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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I think it's great when almost any woman takes off her bra.
  2. She reminds me a little of my ex in the face, although my ex's boobs were only about half that size.
  3. Stone Cold is the Forum Admin. He oversees all the forums. 😊
  4. Ze, do you happen to know this girl's name?
  5. As if he is the all-knowing expert on this virus or anything scientific or anything at all, for that matter.
  6. @Noldus, I just realized that the copy I have is slightly different from yours, so I thought I'd share it. Be sure to have your sound on. Getting caught at the fridge at 2am.mp4
  7. I'm sure you've all seen those iStripper girls who pop up in the corners of the screen on certain sites. The other night, I was on one of those sites and the little strippers were teasing away in the corner, but I wasn't watching. I did, however, catch a very brief glimpse of one of them just as her show flashed off the screen. At first, I thought I was just imagining things, so I waited and waited and finally she rolled up on the screen again. Guess who it was. This may be old news to some of you, but I wasn't aware, so I thought I'd share. Apparently she has at least six shows on the iStripper site.
  8. Now, Mindy is a long, tall drink of water. Well...except when she's sitting down.
  9. Pornhub is giving away free premium subscriptions to Italians during the coronavirus lockdown
  10. Yesterday, it was 38, today it's 40, but any number is not good.
  11. Denmark is in the top 13 countries (of 122) with the highest number of cases. They're also a smaller country with only 5.8 million people. I'd say they've got their heads screwed on straight and are acting very responsibly.
  12. I had just downloaded this yesterday to post here.
  13. Buy a VHTV subscription, save screenshots from their actual cams and post those, instead. Or, don't buy a subscription and do the same thing, but you'll only be able to do it from the free cams. The secret is you need to post pics that you've captured from actual VH cams, instead of the preview pics. Then, there is no expiration date.
  14. As Sparkles and I said before, it's because you post preview pics. They only have a 48-hour lifespan.
  15. The Soviet Union began a biological weapons program in the 1920s. During World War II, Joseph Stalin was forced to move his biological warfare (BW) operations out of the path of advancing German forces and may have used tularemia against German troops in 1942 near Stalingrad. By 1960, numerous BW research facilities existed throughout the Soviet Union. Although the USSR also signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the Soviets subsequently augmented their bio-warfare programs. Over the course of its history, the Soviet program is known to have weaponized and stockpiled the following eleven bio-agents[1] (and to have pursued basic research on many more): Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) Yersinia pestis (plague) Francisella tularensis (tularemia) Burkholderia mallei (glanders) Brucella spp (brucellosis) Coxiella burnetii (Q-fever) Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) Botulinum toxin (botulism) Staphylococcal enterotoxin B Smallpox Marburg virus THEN: Biopreparat (Russian: Биопрепарат, IPA: [bʲɪəprʲɪpɐˈrat], "Biological substance preparation") was the Soviet Union's major biological warfare agency from the 1970s on. It was a vast, ostensibly civilian, network of secret laboratories, each of which focused on a different deadly bioagent. Its 30,000 employees researched and produced pathogenic weapons for use in a major war. _____________ In answer to Rob's question, you can make your own deductions. If anyone would like to read more: Soviet biological weapons program - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Biopreparat - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  16. When there's not enough light in the room for the camera to produce color images, it automatically switches over to night vision mode. NV mode uses infrared light to produce images, which come out as black and white because it falls outside the normal spectrum light range. This happens most often because the tenants simply turn off the lights, which forces the camera to switch to NV mode and you get B & W images.
  17. Vatican City has one case and they only have 1000 residents.
  18. I don't even know who that is. I'm a fan of N & K, not hate.
  19. If by humor, you're referring to the depiction of the gay apartment with Ze and Rob's names on it, that wasn't humor. In fact, that was so far removed from humor, it was on a different planet. I don't know who posted it, but that was absolutely despicable, inappropriate, irresponsible, foul. It should have never been posted and I'm glad it was deleted. I hope the poster was put in timeout, as well.
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