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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. According to VHTV: Long term guest Mellania (Formerly known as Alanis) joined the project as New #realm67 Barbie (#realm67) left the project
  2. I think they'd need Super Glue...extra strength.
  3. Especially with her hormones firing overtime like a blast furnace.
  4. That should say, Trump, not Bush.
  5. VHTV has had their own forum since last Aug.
  6. "One of the ludicrous MAGA talking points being parroted in right-wing media outlets is that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine were Donald Trump still president because Putin feared Trump more than he fears President Joe Biden. Vanity Fair’s Bess Levin tears that argument to pieces in a scathing March 1 column, noting some of the things that former National Security Adviser John Bolton had to say about Trump’s foreign policy during a February 28 appearance on Newsmax. When Bolton appeared on Rob Schmitt’s show, the Newsmax host claimed that Trump, as president, had a “very tough stance against Russia.” But Bolton, as Levin notes in her column, refused to go along with that nonsense and made it painfully clear that Trump was an absolute train wreck on foreign policy. John Bolton pushes back on Newsmax host: "[Trump] barely knew where Ukraine was...It's just not accurate to say that Trump's behavior somehow deterred the Russians"pic.twitter.com/ICRmmeJ8C3 — Jason Campbell (@Jason Campbell) 1646145305 Summarizing Bolton’s Newsmax appearance, Levin writes, “For those of you who prefer CliffsNotes, the takeaways here are that: (1) Any sanctions that were placed on Russians during Trump’s time in office were in spite of Trump, who thought they were too mean. (2) Russia didn’t not invade Ukraine while Trump was in office because it was scared of him, but because it wasn’t ready — meaning it might very well have done so in Trump’s second term. (3) Trump is a village idiot who couldn‘t find Ukraine on a map…. (4) Trump — and here, we’re just going to quote Bolton because it bears repeating — once asked if Finland were a part of Russia.’” Levin adds, “But hey, if Trump literally not knowing that Finland is its own country doesn’t drive home the point that he would have let Putin take Ukraine no questions asked, please note that just this past weekend, he was praising Putin’s savvy and calling the U.S. a ‘stupid country.’” Trump and his sycophants, Levin stresses, have been “rewriting history when it comes to his relationship with Russia, Ukraine and NATO.” “Among other things,” Levin writes, “the former president has claimed that Vladimir Putin ‘never would have’ invaded Ukraine on his watch; that there ‘would be no NATO’ if it wasn‘t for him; and that he generously armed Ukraine ‘when the previous administration was sending blankets.’ These statements, of course, are lies.” Levin adds, “When it comes to NATO, Trump had to be convinced not to destroy the organization. With regard to Ukraine, the former president conveniently leaves out the part about how he famously tried to extort the country and make U.S. aid conditional on President Volodymyr Zelensky agreeing to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. As for the idea that Trump was so tough on Russia that Putin feared him, and wouldn’t have dared to attack Ukraine if the 45th president had gotten a second term, well, please enjoy (the) exchange between former Trump Administration official John Bolton and Newsmax.”
  7. I could be wrong, but from what I read and saw, it looked as if Barbie broke up with Ken and left him.
  8. Love the paragraph about his daughter, Stephanie. A Republican candidate for Michigan's House of Representatives is at the center of controversy following offensive remarks he made in reference to sexual assault. According to Fox 17 Online, Robert "RJ" Regan who recently won a special election to fill a vacancy in Michigan's 74th district, made the disturbing remarks while participating in a discussion for the Michigan Rescue Coalition that recently aired on Facebook Live. While discussing the possibility of election decertification, Regan said, "Having three daughters, I tell my daughters, 'If rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.'" Almost immediately after the segment aired, Regan faced political backlash from both sides of the aisle. Tori Sachs, a Republican who is part of the Michigan Freedom Fund, issued a stinging statement condemning Regan's latest remarks and his support of Russian President Vladamir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. "RJ Regan’s disgusting and dehumanizing comments on the horror of sexual assault along with his support of murderous dictator Vladimir Putin are despicable and completely disqualify him from holding public office," Sachs said. “I teach my four young daughters to stand up for themselves, to know their worth, and to fight back and speak out against creeps like Regan. RJ Regan doesn’t belong anywhere near the state Capitol, and that is why we endorsed and supported his opponent.” Carol Glanville, the Democratic candidate Regan is up against for the May 3 special election, also released a statement about his remarks. Glanville made her disdain clear saying: "As a woman, human, and public servant, I am stunned that a person who wishes to hold public office would hold such beliefs. I did not think I would need to clearly state on the campaign trail that rape is never inevitable, acceptable, or warranted and is the worst type of personal violation anyone could ever experience. In empathy and compassion, I stand with survivors everywhere while defending human rights." Regan's latest debacle comes two years after an incriminating tweet caused controversy for his last campaign. At the time, his own daughter, Stephanie Regan, urged voters in their district not to vote for him. “If you’re in Michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep," she tweeted. "Tell everyone.” The tweet, which went viral on social media, ultimately contributed to Regan losing the election. Last week, Regan managed to win a special Republican nomination election in West Michigan's 74th district of Kent County. While he is considered the Republican favorite, he only won by 32.9% of the vote, a slim margin of 81 votes. Adam de Angeli, who hosted the segment, claims Regan "misspoke."
  9. Unless Kira is a surrogate, they'll have to leave when, or just before, the baby is born.
  10. To catch fish, you must first become fish. Catfish. meet the Queen of -If it fits, I sits- - aww.mp4
  11. She had just finished reading a couple of @Robwin posts and was rolling her eyes at him.
  12. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, why do women disfigure themselves like that? That is absolutely HIDEOUS! And, she thinks it's sexy.
  13. An excerpt from what I posted a few pages back: from Politico. "Biden’s patience waiting to impose sanctions until after the invasion, even in the face of intense criticism, has been vindicated because Putin would have pointed to preemptive sanctions as a provocation and a reason to invade."
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