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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Obama was comfortable but not to the degree most presidential candidates were/are. Clintons had money (remember Whitewater, among other shifty business dealing in the 80s and 90s?).
  2. There's an amount to to truth to that. Trump, Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41, and so on. They are POLITICIANS! Of course they'll say what you want to hear to get elected. The truth comes when they ARE elected and see if they fulfill their campaign promises. Remember when Obama sat down with the plumber at the White House for a beer? It was a media sensation. Obama was made out to be like you and me. That Nobel Peace Prize.... That cost the DNC mucho dinero to have it awarded to Obama (really...what did he do to deserve it?). Behind the scenes, the DNC and Clinton juggernaut was pulling Obama's strings and the strings of the public (especially during his first term). They had their hands up each and every Democrat's ass. With all politicians, it comes down to what they do - not what they say. Go research Obama's promises on the campaign trail. He did very little on the promises coming out of his mouth to get elected. On the flip side, Trump has done more during the first 18 months (coming through on much of his campaign promises) then Obama. SO what if he's a nut job? I voted for someone who knows how to run a business and is a proven success. What did Obama do before running for office??? Duh!!
  3. ...and that's why they don't get my American dollars. It's an easy fix - the technology is there. VH is just being cheap. More importantly, it's a bad reflection on them that they have little concern for the user experience.
  4. Thankfully I haven't eaten yet. Otherwise, I'd have puke all over my desk.
  5. None, of course! Taxpayers get the hit. The economy gets the hit. Illegals bring NOTHING to the table. Mexico honors their citizens as much as the Palestinian Authority honors their citizens. There are parallels although the Palestinians are much, much, much worse on how they (de)value their people. Mexico encourages people to migrate to the US (illegally). Why??? Illegals funnel back over 60% what they earn illegally in the US (all cash) back into Mexico. If it wasn't for that, the Mexican economy would be even in worse shape then it is now. There are other reasons why Mexico encourages illegals to cross the border. But I will say that unlike the Palestine Authority, they do NOT pay for suicide bombers (anywhere from $2,000 - $15,000 is paid to the spouse and kids for a dude to attach a bomb to his chest and enter Israel).
  6. He's a pretty boy. Of what I know, he was elected on a similar public stance as Obama: Hope. People liked his youthful energy but I don't think he had/has any substance to be an effective leader. But I can't offer much to the convo as I don't follow Canadian politics.
  7. Typical liberal response. There's no fact in your post. Just emotional outrage. Making America great is far from the Nazi regime of world domination at any cost (just ask any Holocaust survivor who lost parents and siblings). But libtards would rather subliminally sway you towards their truth. You don't see (from the right) a meme of Hillary deleting e-mails. Or Obama dressed as Robin Hood. Or black America falling through a black hole. No need as the facts tells the story. All this anger (another emotion) coming from a Canadian. Trade equality is going to take an adjustment for the USA but in the long run, Canada will be crying for a long time.
  8. BTW....A left-leaning publication destroys what Obama's administration did to the (black) middle class - https://jacobinmag.com/2017/12/obama-foreclosure-crisis-wealth-inequality The black messiah ended up being the devil you don't know.
  9. I learned long ago that facts to a liberal is like kryptonite to Superman. Don't appease them. Don't do their homework. If they disagree, let them find the source that supports their claim (they rarely do). If their trusted news sources (CNN & MSNBC) says its so, it must be true. Read this perfect example how liberal (and fake) news outlets like CNN twist the truth - https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/06/03/cnns-ratings-downslide-continues-with-massive-losses-gets-steamrolled-by-fox-news). In turn, a libtards argument will be the source is a conservative base media group. But where did that conservative based media group get their facts??? From a variety of liberal & conservative media companies and most importantly, from an unbiased AdWeek (AdWeek gathers specific data of what viewers watch, when they watch, how many watch, etc. This helps determine what media outlets can charge for an advertising spot). I'll give libtards credit in they are the very best at tossing horseshit from one pile to the next. You can present facts to a libtard and in turn, they will scream back a retort that twists what is documented. It's that screaming (emotion) that makes them feel honest. Learned long ago in college (when it wasn't a liberal biased place of learning): When the other person shouts, they've lost the arguement.
  10. I know its not something libs like yourself do, but do some research. I'm not going to do your homework. Start with the US Census Data site and work from their. Visit the US Bureau of Economics site and the US Economics Development Administration site. If you're a libtard lemming, you'll either respond with another lazy one liner or respond from an emotional state. Facts...too hard to research for yourself and comprehend.
  11. That's your response?! Weak. Lemmings drink Kool-Aid. The ones who speak from emotions and not facts. The ones who let others think and decide for them.
