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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. Martina must have killed Alberto.  After fucking for more than an hour, Alberto was found dead.  I know this because he has no underwear on.  Alberto never sleeps without underwear.

    I have been told that Martina is leaving for her home town tomorrow and will not be back until Monday. No Nelly is not going with her.  Dani is coming to help Alberto with Taco for tomorrow and Monday.  What a great guy Dani is for helping to take care of Taco.  I am sure Martina will give Dani a great big hug when she comes back.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    After reading this book, perhaps Martina will say to herself, I have very good assets:
    * I am beautiful
    * I have a beautiful and tall body and I like to show it to others
    * I have a lot of libido and rarely satisfied
    * I have experience of sex in all forms with both men and women
    * I attract everyone with my personality and my smile
    * I am open to all kinds of adventures
    * I like to dance while naked or practically naked
    * I like to wear sexy clothes while being practically naked
    * I like to travel and be spoiled
    * I have a boyfriend who lets me do anything that gives me pleasure and I can leave him alone for long periods of time, especially on any night 
    * I am very tolerant of alcohol and drugs
    * I love animals very much
    * I have good contacts with Russian people
    * and I like to prove it to myself permanently in the sight of all on the net since more than 10 years


    P.S Do you have any suggestions for Martina?

    I suggest that she stay on course with her education and then she will be able to do anything she wants to do.

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  3. 45 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    You are right !

    The whole thing is summed up in one sentence "you are capable of anything, send the money to Tim and that will prove to you that you are capable of anything" over and over in those book.
    Poor Martina, I hope her RLC money doesn't end up in Tim's hands...

    We, here on the forum, tell Martina that she is capable of anything and it is us who give our money to her and Alberto LOL  

    P.S Let see if Dum and Dumber will start a Go found me page for Tim LOL  

    To correct your spelling, it’s “Go Fund Me”,  You’re welcome.

  4. 2 hours ago, yelt said:

    Wow! Is that a translation. You are with little talents, but you can now add child psychologist to you porn addiction profile. 

    Your comment does not make any sense.  Emnv was trying to explain that Alberto & Martina were talking to each other and once they were together there was no need to stay on their cellphones.  There was no hiding the fact that they were on the phones with someone that the other should not know about.  It is your inability to understand the translation and the English language that makes you unable to understand what is going on.  And what does a "child psychologist" and "porn addiction profile" have to do with her comment.  Your comment is truly bizarre.

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  5. 1 hour ago, girlsfun2 said:

    so to carry on my thought about the answer from  AdAlbert:

    "Shame on me,😱 thought you were smart enough to get it...well not everyone who claims to be pretty is smart too...keep on having fun posting nonsense here to please your fans🤣"

    Well my friend,

    You fell into the trap, yet it was so obvious, I must say I expected a little better but I don't mine.

    I hope that in your real life, you are more alert because you risk being 'brainwashed' very quickly and that would be very unfortunate.

    But it's never too late to encourage yourself, never trust anyone who tells you they have the truth, the only truth in life.

    If people think the opposite of you, take the time to ask yourself why and sometimes you will be right and other times not and that is normal. If you realize that only you are always right, there is something wrong. It is impossible that only one person has the absolute truth, it is impossible.

    This is my last intervention for you. Have faith in yourself, you can do it and even if it takes many week, month, year, one day you will say to yourself, yeah, she did the right thing by encouraging me....

    P.S. ok let go back to Martina and Alberto 


    Hey Adalbert

    I think that she is absolutely right that she is wrong, if I understand what she is saying.  

  6. 45 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    I think exactly like you. But knowing that DeepDave has a hard time reading between the lines, I wrote my lines to secure him in his thoughts.

    But yes Martina is a good girl who likes to have 'very good time' that's all 'good' all the line LOL

    One day I'll have to go to Barcelona on vacation and analyze the situation...🥰 

    P.S.Imagine, suddenly meet Martina and Nelly in 'discussion' in a parking lot, I can not believe it, I will lose consciousness LOL 

    You have already lost consciousness.  And by the way Philo is also unconscious.  Too bad. You are both missing everything.

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  7. 47 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    3:30 am Martina go on with her 'day'. She really now live during the night and sleep during the day. 

    But the Fat guy, what is he doing in life ? he always available and Martina need someone with her and her need...another lucky guy ! If your put yourself in Fat boy, what would you do with Martina, you have her all night every day and she need affection and she have a big libido, another FWB situation ?

