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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I don't have a sub, so I don't record anything I post. I get them all from other sites, and videos don't show up that quickly on other sites. I'll look for it, but it most likely won't show up anytime soon.
  2. That's got to be one of the best GIFs I've seen on this forum. And, the artwork is amazing. How long did it take them to do that?
  3. Raise your hand if you sit at this table.
  4. Hey Spy. I would like to ask a favor of you if I could. Could you please use a 3rd-party host that allows previewing of what you post before we download it? mab.to is a good one for that. You can host any kind of file, and a single file or group of files can be up to 20 GB. And, if you sign up for their Free account, not the Guest account, your files will last for three days. I would be very grateful. Thanks.
  5. The last guy is going to get the worst of it.
  6. Some of you may have seen this picture on the other forum. But, I actually found a cat on the sofa.
  7. Yes, all pregnant people have to leave VH. No one under 18 allowed on camera. Although, I'm sure Stifler will still be Mr. Cam Installation Man.
  8. Thanks a lot for the info. I didn't know their porn names.
  9. The 4 stages of man... He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn't believe in Santa Claus. He is Santa Claus. He looks like Santa Claus.
  10. My wife just called me pretentious. I was so surprised my monocle fell out.
  11. If you're referring to the VHTV forum, they're still there. So far, today, they've had 54 new posts.
  12. Most of the comments are on the VHTV forum. There were nearly 200 new posts in their topic just today.
  13. It's been a while, but I think I've posted some stuff with her. I'll check. I'll tag you if I find anything.
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