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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. Nope. And some people mentioned that she took her bathing suit and sunglasses with her last night. So, don't expect her back any time soon...
  2. If someone is leaving this weekend I hope it will be Kammi. Not that I don't like her, but she is quite boring. Yes, she is beautiful, but that's about it. If it wasn't for Kristy to tease things up, this apartment would have been very boring from the start. More so now Kammi has probably found her 'brave Spanish knight in shining armour' :D The Kammi and Kristy show is over. So it would be great if Kammi can be replaced by another girl with the same spirit (and sexual orientation?) as Kristy. That would be very interesting to watch.
  3. Funny that you (and some others) keep saying that Kammi wants something with Kristy but is too afraid to act because of the cameras. I mean, maybe I missed something, but in my perception she never showed any sexual interest in Kristy. I never see lustful glances or anything that indicates that she is in the least interested in Kristy's body. Sorry, maybe I'm blind, but I don't see it ;D Plus the fact (according to our translators) that she has a boyfriend back home and is now probably dating a guy (Sergio) in Barcelona, gives me the impression that this girl is as 'straight as an arrow' :)
  4. Don't worry, Bookmaster. I think you are a very intelligent, well spoken and reasonable person. Very down to earth. And I'm not the only one, trust me ;D So, I'm not afraid that you will go crazy due to your wild fantasies about these girls ;) The people we are watching are just strangers. Call them actors in a play. And we are the audience. Sometimes we like what we see, and sometimes we are bored as hell. And once in a while we see someone here who actually takes our breath away. And for some people it can be hard to accept that you will never meet this person in real life. That you can only watch this person and will never be able to express your feelings or even have a conversation with him or her. That this person is just a passenger who will never be a real part of your life. Well, that can drive a man insane :) But appreciating and admiring a person is completely normal in my book. I think it's just wonderful when you can feel this for another person. In real life or here... So, don't bother what other people may think. It's not important. If you are able to enjoy certain things in life, you're a rich man ;)
  5. Yeah, you're right. I'm not a fan of tattooed women either. So, let's hope we will get some new girls by the end of the month. I really love these two ladies, but for me it's time for something new :)
  6. Of course it's all about the money. No one will deny that. And especially this apartment is created to gain new members. Simple as that. And yes, by holding back any information about the girls they create some sort of suspense. But that is just the fun part. Now we can speculate and make up our own stories. Keeps this forum alive ;D And for some of us it's worth the money. But people who expect reallife and some nice action will be disappointed most of the time. We have to cherish the scarce moments we get from these girls.
  7. The interaction between the girls is until now pretty onesided. Kristy is the one who 'starts the fire' and Kammi is just reacting (or not). So it would be nice to have two girls with the same spirit in this apartment. But I'm not sure if Monica is the right choice here. I was thinking about one of these stripper girls who were here a while ago with Nora :)
  8. Yep, same here! This girl is always smiling, joking and flirting around. And she is beautiful and sexy. I don't know who is leaving first, she or Kammi, but it would be interesting to see her with another girl who has the same qualities ;D
  9. It doesn't make the girls not evil or something. But more human, more real. More interesting. And yes, for a lot of members Kammi is (or was) an angel, unspoiled and innocent :) But of course she's not. She is an independent woman travelling and modelling. Enjoying her life. But sometimes it's hard to stop projecting your own fantasies/moral standards onto a certain person you like. Ah well, let us just enjoy these cuties as long as we can ;D
  10. Wow, thanks a lot for your translation. Is very much appreciated! After reading this I just don't know what to think about Kammi. She has a long term boyfriend back in Moscow who is obviously not 'the love of her life'. He is not coming over to Barcelona to catch up with her, but Kammi meets up with another guy (Sergio) and asked him (on the first date) how much money he makes ??? Wow, that's truly romantic :D And even our dear friend Sergio was clearly a douchebag, she went to meet him again (yesterday) armed with a condom. Now I'm just curious how that second date was with Sergio. And the fact that Kristy blew off her date with Sasha, because he only talked about money, makes her even more awesome in my book ;D
  11. Of course they can have a girlfriend, but going out and taking condoms with you (while you have a girlfriend) doesn't make any sense to me. That's what I meant. Or she is a cheater :D And yeah, that would be a great inside joke, indeed. I think I would have done that if I was one of the girls. Just play with the viewers...give them something to speculate :)
  12. Oh, you're absolutely right about that. It's her life and not ours. So, if she is doing the things that make her happy...go girl! ;D Sometimes it's just fun to speculate and give your opinion...to start some discussion ;)
  13. Lol! Yeah, you're right. If it's all a play, written by RLC...yeah, in that case nobody knows what is true or not. Point taken :D
  14. There are some people (not only on this forum) who are convinced that Kammi is a lesbian with a girlfriend. Well, I don't think that a lesbian with a girlfriend needs a condom when she is going out :) Same goes for Kristy. So these questions are answered. I'm not saying they aren't bisexual. But that is different from being a lesbian. That's all.
