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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Could be that. Or, she could be demonstrating her car driving technique. You know, hands at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock on the steering wheel. 🤣🤣🤣
  2. You are quite welcome. I'm happy to help. I noticed you had used zupimages in another thread. Thanks. I know others will be pleased, as well. On a personal note, I would ask, instead of making your GIFs physically smaller in size in order to meet zupimages 5MB filesize limit, that you try one of the other two hosts. Nofile allows each file to be up to 10GB in size and mab permits each transfer - which could be one file or many - to be up to 20GB. I always say the bigger the better, when it comes to file dimensions. Thanks, again.
  3. Just man, I wonder if you might consider using a better host service? kepkuldes.com just isn't making the cut. Your files are gone way too quickly. Three good hosts to consider are mab.to (no, mab is not just for video files), zupimages.net and nofile.io. I for one would really appreciate it and I'm sure lots of others would love a chance to download your files before they vanish in mere hours. Just something to think about. Thanks.
  4. I think she left half of it at the store. 😁
  5. Yeah, that was before I even knew about VH. Thanks for the info.
  6. Thanks for the pics, Golfer. How long ago were they tenants? Even the apt doesn't look familiar to me.
  7. Shit, I didn't see that coming. Poor cat. Scared the absolute crap out of him. He was really chowing down, too.
  8. She should just kick them both to the curb and be done with them -- forever!
  9. I think he was maybe being sarcastic. ☺️
  10. Batman panties, Amy's favorite!! 😉 Yeah, those head-to-toe animal PJs are pretty bad. I remember Em's PJs, but I don't know what Emma wore. In fact, I'm not sure I even know who Emma is/was.
  11. The onesie has to be the worst piece of clothing ever invented for adults, IMHO. It was originally for infants and that's where it should have stayed. I don't think you could find a more unsexy, unflattering piece of clothing for an adult. Whoever invented the adult onesie should be shot for being unimaginative and having no foresight. IMO.
  12. Cotton is fine. Satin, too. Never tried lace, but I usually like it when I see it.
  13. A lot of people, maybe most people, will tell you they can't stand the sound of fingernails on a blackboard. For whatever reason, it has no effect on me. I can even be the one scratching the blackboard, it still doesn't bother me. However, my fingernails-on-the-blackboard moment happens when nylons or pantyhose touch my skin. I just can't stand that feeling. Sorry, Amy, I guess I'll never be a girl. 😊
  14. That was GREAT!!!! 🤣😁😄 Excellent play on words!!
  15. Well, the guest certainly looks repulsed by it. Looks like she's thinking, "He better not ever cum on me with that thing!"
  16. Good luck. They likely won't even acknowledge that they blocked your IP address. They'll tell you all these things to do, knowing it won't make a bit of difference. If they tell you to run a program, do NOT run it. I don't know what it does, but it cannot be good. It probably gives them access to all sorts of info about you and your PC. But they most likely will never admit they blocked your IP. They blocked my IP for doing nothing except watching their free cams. I never posted any of their content anywhere, but they blocked me anyway and would never admit it. They do love to play with you, though.
  17. It actually is not a "who", it's a "what". "The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)." Type, def dmca, into Google for a lot more info.
  18. Karst, Google wouldn't translate this word. Could you please explain what it means? Thank you.
  19. Sure it does. It works just fine. It just doesn't work for the files that RLC removed from the nofile servers. If you wish to save videos on your hard drive, you need to download them as soon as possible, because RLC removes them from the hosts' servers as fast as they possibly can. The maximum time that videos stay up is about two or three days, but you cannot depend on that amount of time with every host. With some host services, videos are gone in a matter of hours. The key is to be quick. Use the Follow button at the top right of each topic to get a notification each time someone posts something. You can also configure that notification differently, if you like. I hope this is helpful. Good luck.
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