  12. Trump never quits. And why is this thread still going?! Liberals move their jaws spewing emotional crap and the lemmings of the world believe them! THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY FACTUAL PROOF THAT TRUMP DID ANYTHING WRONG. Guilt by association doesn't even exist. Its like six degrees separation between Kim Kardasian and Kevin Bacon. But the way liberals twist and turn rumors, you would think Trump has the world on a string. Bottom line is liberals hate (which is an emotion) Trump for who he is (a bat-shit nutcase). I liked Obama for who he was as a family man. But as a CEO of the USA, he is a socialist nut job whose agenda was economic equality at the expense of the wealthy (Obamacare). Such a fucking failure. Obama expected the poor to contribute something towards their healthcare with the middle class & wealthy subsidizing them. Yet still allowing the poor FREE healthcare. So what happened?? The poor paid NOTHING into Obamacare, middle class/wealthy saw premiums increase 20..30% w/ many getting less benefits for more money. Couldn't keep the doctor you'd had for 10..20..25+ years. Fucking failure. Getting back to Trump, BFD if he's bat-shit crazy. His policies are working and he's done more the past 18 months based on his campaign promises then Obama did in 8 years. THAT...is factual. African American unemployment is down the last 18 months. With Obama in office, it increased 11% (some data has it at 14%). Here's a BLACK president who took care of his own.**** Yea...right. When will Americans stop voting on race and vote for those who have a history of doing what they say they will do. Trump was more qualified to be president then Obama (look it up - see what Obama's experience was before winning office). One last important thing (for now). In the US, today were primary elections to see which two candidates will run for various state positions (senate, governor, etc). The two with the highest vote count (among several seeking the same office) will have a run-off election in November. With that said, most democrats running for office didn't campaign against their democratic opponent. They campaigned against Trump. WTF?!?! First time I know that to happen. That tells you how weak a position democrats have right now regarding bad things happening in the country. Democrats campaign against the emotions (hatred) they have for Trump. They can't campaign against the economy (which is flourishing) or his policies because THEY ARE WORKING! So in typical lib-tard fashion, they base a campaign off emotion - not facts. **** I read a few weeks ago that black candidates who won office based on promises of 'social & economic equality' for their "people" did more harm then good 85% of the time during their term in office. And the typical lib-tard twist will be the democrats will take that 15% and claim victory; never acknowledging how they fucked up the remaining 85%. And on a side note, more African Americans (in 2017) then ever have left the democratic party and have registered either as an independent or republican. In 2018, during the first three months, there has been an increase in Hispanics leaving the democratic party for either as an Independent or Republican. I want to say I these factoids in US News and World Report, but I could be wrong on the source.
  13. Leora does have a routine but I don't think its in regard to the US market. Indeed she generally plays between 1-4PM local time. But that's sleep time for the majority of US time zones (unlike VH, whose apartments play catering to evening US time zones). If the past is any indication, her routine will change when it heats up. She'll wake up a couple hours earlier and go get a sun tan. As for playing, that may be closer to the 4PM hour (local time). But all this depends on Paul's schedule. She only plays when Paul's away.
  14. Yea, but she looks good with tan lines and she's friskier in the summer.
  15. VH has many technological issues to overcome. But most smut viewers, already on a tight budget, will tolerate such issues in lieu of the lower subscription price and variety of apartments to choose from (and again, the directive residents receive of banging early into the morning (local time) to attract the US market).
  16. After my post a couple days ago, I started wondering how relevant RLC is in the 'voyeur' arena. Specifically, are they losing 'market share' to VH, Camarads, and the other 20..30..40+ sites that offer the same smut. Unofficial of course, we have to use the only data we have - and that's CamCaps. If you take data from the last six months, you will see more people have migrated to VH forums then to RLC. Of course there are several reasons why. But it gets down to.. 1. Service 2. Availability 3. Clientele. 1. Service: Where does your monthly expense go further - with 23 RLC cams or 26 VH cams. Taking it a step further, how many apartments offer more residents (giving the subscriber a wider variety to choose from). RLC: $30/month for only viewing 7 apartments. VH: $30/month for 26 apartments. Like buying a car, you can add to that buying other options for more apartments/features. VH wins this battle buy a long mile. 2. Availability: VH seems to have a directive that RLC does not: Bang on camera as often as you can during a 24hr period. *I* think VH requests that residents get frisky various parts of the day. They also ask of them to try and keep their "work schedule" aligned with US time zones. Most apartments will frolic and bang until 5..6AM; which equates to 8-11PM US time (depending on time zone). Viewership (like Twitter) is highest between 7-11PM in the US. VH knows that. RLC doesn't seem to have that directive. They also keep apartments longer then they should (those with minimal activity - Maya being an example). RLC reminds me of years gone by when JenniCam 'invested' use that term loosely) the voyeur cam. VH wins this battle again by a large margin over RLC. 3. Clientele: There's no winner in this category. Even though both sites have a left-leaning mentality, RLC caters more towards the sophisticated subscriber (based on their apartments). There are married couples, there are couples who are/have been committed to each other for a long time. VH, as I see it, wants slutty people in their apartments (I'm not judging...at this moment). Slutty usually brings in more money. While I/most (I assume) consider ourselves above bar, we want to live vicariously through the actions of others. While I don't want to bang on-line for all to see, I would jump at the chance (with my g/f permission, of course) to bang Leora, Lana, Clara or Grace. I spent more time on this post then anticipated,....but it comes down to numbers ($ub$criber$). VH's business model, if they can tolerate the expense of having couples come & go frequently, works better then RLC. RLC is like a boutique service company that wants to provide an 'enahnced user experience' at an enhanced price (aka BMW). VH is more like a Toyota where they want to offer value to the common person. Toyota outsell BMW by a wide margin. Based on CC forum participants, that's how I come to that conclusion. RLC needs to "slut it up" more and add value to their product to justify the high cost for controlled & moderate business growth. VH, after throwing money into the business to see what works, finally figured out they wants more market share and that means offer more variety at a fair price.
  17. Based on how loud she was initially, dude went to the moon.
  18. Typical of the French - never take responsibility (sorry, couldn't resist). Of course it is not your fault. Just making it clear c&p doesn't work for everyone.
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