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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I agree, but you have to admit, when it comes to lying, hiding the facts and the truth, blaming others, etc., Trump takes the cake/biscuit. I don't see, however, any emotions on his sleeve, so to speak. He's one of the most compassion-less, unsympathetic, thoughtless, uncaring, shallow, remorseless people I've ever known to exist. He's the textbook definition of a sociopath.
  2. But, one thing is certain, you definitely won't get the facts from Trump.
  3. Here are a couple of visuals in support of your post. Trump’s Statements About the Coronavirus_2020 04 16_04 03 55_1_358.mp4
  4. How about a 30-second break from the virus and politics? This may be the longest marine creature on Earth. It's called a siphonophore — a colony of cells that clone themselves to produce an extended, stringlike body — spotted off the coast of Western Australia. It was estimated at 150 feet (45.72 m) long. This Might Be the Longest Creature Ever Seen in the Ocean
  5. This 3-D Simulation Shows Why Social Distancing Is So Important
  6. Hi Just, I have an idea. If you uploaded your pics and GIFs to mab.to, you would have at least four advantages over other hosts. Each upload could be up to 20 GB in size Your pics & GIFs could have a higher resolution (dimensions), like 720p or 1080p They could also be longer They would stay active on CC for three days Just something to think about.
  7. LOL!! You probably said that with tongue in cheek or at least partially in jest, but I think they would go over like a lead balloon, especially the second idea.
  8. While there are many free sites out there for us to visit, obviously people are interested in the type of site that is RLC. CC provides an avenue of access to RLC that would otherwise be unaffordable to a lot of people. It's not for you to decide that people should use free sites if they cannot afford an RLC sub.
  9. It's more than selfish. Just like those needy children you help, there are many other people who also need help. People who live on a limited, or even no, income who need food, medicine, care, etc. and are certainly unable to afford something as extravagant as an RLC sub. You are one of the lucky ones, Calle. You obviously have the kind of disposable income that allows you to benefit from an RLC sub. But, your biased attitude toward those other than the needy children you help is shortsighted and self-centered. Not everyone is as lucky as you. What's wrong with sharing some of the "wealth" with those less fortunate than yourself? (That's a rhetorical question.)
  10. No, then I still wouldn't be able to see her pussy (that's fanny to you).
  11. Agreed. I do wish she'd get closer to the camera, though. ☹️
  12. Now, if we could just persuade her to do that without the panties.
  13. And, his typical tactic of trying to blame someone else for his failures.
  14. Sorry, Jabba, I didn't mean to confuse. Let me explain. Quotation marks around single words usually implies that the author doesn’t agree with the use of the term. A writer may wish to indicate irony, inaccuracy, or skepticism, for example. Used this way, they’re called scare quotes (also called shudder quotes, sneer quotes, and warning quotes). For example: He said he was “working”; it looked to me like he was procrastinating. You call this filthy room “clean”?! So, in this instance, genius without quotes means genius, but "genius" with quotes means the opposite of genius. I hope that's helpful.
  15. A little levity. 🤣🤣🤣 Maryland police remind residents to wear pants to mailbox: 'This is your final warning'
  16. Please, please allow me to fix that before anyone gets the wrong idea.
  17. Now, you're just being inappropriately rude and insulting. This website has rules and you just violated one of them. I found the articles about Barr because that's what Google popped up on my screen. As I've already stated, until I read those articles, I didn't even know he was the AG. I knew nothing about him. In fact, I only guessed he was Republican because you defended him. I also didn't so much as mention Trump or his administration in looking for those articles. I only deal in the truth. You, however, are free to believe whatever you choose. It's not my job to force you to believe anything. As has often been said, simply believing something to be true, does not make it so. And, BTW, I don't need to try to discredit the Trump administration. He does a very fine job of that all on his own and daily. The same holds true for the Texas Lt. Gov. I didn't even know his name until I read the article I spoke about in my previous post. But, it was enough to tell me I didn't want or need to know anything more about him. As for the election you claim Trump "won". (And, once again, I didn't use Trump's name when I searched for info about the election.) Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable I don't have to discredit him, he does it himself. "Trump is President of the United States", (your words, definitely not mine), in title only. He has made a mockery of and disgraced that great job. I believe he is, and history will show him to be, the worst president this country has ever known. You do defend a lot of Republicans, but I'm not sure many people are listening, especially after the debacle your favorite one caused regarding this virus crisis. And, he continues to try to lay the blame for his failures at the feet of anyone and anything else he can think of. It makes him look weak because he is.
  18. You're right about that. It wasn't immediately clear that you were referring to the PMO topics in your first post. Thanks for clarifying.
  19. @ashleyxyzfrequents the VHTV forum and she can be a riot when she wants to be, as well as erotically disposed in some of her posts. 😊
  20. I'm fairly certain he was referring to an RLC sub, not a CC membership.
  21. That is, without doubt, one of the most selfish, egotistical, self-centered, cold-hearted comments I've ever seen posted on this forum. 👎👎
  22. Don't feel bad, I didn't get it either. 😊
  23. That may all be true. I didn't find that. Stone asked a question and the Barr article was what I found to answer it. And I wasn't being biased. I found several articles that all said the same thing, so I just posted one. I saw nothing about social justice, liberal progressiveness or the Democratic Party. It was all about Barr. But, it's like I said before, people are at fault, everyone is to blame. If you're a Republican it doesn't earn you an exemption from blame, but they seem very eager to blame anything and anyone else. I think one party is just as much at fault as the other. The Republicans certainly get the blame for backing the person claiming to be the leader of this country. And, I'm not being biased there, either. It wouldn't matter if he was Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green or any other party, he still would be unfit for the job he stole. When I read that he wanted to lift the quarantine two weeks after it was put in place, in other words, sacrifice the most at-risk group, the elderly, to this virus, to save the economy, I knew then and there, if I ever had any doubt, that he is a vile, evil, despicable attempt at being a human being. Saying something like that, even just coming up with the idea, is career suicide for a politician, yet he doesn't care about anyone except himself. And, as if that wasn't inappropriate enough, the Republican Lt. Governor of Texas immediately hopped right up on his bandwagon and said, I think a lot of Grandparents would die to save the economy. News flash: Death is permanent, the economy will live again. I have an idea for a new baseball cap. Instead of MAGA, it should say MANEA, Make America Not Embarrassing Again. (I can't take credit for that. I saw it on a bumper sticker.) You know, for someone who's not a Republican, you sure defend them a LOT. That was original.
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