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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Yeah, he was moving like it was a bit of a shock,
  2. In a nutshell, Nina has been rehearsing for a musical for some weeks. I think it goes up at the beginning of Feb. I don't know how long the run is. Others will have to fill in the details. There's more info on the other forum.
  3. @pulo filipe, who is this guy with the beard? (Attachment Removed)
  4. I sure hope that bag had something soft in it. XyFhb0Y.mp4
  5. The Ding family had a son whom they named William. He grew up to become a famous architect. In fact, he traveled all over the world, designing massive structures. He was even hired to design entire cities. In fact, skyscrapers were named after him. That’s why wherever you go, you will usually find at least one Bill Ding.
  6. I believe someone on the other forum said her name was Debbie, but don't quote me.
  7. You ever see something so funny it makes you laugh out loud every time you see it? You gotta admit, he was a good sport about it. Best Prank_1_1.mp4
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