they often change the temperature ^^' don't thinks it was that which caused the maintenance ^^'
  7. i don't see why rlc would have lie about that since usually they don't even say why there is/was a UM ...
  8. Ho that's why she cut the power at b2, that's explain everything thank you xD ( but she is still 4th cam so not that successfull ^^')
  9. I don't get it back when i was paying 45$ the appt worked fine but now that i'm paying 75$ it's fucked up. I don't get it xD RLC wants all of their subscriber to run away ?
  10. it's funny how the power cuts every time there is someone in the house LMAO it's not like there was plenty hours when no one is in the appt but no it cuts right when someone is there ...
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