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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 28 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    too long to read....sorry...

    You must learn to be concise and precise in your exchanges. Today, we don't have time to waste on long speeches....

    Again LOL or if you understand only image ->:tongue:

    PS. once again, let's go back to Martina

    So LOL does not mean "Lots of Love".  It's you, sticking your tongue out.  Nice way to express yourself to the forum>


    1 hour ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Let do a bullet lists for you (it's easier to understand 😄:

    • @Emmv and @Omedo are good people, they have not withdraw, they are still there, Hello guys !
    • " throw pearls in front of pigs" it only apply to you "Dumb and Dumber" but you're the one who says it to yourself but you must remember when your female teacher at school told you to think before you open your mouth 😊
    • "the same crap here in the forum" again, it only apply to you "Dumb and Dumber" but you're the one who says it to yourself but you must remember when your female teacher at school told you to think before you open your mouth 😊
    • " anyone who is reasonably sane can interpret it", that's exactly what we do and we argue to validate the information, remember, in life you don't have the choice to have an analytical and critical mind (constructive) because otherwise, you'll be screwed (there some many example today in this world)..so please don't screwed yourself 😄
    • "trapped in their fantasies" don't forget, the forum is a place to present scenarios of what is  happening, what can happen and have fun putting some fantasy in it, this is the main purpose of the forum. Strange that after so many years on the forum, Dumb and Dumber you didn't realize that 😄
    •  "translators aren't prophets or gods who are always right," yes but don't forget that when you present a statement, there can always be a debate around it and that's normal

    Have you noticed that my writing state is 'calm and positive' in order to have a constructive exchange (with a little bit of sarcasm to have a little fun 😊) ? I'm sure that most of the participants share my impression....do you see that I write "most", it mean that some will not be agree and that ok.

    Have fun by giving pleasure to others...however, beware of the interpretation of this sentence LOL 😜 (I'm a woman, I must be aware on my writing...🤔)  

    So let go back to Martina and Alberto and Taco and the fish tank to have fun ! Do you agree with this ? Again I'm sure that most of the participants want that.


    Hi GF2

    Calling us derogatory names is not "calm and positive" nor is it a "constructive exchange".   

    By the way, you are entitled to give your opinions on this forum, no matter how odd and long winded they may be.  You can repeat them as often as you want which seems to comfort you.

    I have a big heart and I forgive you.  Now we should get on with loving Alberto and Martina.

    By the way what does LOL mean except "Lots of Love"?  Do you as a woman have a special meaning for LOL (that you are aware on your writing....)? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Yes, he understands pretty much what is said between Martina and the others but, a big but, he shares only the information that he wants to report and in the form that he wants, so, a skewed translator. He reports what pleases him and in accordance with what he thinks. We have to take it into account when we read what he write...

    P.S  Sometimes by provoking him, he let slip some good information trying to justify himself but he doesn't realize he give a lot of info that way. That why I like to 'play' with him... I use my woman mind...LOL


    I am so impressed.  Congratulatios, you are such a provoker/  Good luck.  LOL 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

    Maybe we are seeing all there is to see. Martina stays up till 4am, plays video games, phone time with friends, sleeps till 12 noon. Not to sit around in an empty apartment, she visits her friends Nelly and Bogdan, jumps in the pool, hangs out, smokes, maybe a drink. Home to Alberto, some dinner, TV, maybe prepare to go out that night and hang with friends ... more smoking and drinking.  Repeat. The affair between Martina and Nelly is in the past. Her off camera sexual liaisons are a fantasy. She doesn't tell Alberto, because there is nothing to tell. 

    It's interesting that you have simplified the events of the past year.  Martina has some very good friends and they have many common interests including talking, dancing and drinking )including all night long)but not fucking.  (By the way Barcelona starts their partying at midnight and we should all try to experience it).  And she has a very good friend and lover whose name is Alberto who talks and fucks her often and dances and drinks less often.  Many of the people of the forum can't stand that their relationship is more open than theirs.  It is without doubt that she has had a bi-sexual relationship with Nelly but except that they meet once in a while as friends, it is over.  I, obviously, have no off cam evidence and the forum has no on cam evidence.  All that anyone can do is fantacize. So be it.  But Martina may have had other bi-sexual affairs which Alberto knows about and accepts because that is their agreement.  They do not need the approval of the forum.  That is their decision.  And if Alberto and Martina are happy then the forum should be happy for them as well.  

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  5. 13 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Big kiss to you too Dumb and Dumber....we know that we have a special bond and it only the beginning like in a movie... remember I have already worked in the entertainment world.

