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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Good morning. I don't understand what you mean. What's that got to do with my post? 😊
  2. And, you're also terrible at mind reading. I wasn't aware of the Black Death and since he didn't name the one he meant, I thought he was referring to the Spanish Flu Pandemic a century ago.
  3. Once again, that's not true. I have never claimed to be impartial when it comes to IQ45. I despise the psychopath and have always said so. He's the lying phony.
  4. Just a slight correction. "It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world's population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States."
  5. Foamy, I fear I must disagree. The liar in this scenario is IQ45 all the way. He is a compulsive, habitual, pathological liar, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica. The media doesn't lie, well, except for Fox and others like them. They just repeat IQ45's lies and make up more of their own.
  6. Member Members 33 21 posts Posted November 27 If a tenant gets insulted you are not insulting the character they play (as you would do if you insult a character in a TV film), you are insulting the person directly. They are not actors in the strict sense, many of them just try to do something to entertain us. That's a major difference in my opinion. I know I'm late to the party here, but I'm still catching up. COVID will do that do you, as well as a loss of Internet connection for a while. I may never catch up, but I had to say, "GOOD ON YOU," for making those two points!!! EXCELLENT INSIGHT!!!
  7. I figured that. I was just saying the image on his phone seemed too small to identify the girl, even with enlarging, which just distorts the image even more. 😊
  8. The vaginal wall may also stretch if you have sex with different-size partners, explains Metz. But, as mentioned, your vagina generally bounces back into shape after you’re done getting down. “It’s pretty impossible for sex alone to permanently stretch out the vagina,” Metz says. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/a19966329/can-sex-stretch-out-vagina/
  9. That's a guy. Dalia is a woman's name. And the woman on his phone would seem to be too small to identify, although I could be wrong.
  10. Ridge, you think it's always about you. The comment and article I re-posted had absolutely nothing to do with you or anything you said. I posted it again to bolster something someone else had posted. You can be sure if I want to say something about one of your posts, I will quote you directly. The US had nothing to do with the research and production of this vaccine. They didn't provide any funding for that purpose. It was bankrolled by Germany. The US merely signed a contract to purchase the finished product upon delivery. You also forget that Pfizer was producing the vaccine for other countries, like the UK, which was the first to approve it and start vaccinating their citizens. First, if they're producing millions of doses of this vaccine, they are obviously out of the testing phase. And they wouldn't mass produce it unless it was proven to work during the testing phase. Second, I agree they wouldn't mass produce the vaccine until they had a signed contract assuring that IQ45 would pay them for those doses on delivery. However, you were singing a very different tune last Friday. This is what you said then. "Fact: Pfizer was paid money in advance by the U.S. for millions of doses of untested vaccine, so vaccine would be ready for the public when proven to work. In July,'20 Pfizer was paid by the U.S. $1.9 billion for an initial order of 100 million doses of a vaccine that had not yet been proven to work. The money that was paid Pfizer up front helped them to develop the vaccine." That's very simple. This conversation started in this topic days before the vaccinations in the US, which started at 9:00 AM on Monday, the 14th in NY. That's just your opinion, which we know to often times be quite faulty, as noted about, for example. The NY Times reports the news factually, as it occurs. The psychopath is the one who lies incessantly. More than 21,000, last I checked. Even in the face of much evidence to the contrary (about anything), you still insist on preaching the psychopath's propaganda and lies.
  11. Federal law requires the FDA to approve what drugs a doctor may prescribe, not the AMA. HCQ was never approved by the FDA for use by doctors, except for a temporary Emergency Use Authorization, which was revoked in June. Currently, HCQ is not FDA-approved for treating COVID-19.
  12. I agree she's losing money, but teenagers think they know it all. 😊
  13. My theory about the fps on that shaky video of Leora & Malia didn't pan out. I checked the fps and it was recorded at 30 fps, at least the copy I downloaded. Didn't mean to lead you astray.
  14. I posted this Tuesday, but in light of recent posts, it bears repeating. "In July, Pfizer got a $1.95 billion deal with the government’s Operation Warp Speed, the multiagency effort to rush a vaccine to market, to deliver 100 million doses of the vaccine. The arrangement is an advance-purchase agreement, meaning that the company won’t get paid until they deliver the vaccines. Pfizer did not accept federal funding to help develop or manufacture the vaccine, unlike front-runners Moderna and AstraZeneca." So, Pfizer has yet to receive a penny from the US. Here's the article, though it's rather short. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/health/was-the-pfizer-vaccine-part-of-the-governments-operation-warp-speed.html
  15. On the other hand, she may have understood quite well and is just being defiant. Sort of like a petulant little kid. Out on her own for the first time, doing it her way, defying the world, thinking like a teenager. Thinking, "I know what's right, what's best. I know all the answers. Forget all those old fogeys with decades of experience in life and business." Kind of like saying, "Nobody tells me what to do or how to it. I'll do what I want." It's called the lessons of hard knocks, as well as many other terms, I'm sure.
  16. Now, THERE'S a smile to live for!!! Cute little dimples, too.
  17. How many of the fallen have Republicans taken a knee for? Why don't we ever see Republicans taking a knee for anyone? (Those are rhetorical questions.)
  18. Does Lenovo make Apple products in Europe?
  19. He wears those big "can" headphones to better hear the game he's playing.
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