    I know what the man do in that situation !☺️ Except for DeepDave, he would  propose to do some bible reading... 

    I know in Barcelona and mostly in Europe , they 'live' during the night and it go very late but in the case of Martina and her friends, it goes into the morning, quite strange ?

    Martina is not able to stay alone, she always need to go out at night to have fun and the night is perfect to have fun and 'adventure'. You don't go out during the day to fuck all day, but you got out during the night to fuck all night. Martina need to go out all the night.....

    Don't forget Alberto is not available anymore so Martina need to find another person to have fun in life and keep Alberto for the rest. 

    I think it's funny that you think I'm religious.  I would not be watching Martina and Alberto as a voyeur if I were religious.  But if you know any prayers that will save you, I would be pleased to get a group together and we can pray together.  Wouldn't that be fun, Girlfun2?

    By the way you must have missed a major oil change earlier today and when I say major, it was major.  It was a shame that you seemed to have missed it.  You would have enjoyed and remembered it for the rest of your life.  Maybe next time.


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  8. 18 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    Yes I think our language and cultural barriers are getting in the way.   I am not hoping to have any evidence.

    My point was simply this.  There are those here like @Deepdave who believe Martina and Alberto are true to each other and except for Nelly they do not have sex with other partners ... either on cam (of course) and off-cam (where the speculations begin).   I don't think we will ever be able to prove this without some on-cam evidence (like when she was with Nelly) or perhaps some reliable translated conversations similar to the parking lot incident, perhaps the recent threesome ... etc.   But know that these verbal translations are controversial and not definitive in proving anything.  

    So my point is @Deepdave and others can continue to believe what they believe as there is no way to prove otherwise.  I am quite skeptical and I would not be surprised that Martina is having sex off-cam with someone other than Alberto.  But I don't know and neither does anyone else here ... so ... we  sit back and watch and wait.

    Hope this helps my friend.


    Let me clarify my feeling about the love between Martina and Alberto.  I do believe that there is no other male that Martina is enjoying sex with except Alberto.  No gay guys, no good friends, I do not believe that she is looking for a replacement for Alberto.  Alberto knows her good points and her bad points and when she strays he is there for her to talk to and get her back on track.  I believe that is true love and Martina realizes this and that's why they live together with rules that both understand.  Even though she looks very unhappy sometimes, there are many issues that affect Martina's mood, (examples are the pressures of school, her father's illness, Candella, Nelly, her knee and other factors) and Alberto is a very good partner to live with because they share everyday life well.

    But Martina is bi-sexual and we know she has had sex with Nelly and it was spectacular for her.  That relationship has dropped off but they are still friends and as we recently saw they got together and had a good time.  Who knows if this will happen again.  Also it does not mean that Martina is not looking for an new female relationship.  It will not be to replace Alberto but to add  her life (perhaps with sex).  That is the understanding that Alberto and Martina have   I don't think Alberto always likes this but he accepts it.  It is similar for Alberto who loves his biking and goes off for a day and we have no idea what he does through that day.  We never question that he may be doing something other than biking.   Sometimes I have seen Martina get upset with his biking because he is not available to her, but she accepts this as Alberto accepts her all night parties.  Martina and Alberto have many unwritten rules that they have developed over the past 10 years of their living together.  As I have said before, there is no guarantee that they will stay together forever, but I think that they have plans outside of RLC that may keep them together forever.  You never know.  They have many secrets that they do not share with the RCL viewers.  Thank goodness they must have a life outside of RLC. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Back to square one on this one.....again....we should have a translator for your comment because it does come up strange with google translate english to english 😍 Keep the good work ! We love you too much but take a couple of deep breath....like all of us, you have one live to live.

    p.s. very amusing, copy paste each time and you change the name, it keep the entertaining, pray the lord, lord is a translator  

    Sorry, when I see an ignorant post with all sorts of made up theories, I get excited and have to let them know what I think.  And again sorry to say this, but that includes you.  I have no vested interest in Martina and Alberto.  They are fallible and if I turn out to be wrong, I will regret every word that I have said on this forum.  But so far Martina and Alberto deserve my trust and unusual allegiance.  They are very special and not what everyone expects. And that's why they have lasted so long in RLC.  They use this media as a learning tool to promote themselves and are continually changing so that the viewers stay interested.