    You know my philosophy: have constructive exchanges and full of fun !!! LOL

    You have a lot to work on GF2 .  You would be far better off being nice to me.  You can’t make a movie without a plot.  Good luck.LOL No kiss yet.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    About the 'job' that martina could be doing at night:

    Dumb and Dumber: you have more and more people not thinking like you , you have a lot of work to do: write in the forum again and again the same stuff .....

    An advice: learn how to do some copy and paste, ask Dr Google

    We all waiting.....wake up !!! LOL

    P.S. Oh my god, it like Friday night for me, lot of fun LOL. Martina toll me "it so funny to see you all writing those stuff and I'm making more money, go for it, I love you all except Dumb and Dumber !!!"  

    You don’t love Dumb and Dumber!  I am devastated.  At least you spelled Dumb and Dumber correctly.  Good Night GF2

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  7. 5 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    You don’t refute each point because you can’t.

    I have refutted every point in the past without success.  But please tell me what the purpose of girlfun2's comments.  Is it to encourage Martina to go out and have fun and get fucked.  That's her goal because she would love to be in Martina's shoes and that's what she would do.  

    As an example, her first point concerns her long phone calls.  Why would that be a problem?  She has insinuated that the calls are with a secret lover.  This secret lover is in GF2's imagination.  Martina is a night bird.  All of her friends are also night birds.  She has a long list of friends she speaks to and she tells them everything and they tell her everything.  Alberto is told about these calls.  But this has a serious sexual conotation to GF2.  Give it up.  And to top it off, you agree.    

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  8. 28 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

    In order to supplement your positiv report:

    Yesterday was an interesting event. I would like to share my observations here. That was probably Alberto and Martina's party, but they celebrated it in B-7. Alberto and Martina probably prepared the paella at home and brought all the ingredients with them. Alberto has obviously prepared a real treat on the grill. Martina helped him a lot (Cam 4.3 14:30) In any case, the pan was completely empty at the end. For our friends from the USA, Down Under, etc.: Paella is the national dish of the province of Valencia, where Martina (and Alberto?) come from, and is now world-famous. The wonderfully creamy rice stew with fine saffron is a firework of flavors made from everything the Spanish province Valencia has to offer: fish, crustaceans and meat. Martina then also prepared the dessert, a kind of sangria. Great recognition.

    Watching the participants interact with each other was really interesting. The body language between Martina and Bogdan was something special... (18:50:16. Martina really has skills that probably drive most men crazy in seconds. She managed (with bare breasts) to lure Bogdan into the pool. She cut a very good figure playing ball with him. Bogdan was a bit embarrassed under Nelly and Alberto's observation.

    When Martina and Alberto went home, they were accompanied by Nelly (without Bogdan?) and they were probably celebrating somewhere together (see camera 4-1 19:18:40). However, at 21:10 Alberto came back to pick up something forgotten and went outside with Bogdan (in his swimming trunks). And who was Nelly at that time?

    Sorry for this long report. For me it was like a stage play, a lot was so beautiful and yet so unreal. I have seen many positive aspects. Alberto in particular was in a really good mood. Now we are looking forward to the next act in this theater play.

    Thanks for your view of what happened yesterday.  Can you clarify what "cutting a very good figure playing ball" is.  Was there contact involved?

    Then the next paragraph talks about M&A going home with Nelly and not Bogdan, but Alberto went back where? and Bogdan was where? and M&N were where?  Again please clarify.

  9. 1 hour ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    absolutely agree with everything said there and if id had said it I would have been machine gunned by certain members of the forum so I'm glad you said it

    I could spend a lot of time refuting each point but there does not seem to be any purpose.  I am not sure  of your end game here.  Do you want Martina to leave Alberto? There may be a better relationship out there for Martina but you have no idea what their past history together has been.  You do not know how they met, who their family and friends are and what trials and tribulations they have already gone through in life (after 10 years).  All that you have seen is her relationship with Nelly (which you hope is still on, which no one can confirm or deny, except that you would think that there would be some indication on cam that would give more credibility.  But it is far more exciting to say they are still fucking even though they are probably not.

    There are many other important parts to life than fucking and I believe that Martina is smart enough to see that Alberto provides her with most of those parts.  Both of them are not perfect and when you see either of them upset with each other (whether this forum agrees with me or not) this is life.  If they get upset with each other and don't talk about it and don't make up, then they don't deserve each other.  But, so far, they always find the reason to see the good in each other and then they fuck.  

