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Everything posted by wathou

  1. i have a other theory for when danaya leaves but i won't say it until i'm pretty sure ^^' don't want poeple to get their hopes up too soon ^^'
  2. They'r safe but in every tap water there is bacteria and from one country to an other the bacteria changes and therefor the immune systeme needs to adapt ^^' that's why it's never adviced to drink water straight from the tap when you are in another country at least for the first few weeks.
  3. They have 2 tap, one classic and one with a filter ^^' let's hope she picked the good one or she might just spend some time on the toilet
  4. Si tu veux que yury traduise tu doit enregistré et lui envoyé la video ( les ip russes ne sont plus acceptés sur rlc) tu peux lui faire 100% confiance, je lui ai déjà envoyé plusieurs vidéo a traduire et il ne partge jamais ce qu'on lui envoie :)
  5. BTW it's the answer of rlc about the UM: This apartement is the more modern of rlc ( expect the recent anabelle & efim) and it keeps having probleme, Hot water, Heating, Pipe leak in the kitchen, electricity, ... Who build that building, Damn spanish :P
  6. i think the toilet always worked ( michelle used it back when the red x was on it and it worked) i think the red x was there because of the cams ^^' But nicole & estelle didn't give a fuck and used it anyway ^^'
  7. I think Gina skipped so many steps that it broke RLC xD Ok that was the last goof of the day :P See you guys tomorrow for more tease,UM & of course more MYSTERIES (it's rlc afterall ^^) Good night
  8. Btw these days on RLC i have the feeling that i'm paying more but the quality ( in general) keep dicreasing :X I'm the only one ?
  9. Talking about V-H i noticed that this website has often more post on CC than RLC, They have great com but ( at least to me) their appartments are just as boring as Voyeurvilla ^^' I guess i'm gonna have to wait and see maybe V-H is going to be the new RLC ( i doubt it but i'll wait and see ^^)
  10. Back when jasmin was ther it has been translated that she said over the phone that she was making less money than the other girls ( belle,rebecca,lola) because she wasn't doing anything sexual
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