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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Thank you, Jabba. I truly appreciate that. Unfortunately, guys and girls, I'm afraid I wasn't very careful with my typing in my previous posts (I fixed them). When I said Ctrl+L and "P", I actually meant the Windows Key+L and "P". So sorry for the confusion. I'll try and do better next time. 😊
  2. You made me realize something. I meant the Windows key and not the Ctrl key. Sorry for the confusion. I, too, love keyboard shortcuts. The two you mentioned are really good ones. Winkey+L is what I meant, instead of Ctrl+L. Winkey+R is another good one.
  3. Sorry, I meant Windows Key+P, instead of Ctrl+O.
  4. I should clarify these three things. I'm running Win 10. I'm not sure if they work the same in previous versions.
  5. Geez, Amy, thank you very much. That's very kind and gracious of you to say. I do what I can. I like to help people. Everyone has to start somewhere and when it's something new, that means there's usually a learning curve that comes with it. If I've already been through that learning curve, I figure if I pass on what I've learned, it might save someone from reinventing the wheel and maybe save them some headaches. I love figuring things out and figuring out different ways to do the same thing. For example, there are several ways to open the Windows Task Manager, but the quickest and easiest way that I've found to do that is by hitting the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys all at once. Sometimes I learn things by accident. Like if I'm trying to hit the Windows Key+L, but I hit the "P", instead...well, you'll get an interesting surprise with either of those key combinations. I'll shut up, now. Thank you, again, Amy. That was very kind of you. ❤️
  6. You are very welcome. Always happy to help.
  7. You know, if you were to sign up for a totally free VHTV account - upper right corner of their screen, I believe - you'd be able to get rid of those previews at the bottom of your pictures. Just thinking out loud.
  8. Go to this post in Stella & Stephen large GIFs.
  9. I use Firefox, mostly, but I just installed this on MS Edge and Firefox to test it out. Thanks for the heads-up.
  10. Huh?? Why should we give her a frying pan? Confused.
  11. Wax on...Wax off. 😋 1 124.71 kB
  12. I'd know that pussy blindfolded. Dominika, another of my all-time favorites!! Thanks.
  13. Yes, but she hasn't, yet, learned the dress code for housecleaning. 😊
  14. How can a worldwide, international forum be English only? I'm sorry to say I know only one language: English. But, Google knows dozens. And, they make it very easy to use. You can translate in-place, right in your browser, you can use their online app to copy and paste blocks of text, you can even translate entire web pages. And, they're easy to use and quick to translate. To translate blocks of text online: https://translate.google.com/ To translate entire web pages: http://itools.com/tool/google-translate-web-page-translator To translate within your browser, you'll have to do a little research on your own to find a translation extension for your browser, but they're not hard to find. There are many. For example, Chrome has Google's translator built right in. For Firefox, I use the "Google Translator for Firefox" extension. That one allows you to translate text and entire web pages. Hope this was helpful. Good luck.
  15. I actually have a lot of types, but I'm also VERY picky. This girl with no name: is a good example. Exotic looking and cute. Lovely smile, beautiful tits and a GREAT pussy. I love a meaty pussy. But, absolutely NO hair. Can't stand pubic hair. I can compromise if it's neatly trimmed and all above her pussy lips, but NO hair on her lips. I'm also picky about the size - dimensions - of a pic. It can't be too big for me. If I like a pic, but it's too small, I'll usually pass on it. I give a "like" to everything I download, so you can get a good idea of what I prefer by looking at what I "like". Although, there are times I will "like" something even if I don't download it, those cases are few and far between. Thanks a lot.
  16. I was talking about her face, but I'm sure the ones on her beautiful butt are just as cute!! 😊
  17. 0 23.76 MB Girl, you crazy funny!!! Love your attitude!!! 😍😁
  18. Faith, one of my all-time favorites. (On the right.)
  19. Does it have a camera? That could be interesting. 😊
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