    Last night's telephone conversation with Dani (I think) started when she found a bug in her Nesles Quik.  Her reactions were priceless and they tried to identify the bug, etc  It's well worth reviewing if you get a chance.  And they just continued the conversation for another hour as Martina is capable of doing.  She likes to talk to everyone about everything.  That's why people love her.  She makes her friends feel special.  And her big smile is my favorite.  It's not always about sex.  It's about personality.

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  10. 2 hours ago, yelt said:

    Your response to @MountainSwede regarding “escort” work, is very disturbing. Borderline discrimination. As if to say only the Russian girls would be in that line of business.    

    "Borderline discrimination" is an interesting accusation considering that all of your comments are based on the fact that you have no subscription and only listen to 2nd hand information from other contributors to this forum who we also don't know whether they have subscriptions or not.

    You have taken every scrap of irrelevant information and turned it into a significant amount of bullshit.  I would say you are a bull but we all know that you are not because bulls can't type.  That would be the one truth that you could admit, that you are not a bull.

    Every plausible explanation that is presented you do not accept because you can think of only unpleasant topics to write about Martina and Alberto. You will never get the translators to tell you what is going on because you have not earned their respect.  Even if they did tell you the truth you would accuse them of distorting the facts or lying.  The translators will not tell you anything and therefore you will not know anything.  You will have to rely on what other people see but do not understand because they do not understand the language.  Too bad.

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  11. 22 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Your comments are nice but we don't see what they add to the conversation. It's a simple reminder of the information already available and that no one questions. We don't really understand why you're speaking, but you have the right to express yourself, like everyone else here.

    But you can see that Martina and Alberto are at a crucial point regarding their participation in RLC, that the topic here. You can't participate in RLC by being absent or by doing nothing except for Thor and Linda, that's another problem. 


    What I am trying to say is that everyone's expectations for Martina and Alberto are significantly higher than any of the other apartments.  They are a real couple with other interests than just entertaining and fucking for the forum.  Alberto works and bikes and Martina has school and outside friends.  Too bad for the forum.  When Martina gets back to school perhaps her's and Alberto's schedules will be more aligned which may be more to your liking.  In the meantime, let them be themselves and you should try to enjopy them anyway.

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  12. 17 hours ago, yelt said:

    It does appear that the solo bates are not doing it for some. I suppose it takes 2 or in some cases 3 to put on a good show.  Envision if you will, it is not Martina that has decided to stop the sex shows but Alberto? We have all complained about his functioning sexually and this is a way of returning the favors. Not so unintelligent after all; maybe? Time will tell.  

    From previous mentions, he would like to end this bad adventure with RCL. He may also want to end his time with Martina (who knows) but I do wish them well and with all that is now occurring they are on a pathway way to a happier life outside of RLC. 

    Can you imagine working for RLC for the rest of your life?  Can you imagine fucking in front of people for the rest of your life?  Noone working for RCL is thinking that this is a long term profession except for perhaps Nelly & Bogdan.  Nelly and Bogdan have gained the trust of their employers and become the custodians of RLC in Barcelona.  Everyone else is on holiday and to be naked or fucking a couple of hours a day is easy work until your contract is up or you get fed up and leave.

    Martina had a vision.  She went back to school to get out of this rut she was in.  She was smart enough to realize the type of future she would enjoy.  She loves travel and to travel.  Alberto may seem to be along for the ride but he isn't. He helped Martina get through the last year and half and if you think it was easy, it wasn't.  There were many trials and tribulations (ups and downs) that Martina went through to get to where she is today.  And whether you realize it or not Alberto was always there to help her.  She is very aware of Alberto's love and attention.  Alberto is very aware of her love and attention.  So once she was over her first year of school (the truly hard part) and the pandemic had subsided, he went out to get a job.  He was always capable of doing this, but Martina and the dogs needed him more.  He works hard (getting up at 5:30AM and coming home at 5;30PM every weekday without fail).  With the profession he is getting experience in, he can follow Martina anywhere.  Everywhere in the world they can go. a landscaping job can be waiting for Alberto.  Both Alberto and Martina have not lived easy lives.  But together they are happier and better people.  It's possible that they may not stay together forever, but I hope so.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, philo said:

    I hope others will join in the call for shutting it down. Here's the logic: if you are not seeing anything anyway, then what will you be missing when it's gone?