  15. Well, after last night three questions are answered (for those who were still doubting ;D): 1) Kammi and Kristy aren't lesbians 2) Kammi doesn't have a girlfriend 3) Kammi and Kristy will never hook up So, if there is anyone here who is still waiting for some juicy Sapphic adventures, don't waste your time ;)
  16. Kristy is the bomb! She is pretty, sexy and always happy and playful. Too bad that RLC didn't gave her a lesbian roommate to play with :D Ah well, she seems pretty happy with the intimate moments she can have with Kammi...
  17. This is the most interesting, appealing but at the same time confusing 'couple' we had so far in this apartment. And RLC is loving it ;D And to be honest, so am I...Staged or not, it is a real pleasure to watch these beautiful and sexy girls being cute and cozy together. And even the complainers over here must admit that they are sucked in from time to time ;) To enjoy it even more, I stopped asking myself what's really going on. If it's just a tease or if it's real. And if we can expect a big lesbian show at the end (I would be utterly surprised if that would happen). All these things are not important to me at this moment. I just enjoy myself watching these girls and taking part in the discussions on this forum. And you're right, Bookmaster. These moments where they are spooning together are quite adorable to watch. Kristy is always so happy when she can be cozy with Kammi. I'm still convinced that her feelings (whatever they might be) for Kammi are very strong and sincere. And for those who are interested. Kristy is in her own room again (as usual). And both are sleeping.
  18. Guys, shall we give you two an own thread? The Loner & Ozi thread? Then you have some privcay during your quarrel ;)
  19. I think it's time for the girls to put up another show for us. Then we have something nice to talk about and have some actual pictures in this thread. This whole stalker discussion and the revealed information about the girls and the places they visit when they are out of the apartment, make me pretty uncomfortable ???
  20. Yeah, the dynamics between the two of them have slightly changed. And that's okay by me. It is up to them and not up to us. And they are still cute together. But if Kristy's feelings for Kammi are real (and I still believe they are) then I really want her to get a grip on herself. Keep some distance, do her own thing, because Kammi is clearly not into her. And no, I don't believe they hook up outside of the apartment, because Kammi is camera shy
  21. I feel kinda sorry for Kristy. The girl is trying so hard getting (physical) attention from Kammi, while Kammi looks like she rather wants to be somewhere else ???
  22. I don't know if it will be suspenseful. I mean, if Kammi has met someone she wants to be with this person as often as possible. But that will be outside of the apartment. She doesn't seem like a girl who will bring this person to the apartment for a introduction ;D So, maybe she will be out every night. And to be honest I prefer it that way. I don't have to see her felt up by some regular dude. And for me the whole Kammi and Kristy soap has already ended. Their intimate and playful interactions are scarce now. They are back to normal. Just close friends. And yes, whatever happens they will leave us some day soon. It's sad, but it's also the beginning of a new chapter for them and for us :)
  23. Ah well, it's not important who is right at the end, Bookmaster. All we can do is expressing our feelings and thoughts :D My guesses are as good as yours. And I agree that there are a lot of posts filled with lies and ungrounded accusations. That mostly happens when people are frustrated by the lack of 'action' in the apartment. Because, you know we have an apartment with three young women. Why are they not having sex 24/7? And that's where it goes wrong. People's minds go crazy. And the only place to share the frustration is this forum, because RLC doesn't give a damn. Don't get me wrong, everybody is entitled to ventilate his or her own thoughts. But spreading lies that can hurt or ruin the reputation of the tenants is unforgivable IMO. And the fact that they accepted to live in a house full of cameras doesn't give us the right to spread false information that can ruin their lives. Okay, enough said, back to the girls ;D
  24. I think that Kristy is one troubled girl who fell in love with Kami . Kristy said that she was a victim of incest and probably switched to liking girls better after that incident. She is sweet, beautiful and loving also. Any man or woman would love her in my opinion. :'( :'( Wow I really don't know where to start??????? First you think Kristy "Switched" to liking girls? Where in the hell did that come from? Television news? Next she didn't say she was a "victim of incest" She said she "had an incest relationship in the past" Incest relationships can be consensual too. Having said that they were playing and there is no evidence this "incest relationship" did actually take place. You can find the section that conversation took place here: http://camcaps.net/nora-sofie-lilu-and-mia/pictures-of-nora-rita-jenny/msg137160/#msg137160 Be sure you read the posts areound it as well to keep it in context. That's indeed on the same BS level that girls who had a traumatic expercience with men (rape) are turned into lesbians because of that Or the worst of them all: she only likes girls because she hasn't find the right guy yet...
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