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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I think they got the birds as cat toys to help the cats lose weight by jumping and chasing after them.
  2. If that's true and not made up, then he shares something in common with your psychopath in chief, although the psychopath has probably told more lies since taking office than this guy has in his entire life.
  3. Yeah, they always seemed to be a very happy couple, except for the Tim incident.
  4. She is. He sometimes accompanies her on CB.
  5. She was just on four hours ago. Go here and click on the Follow button. You'll get an email whenever she's online. https://chaturbate.com/clara_bendover/
  6. Type, or cut and paste, - free screen recording software - into Google, scroll down a screen and you'll have more options than you can shake a stick at. Hope that's helpful.
  7. You need to go back and read the post I quoted, instead of taking everything I said out of context. Stone said the reason for the psychopath's behavior was due to his lack of discipline during his younger years, that he was taught that everyone was supposed to kiss his ass. In other words, his psychopathic behavior was bred into him. My reply first explained why, even though it wasn't my idea, I and others call him the psychopath in chief. Then, also in response to what Stone said about his behavior being bred, I simply excerpted an article about a new study being conducted in the UK on psychopaths. This study found new evidence that psychopaths are born with a physical abnormality in their brains that causes their abhorrent and criminal behavior. Nowhere, did I say it had anything to do with your psychopath in chief. Neither I nor the article referred to the psychopath in chief in any way. My entire reply was in response to what Stone had said about bred behavior traits.
  8. I wasn't posting a foursome video. I don't have a sub, so I couldn't have recorded that video and I've not seen it on any other site. If I do, I will try to get it and post it. Thank you. Much appreciated.
  9. Spin, deflect, misinform, misdirect, fantasize, make shit up out of thin air, that's all you can do. Where did I say I'd seen the psychopath's brain? Where did I even imply I'd seen the psychopath's brain? Why would I ever want to see the psychopath's brain, even if you could find it?
  10. You damn skippy I'm biased, but not even close to the way you claim. I don't give a single shit about political parties or affiliations. My entire life I've never been interested in or involved with politics in any way. My only bias is against the psychopath, the person, not a political party, not any affiliation with any group, just the psychopath. I want him gone, preferably banned from this country permanently. He can go live with his buddy Putin. That's my only bias. I do, however, agree with any group doing anything to get rid of this pompous ass because I agree with what they're doing. Groups like The Lincoln Project or Republicans for the Rule of Law.
  11. I don't call him the psychopath in chief on a whim. There are at least two reasons for that. One, an author spent 18 months and hundreds of hours with the psychopath, ghostwriting The Art Of The Deal for him. When he was done, he wrote his own book based on what he learned from him, aptly titled, yep, you guessed it, The Psychopath In Chief. The other reason is, he ticks off at least 16 of the 20 traits on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. His score is higher than most prison inmate, by far. Psychopaths are born not bred, according to a new study Scientists have identified biological brain differences that mark out psychopaths from other people – offering hope of spotting the disorder before it triggers heinous crimes. In the UK, using a powerful new technique called diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI), brain scans found a critical connection between two regions of the brain, which control behaviour and aggression, is different in psychopaths which could explain their aggressive behaviour. The researchers found big abnormalities in the 'wiring' of white-matter called the UF (uncinate fasciculus) which connects parts of the brain called the amygdala and the OFC (orbitofrontal cortex) in the psychopaths.
  12. Diane is very bored check phone and play with pussy (Pay no attention to the date.) (Video Content No Longer Available)
  13. As I said, the psychopath stops at nothing to try to win. And, you are utterly and completely ridiculous.
  14. Of course, they did. They said exactly what they were told to say, otherwise, they would have been fired on the spot. He doesn't give a shit about anyone except himself. His only goal is to win at ANY cost. That and his greed.
  15. Once again, apples and oranges. Every time I say one thing, you guys come back talking about something completely unrelated. Yes, the virus started in China. Yes, it spread to every country on the planet. But, NO, that is NOT what I have been talking about. Not even close. Your psychopath in chief didn't create the virus, but once it got to the US, he was responsible for doing nothing to stop it for weeks, even though he claimed to have it completely under control. Lie after lie after lie. He led the citizens of this country to believe that he was taking care of everything, when, in fact, he was doing absolutely NOTHING! That makes him solely responsible for the disaster this country is now facing. That makes him unworthy to hold the highest office in this land, or any other political office. And, he never should have had it.
  16. It's all Greek to me...even the translation (in green). 😊
  17. And, as I have said in previous posts, I am not left, right, center, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or any other political affiliation and never have been. My only beef is with your psychopath in chief. My sole desire is to see him run out of this great country on a rail, permanently. You also know, as well as I, we're talking apples and oranges, here. Sure, you give the people something to do, guidelines to follow, do this and this, but don't do that, and it's up to each one to take care of themselves. But, that's exactly what he refused to do for weeks on end, until it was way too late to stem the spread of this virus. He is solely responsible, even though he flatly refuses to take responsibility for anything.
  18. The complete inaction of your psychopath in chief is the sole reason for the high and unnecessary number of deaths in this country. His failure to do anything when he should have, when he said he was, is what started it all and his continued, ineffectual decisions are what has caused the tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. He alone is responsible, no matter what or who you and he continue to blame. BTW, at least the state's governors did something, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about your psychopath in chief, who refused to. GOP Governors Losing Residents' Support on COVID-19 There have been clear declines in residents' ratings of their governor in Republican-led states as a whole. This includes an 11-point decrease, from 54% in early June to 43% most recently, in those agreeing their governor is communicating a clear plan of action for addressing the pandemic. There has also been an eight-point decline, from 61% to 53%, in those agreeing their governor cares about the safety and health of the community. Meanwhile, there has been no meaningful change in the governor ratings of residents in Democratic-led states as a whole. The decline in support for the way Republican governors are handling the coronavirus coincides with reports showing that the recent spike in new COVID-19 cases is mainly occurring among "red" states -- defined as those that backed Donald Trump in the 2016 election. Cases are declining, overall, in "blue" states (those that backed Hillary Clinton). Republican governors are disproportionately the ones struggling right now to contain the virus. Two patterns emerge from these changes: While Republicans and Democrats living in states led by their own party were equally satisfied with their governor at the start of June, a month later, Democrats were significantly more positive about Democratic governor's leadership on the coronavirus situation than Republicans were with Republican governors. Additionally, whereas at the start of June, political independents in Republican states initially gave their governor higher ratings than those in Democratic states, the reverse was true four weeks later. Bottom Line Republican governors, as a whole, are rated less well today by residents of Republican-led states than they were at the start of June. This coincides with a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections across the country, but particularly in red states, including most of the nation's Sun Belt.
  19. China's not responsible for the utter disaster your psychopath in chief has made of this country. China's not responsible for the multitude of lies he told the American people every time he opened his mouth about everything being, "...in great shape," "...it's completely under control," etc. China's not responsible for him sitting on his hands for six weeks until the stock market tanked a 1000 points in one day before he did anything to protect the citizens of this country from this pandemic. China's not responsible for the tens of thousands of lives that could have been saved if he had actually done what he claimed and got this virus under control when he first found out about it back in Jan. China's not responsible for any of that and much more, but as your psychopath in chief always says, "I don't take responsibility, at all."
  20. Ruben, here's the new link. Kylie and Rus amazing sex in all positions (Video Content No Longer Available)
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