    Would you please take your fist out of your ass.  Martina and Alberto are an extremely popular couple and have been for the past 6 years, almost the longest on RLC.  They fuck often and only when they want. Not when you want.  It just so happens that she has been on her period for the past few days.  Alberto does not fuck Martina when she is on her period, out of respect to her and her comfort.  Maybe you like to fuck your girl when she is on her period.  It' can be a bit messy.

    I don't know why you are talking about violent performers.  And that they should be thrown off RLC if they are violent.  Alberto would never hurt Martina and you are ignorant if you think Alberto would hurt Martina, on or off cam which seems to be your other bone of contenton.  Every other room in RLC have activities outside their apartments.  Get use to it.  It is summer in Barcelona and the pandemic has subsided.  Young people, including Martina, party and they party hard, but not at home.  They party at clubs and bars and the parties often start at 11PM and go on and on and on.  Now stop your belly aching and enjoy them as long as they stay on RLC.  Martina will get her education and Alberto will progess in his landscaping job and they will get off of RLC because of their abilities and intelligence, not because of your incessant ranting and raving to discredit and discourage them.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    That wont happen because then we'll know there worst kept secret as in they're still seeing each other and i mean seeing each other lol

    They had not seen each other in a long time.  When Martina was not on cam, Nelly was and vice versa.  Martina has other things to keep her busy. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Prepare yourself !

    Morning is coming....

    For Martina: drunk, stoned, no panties, no bra, trouble to walk and a big nap all day to prepare for the next night, those Barcelona nigh....

    During the day, wake up a little bit for the change of oil for Alberto to make sure is ok and Martina will check her list: Alberto change of oil done, now planning to the 'other' change of oil for the next night, Go Girls ! 

    And do some smile to the cam for the money coming from RLC....

    Do some texting to Nelly and Louis and the fat guy. Make believe again that she has gone in vacation with Louis when it was a time of accommodating 'work with pleasure' for her.

    But Martina did forgot some important things: she didn't tell Alberto how much the supposed holiday with Louis was because she was not on vocation with Louis, she was 'at work' with somebody on a very good trip ($$$$) but it was a very beautiful vacation for her. Everybody love to be on luxury vacation and be treated like a princess...

    Why have you made up a story about a fake fancy vacation?  It does not make sense.  These 2 live such a frugal life.  It’s so obvious.  They are working so hard to do better in life.  Sometimes you are funny but not today.  They are trying hard and you should appreciate that.

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  16. 22 minutes ago, yelt said:

    He will have a more relaxing Friday alone.  It is Martina's external boyfriend (Luis) Birthday (31 perhaps or not) and I would think Alberto would not be invited. So hopefully he doesn't see Martina again until sometime Saturday or maybe even Sunday!

    Alberto is not alone.  He is with Taco.  And it is not Luis' birthday.  Luis has not been around since he came back from Croatia with Martina.  Perhaps he went back to his home town for the summer.  Sorry Yelt, you have been given bad info again.

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  17. 7 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Alberto in a FFM....We love Alberto but how can he do it ? In my case, I always find it 'strange' that a man could be with 2 woman and last...for everyone to be satisfied....but if you take 2 or 3  man with a woman, that another story and knowing Martina, she will be fulfilled to the max (with 3 of corse, segur) !

    She must have done it, based on my experience. I was like Martina when I was her age but we're not in the same generation 😉but it was the same desire and in every era, there are always people ahead of their time. 

    I have heard that Alberto is a porn star stud.  He can last 2 or 3 hours.  A perfect FFM would be Martina, Girlsfun2 and Alberto.  Too bad it will never happen. I will have to watch M & A only and be satisfied.  Thanks for offering.  Perhaps In another reality.  Sweet dreams, Girlfun2.

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  18. 51 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Well, Well we are missing some action here.....where is the 'old' Martina for the cam ?

    It's raining.  She has curled up with a good book.  Took Taco for dog training earlier. And Alberto has gone to bed early because he has to get up for his job at 5:30AM.  He looks like he hurt his right shoulder  I hope he feels better tomorrow. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, philo said:

    If Martina and Alberto are doing three ways off camera, there must be something in their RLC contract that would require them to bring that shit home?

    Your comment concerning Nelly should be posted under Nelly & Bogdan's forum, not Martina & Alberto's.  Is there a purpose for your post here?

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