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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You're welcome. They used to be in B5 and yes, it's an older video.
  2. A couple of shots of L & T. (Content No Longer Available)
  3. Par, I didn't decide anything for anyone. I simply expressed my opinion. I tried to cover all the bases and I don't believe it was an unreasonable explanation as to why people come to view this, or any apt. Now, you're just putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything like that, at all. There are only two people in this apt who work for the project and get paid for their efforts by VHTV. If they have guests, the guests are not required to do anything. If the guests choose to sleep 12 hours and lie around and play games for the other 12, that's their choice and is between them and their hosts. Tenants don't always bring in guests for entertainment purposes or to get views, as seems to be the case in this apt. J & J seem to be helping their friends through a rough time, IDK. After all, the pandemic is worldwide and is worse now than it's ever been, with millions of people around the world out of work, out of money, out of food, etc. As I said before, a subscription only gets the owner a view through the cams. Only the tenants get to decide what you see. A sub doesn't give anyone the right to make demands of anyone, such as demanding that guests leave the apt, for just one example.
  4. Now, that is some fine chillin' right there!!
  5. Joanna is the draw in this apt. She is the reason why most people watch this apt. So, why on Earth would anyone watch and complain about two guys who have nothing to do with the reason most people come to watch this apt? If you're gay, then Jericho is the draw, here. Or, if you're bi-sexual, then both J & J are the reasons people watch this apt. But, regardless of whether you're here for J or J or both, there's no reason to watch or expect anything from the guests because guests are not required to do anything. A VHTV subscription buys the owner nothing more than a view through the cameras. The tenants decide what is seen through those cams. If they choose to help out a couple of friends by letting them stay in their apt, then that is solely their choice. I would call that being humanitarian and no amount of expectations or complaining is going to change that, nor should it.
  6. Linda and Tibor late perfect sex and pussy eat (Content No Longer Available)
  7. Nelly and Bogdan hot sex in living room on sofa (Content No Longer Available)
  8. I've never heard Kapitan, but it has to be better than the one that's stuck in my head right now. I saw this pic of Emily, of Kira & Emily: and I immediately started hearing: 🎶 Here comes Peter Cottontail Hopping down the bunny trail Hippity, hoppity Easter's on its way 🎶 AARRGGHH!!
  9. Sofi E. One of my all-time favorite models. But, that tiny pic just didn't do her justice. No offense. So, I found some a little bit bigger. Hope you like them.
  10. "Honor is lost on Trump, who tweeted Friday morning he would not attend Joe Biden's inauguration." After the psychopath tweeted this, these were some of the responses. Some of these are priceless. We expect you'll be an ex--President well before then anyway. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1347569870578266115 The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln You weren't invited... https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump Afraid of getting arrested the second you're a private citizen again? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump Jade @jadeswizzle Replying to @jadeswizzle and @realDonaldTrump Honestly, I didn’t want you at the last one. Don't think Secret Service would let you in https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump The smallest man to ever hold the presidency in American history, true to form, until the very end. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
  11. I saw Vik on CB last night. She was in a different apt. I didn't see Kate, but I only watched for a few minutes.
  12. She must have taken lessons from Lisa.
  13. Martina 'bates and gets fucked hard (Content No Longer Available)
  14. The same way you upload videos. Pick a group of pics or GIFs, drag them to mab and click send. Copy the link and paste it in a CC post. You can upload any type of file to mab and in any combination; pics and videos, GIFs and pics, text files, audio files, PDFs, etc.
  15. Wow, they didn't last very long, at all. You can upload pics to mab and they'll last for 2-3 days. And, we can preview them before we download them, not that they'd be very big, anyway.
  16. Have you ever seen library porn? It could be a good place to meet the right kind of girl. 😊
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