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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. And, what happened to the 15th floor?
  2. 'Unprecedented political interference': Bombshell House report finds Trump Admin 'undermined' COVID response Published by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. "One heading from the 46-page report reads: "The Trump Administration’s Persistent Political Interference in the Pandemic Response Contributed to One of the Worst Failures of Leadership in American History."" "The Select Subcommittee also uncovered evidence showing that Trump White House officials neglected the pandemic response to focus on the 2020 presidential election and promote the Big Lie that the election results were fraudulent." 'Unprecedented political interference': Bombshell House report finds Trump Admin 'undermined' COVID response - Alternet.org WWW.ALTERNET.ORG A massive, bombshell report published Friday by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis reveals the Trump administration engaged in "unprecedented political interference" in...
  3. Well, at least you got half of it right. Everything on the left is true.
  4. Trump applauds himself for winning the 'War on Christmas' he made up Former President Donald Trump is insisting the so-called "War on Christmas" is over. However, there is just one problem: many are still trying to determine whether or not there was ever an actual attack on Christmas, since Trump fabricated the entire thing. On Thursday, December 16, the former disgraced president appeared on Newsmax for an interview with Mike Huckabee. During the bizarre sit down, Huckabee claimed America has Trump to thank for bringing back "Merry Christmas" as opposed to "Happy Holidays." “America had gone through a long period where people quit saying ‘Merry Christmas.’ It was all ‘Happy Holidays.’ You deliberately changed that!” Huckabee told Trump. In Trump fashion, the former president quickly agreed with Huckabee as he took credit for ending the "war." ` ` ` More patting himself on the back blah, blah, blah. ` ` ` Then, the last paragraph is hilarious. Although Huckabee praised Trump for his so-called efforts, The Beast highlights the irony in the network's interview of Trump reporting that "Newsmax decided to call its own company gathering this year—for which all attendees had to be vaccinated—a “Holiday Reception.” So it seems the war lives on." The hypocrisy knows no bounds!!
  5. There's that beautiful face, smiling back at us!!! SO nice you're both back. Really missed you. The place looks wonderful. Someone said it's in the country. I understand you put a LOT of work into it. I'm sure it feels more like home because of it. I don't know if you still read the forum, but WELCOME BACK!!
  6. Yes, that's us. I went through dozens of sites and couldn't even find that picture. Thanks a lot. Can you give me the site where you found that PDF? Thanks again.
  7. On June 8, 1989, at the Filene Center in Wolf Trap Farm Park, which is America's only National Park for the Performing Arts, Victor Borge celebrated his 80th birthday. It was a grand and wonderful evening of music, laughter, fun and, of course, Victor Borge being his consummate self. I was fortunate enough to be on stage that night to sing for his birthday celebration in a huge barbershop chorus based in Northern Virginia. Unfortunately, I am unable to find a digital copy of the show anywhere on the Internet. It's been over 30 years, and I wish I could find a video of the show. It would be nice to see it again.
  8. The rules' violation is due to having a child in the apartment, but the reason the apt is offline, according to Kaya at VHTV support, is because they took a few days off.
  9. 3 Florida residents are arrested for alleged voter fraud — and they’re all Republicans - Alternet.org WWW.ALTERNET.ORG Although voter fraud is nowhere near as widespread in the United States as former President Donald Trump and his MAGA allies claim, occasional incidents of voter fraud do occur here and there — and...
  10. It's Nana And, it's B1's balcony. She's there with the twins and Karol.
  11. It did happen. It was quite some time ago, and I don't know that I saw everything that caused it, but I did see Smitty rush over to the tub where Kitty was sitting and slap her on the head, although it was kind of a glancing blow, as Kitty was smart enough to duck. There may have been more to the incident, but I never saw footage of it.
  12. Thanks. Not familiar with her.
  13. It's not the same Foxy I was thinking of. When people said Foxy's back, I thought it was a different girl. I've never seen these girls before.
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