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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That's really cool, although Nashville calls it The Batman Building. Here's a couple of larger, shaper pics.
  2. They Have A Sauron’s Tower In Seoul
  3. The Wavy Building Called The GT Tower In Seoul, South Korea (Now, that's one hell of a building.)
  4. In South Korea, They Have Single Person Karaoke Booths On The Train
  5. Supermarkets In South Korea Offer Toilet Paper Samples For You To Test (It may seem funny, at first, but I think that's a pretty good idea.)
  6. You might want to take a closer look at that video. She wasn't on the edge of her chair. He deliberately and violently slammed her up against the table and onto the floor. If it had been an accident, he'd have stopped, helped her up, made sure she was OK and helped her backed into the chair, but he never even slowed down. He just left and never came back the rest of the night from what I could see. Gaia needs to get rid of that asshole before she really gets hurt.
  7. You posted an article from CNBC. That's you, quoting them. That's what I said.
  8. As Nagachilli said, I also never disagreed with any of those questions. Careful, Spy, you're putting words in people's mouths, now. Because the risk of death rises to between 90-99% if you're NOT vaccinated. I think most reasonable and rational people would agree that death is MUCH worse than POSSIBLE side effects (most of which probably aren't true and would never happen), and MUCH more permanent. Remember those 1000s of people dying every day I mentioned back a page or two ago? An extremely tiny percentage of those deaths are vaccinated people. You know this, Spy, yet you continue to push back with, oh, vaccinated people still get sick and vaccinated people still die. But, your chances of dying if you're unvaccinated are astronomically higher. You strike me as an intelligent guy, Spy. I simply cannot understand why this doesn't get through to you. Most, if not all, of what you've said sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself than anyone else.
  9. I'm not saying anything. I just quoted a piece from an unbiased, non-partisan news source. (Note: Read the last paragraph.)
  10. The news source I quoted is not left or right. It's dead center and unbiased.
  11. US Economy Expands The US economy grew last year at the fastest rate in more than three decades as it rebounded from pandemic-related restrictions, according to new data released yesterday. The country’s gross domestic product (see 101) grew 5.7% over the year, the highest since 1984, which saw a 7.2% increase. The data showed GDP grew even faster in the fourth quarter between October and December, expanding to 6.9% on an annualized rate. The GDP growth was driven by increased inventories in the retail and wholesale industry as well as consumer spending; the latter got a boost from stimulus payments and other pandemic-relief aid from the government. Economists expect the GDP to slow this year with rising inflation and COVID-19 cases. The International Monetary Fund estimates the country’s GDP to grow 4.4% in 2022.
  12. @SPYING 1, I didn't disagree with you to get into a discussion about this with you, or anyone else. I disagreed, so I said what was on my mind and that was it. As you said, we obviously disagree and that's fine. You will never change my mind because I would rather live than die unnecessarily. You are obviously set in your ways, no matter how deadly they may be, so I will agree to disagree and leave it at that. Enjoy your weekend.
  13. It's obviously not feasible for everyone to walk around in full hazmat suits. That's a ridiculous argument. But, we do have things at our disposal that will help to mitigate this virus. Unfortunately, they seem to be all the things that you're against doing, for whatever reason. People are dying by the thousands every day, literally. In the last two days alone, nearly 6000 people have died, and the new cases are in the hundreds of thousands every day. I haven't seen any specs on it lately, but I'd bet that the unvaccinated still represent 90-99% of those deaths. Doesn't that one statement say anything to you? If you had a 95% chance of living simply by doing something you maybe didn't like or didn't agree with or didn't prefer to do vs. a 95% chance of dying if you didn't, wouldn't most reasonable, rational people choose the former option? Why would people choose to likely die just to say, "I'll do what I want, no matter what you say?"
  14. Thank you, and you're right about that last line. Why people would risk death just to say, "You can't tell me what to do. I'm the boss of me, even if it kills me," is just not understandable.
  15. I'm not a doctor or a scientist or a virologist, etc., so I can't accurately answer that question. I don't believe the type of mask you refer to was ever claimed to be 100% effective, but I'm sure it offers one more obstacle for the virus to hurdle before it gets in your lungs. Obviously, no one can wear a mask over their eyes. People do need to see what they're doing, after all, but they do wear clear plastic glasses, goggles and face masks to protect their eyes. However, the mask of choice is the N95 respirator mask that does provide a seal around the nose and mouth, not the blue mask you're referring to. I know all this because I deal with front-line caregivers every day.
  16. LOL. I knew you were going to say that. I even meant to put something in my reply about it. I respect your choice and your opinion, and I wasn't trying to sway you into getting vaccinated. I was just disagreeing with you. I hope you stay well, but if you do catch it, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you would at least wear a mask for the sake of your friends and family.
  17. Hi, Spy, you left one out. You've also never seen a pandemic in this country that's killed close to a million people, since 1918. That alone explains away most of what you said. The vaccine doesn't spread the virus. The virus spreads the virus. The vaccines have never been claimed to have 100% efficacy. But, it has been shown that the vaccines work. And they work a hell of a lot better than being unvaccinated. It's also been shown that as much as 99% of those dying from this virus are unvaccinated. Why would anyone actually choose to likely die just to prove a point...just to say, "I can do what I please, you're not the boss of me." And most of the unvaccinated are white Republicans, by a wide margin, the last time I checked. It's been a while, but the percentage was like 56% Republican vs 18% Democrat. It's been shown that your feelings are your choice, i.e. no one can make you feel anything. If you think someone is trying to anger you, for example, you can literally decide to feel something else. Everyone is totally responsible for how they feel. Having said that, I would say that the unvaccinated are looked upon as part of the problem, which is true, rather than part of the solution. The problem is the virus. The goal is to eradicate or eliminate, or at least get the virus under better control. And the more vaccinated people there are, the better chance we have of achieving that goal. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Better safe than sorry." If wearing a mask adds a little more 'safe' to your safety net, well, better safe than dead. You mentioned relationships. Don't you care about spreading the virus to those you love if you're not wearing a mask? Is this a perfect world? Is anything perfect? You know the answer as well as I do. Vaccines don't always work 100%. Not even for the flu or some of the other diseases you mentioned. (Note: The vaccines for some of those diseases you mentioned are mandated before a child can start school.) But think about this: It's very possible that the Coronavirus vaccines aren't perfect because the psychopath steamrolled big pharma into creating them before the 2020 election to make him look good, as if that were possible. Spy, you know as well as I do that vaccines, nor anything else, for that matter, don't threaten relationships. Relationships are threatened by people and how they think, what they say and how they behave. I don't know anything about that 12-year-old you mentioned, but if he/she felt safer being vaccinated, then I say more power to him and good for him. Hell, for all we know, his parents could have been some of those MAGA conspiracy theory idiots you read about and if he listened to them, he might well be dead right now. A little history. The influenza pandemic of 1918 and 1919 was the most deadly flu outbreak in history, killing up to 50 million people worldwide. In the United States, where it ultimately killed around 675,000 people (That's a lot less than the current pandemic.), local governments rolled out initiatives to try to stop its spread. These varied by region, and included closing schools and places of public amusement, enforcing “no-spitting” ordinances, encouraging people to use handkerchiefs or disposable tissues and requiring people to wear masks in public (my emphasis). Many of the methods Americans used in 1918 to try to prevent the spread of the flu are similar to what people began doing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Close schools. Wear masks. Don’t cough or sneeze in someone’s face. Avoid large events and hold them outside when possible. And no spitting.
  18. But, he's getting them up there, although he's using his head, which is probably not in the rule book.
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