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  10. 54 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    LOL Remember everybody know that the word 'Topless' is a direct link to Martina, don't forget, we do not need to add 'Martina' and 'topless' LOL

    P.S. Also remember, I'm BI...but Alberto seem to be a good guy to have conversation with in a coffee shop...   

    It seems that you might be missing out.  Martina has decided that she can have coffee with him and fuck him.  (twice today, so far)

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  11. Just now, BubbaG said:

    I saw Martina and Alberto arrive together at @ 13:26 No topless.

    Martina went topless when she went into the pool and afterwards was dancing for philo and girlsfun2.  When they went to eat she put Alberto's top on.  I guess she is a little bit shy in front of everyone.

  12. 13 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    LOL that good  ! I have no prejudice but if you feel important to tell us that Alberto is topless and you 'love' it , that ok LOL 

    P.S Even when a man is 'full' of muscle, it doesn't excite me the way Martina is topless, that another stuff....good stuff....Yes ! 

    Your English is not be very good.  I said that "you" would love it. LOL

  13. 10 minutes ago, philo said:

    One thing for sure: No matter who makes a post or what they say about Martina, there will always be one person who tries to redirect the narrative back to his assertions. He claims to know the landlady where Martina lives. I'm waiting on him to tell us when her period starts. He never tells us anything at all except when he is trying to refute someone else' posting. You will know who he is by his behavior. I don't actually think it is a "he"...I think "he" is a watch team of RLC agents who troll many of the pages to perform the task of "protecting" featured performers from analysis and criticism. Watch teams come in shifts so whatever time of day or night you make a post, "he" is there to correct you and inform you. The only mystery for my is why no one challenges "them" to provide evidence of the claims they make. Everyone else is expected to show how he knows "the wanted a new sofa" and how they were denied by the landlady. I'm just saying.

    I think you are funny for calling me an RLC agent.  No such luck.  Just a lucky guy who happens to get some information from a translator every once in a while.  It's fun knowing what you don't know because you were rude to the translators in the past and didn't believe them anyway the same way you don't believe anything I am saying.  So you will continue to make things up because that is what makes you feel good.

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  14. 22 minutes ago, BubbaG said:

    As usual at 1603  she is doing her daily masturbation before Alberto gets home. A case of I got mine, fuck you later maybe! 

    She should masturbate.  If she feels the need she should do it.  That’s the good thing about women, they can be multi-orgasmic.  Finger fuck now, fuck Alberto later if both are in the mood.  Best of both worlds.

    By the way, she is still hungover from last night’s binge unless you didn’t realize it.

  15. 3 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Is the physicality and harassing the beginning stages of a more deepening internal argument? 

    Not sure but I would venture to say one of the reasons RLC does not provide an alternate apartment option is because they see the writing on the wall between this FWB situation. Perhaps it is not long for them as a couple. We wait and see!

    They love this apartment or they would have gotten a new one.  They wanted a new sofa but the landlord refused because of Taco.  I don’t blame the landlord.  Taco loves to dig holes in that couch.  They are close to downtown and school.  They love their balcony.  And I agree they are probably nearing the end of RLC because they should start a new life with bigger and better goals, NOT because their relationship is nearing an end.

  16. 20 minutes ago, philo said:

    So the counter argument that a couple people here want to make is this: 1) Although Martina likes to fuck a lot, likes to get naked and show off her body, she does not do any of this with the Big Guy; 2} Although Martina talks a lot on the phone and in person to the Big Guy, they have to go to the patio when he visits or they have to spend all night together off camera so they can "talk"; 3) Although Martina likes to suck dick, she only likes to suck Alberto's dick...the gesture at the Big Guys' dick was only to flick lint off of his fly.

    I applaud these theorist for their analysis... It surely qualifies for a DSM-5 designation.


    Why are you so hung up about Martina having to fuck Dani?  Is there no such thing as a good friendship?  They go to the balcony for a smoke.  They never smoke in the apartment.  What gesture did Martina make at Dani’s Dick?  If Martina wanted to suck his dick, she would have taken it out and sucked it in front of everyone so you would not have to fantasize about it anymore.  Besides Alberto is such a cuckold according to everyone he would have applauded after she did it.

    What a stupid set of events for some to imagine.  You’ve surely got to find another hobby.

  17. 11 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    you really dont get their relationship, not being mean but she comes home at 10am the next morning with no panties drunk as hell he does not care,seen Daniel grinding on her ass kissing her neck Al walks in see's this and just smiles like i said he is a cuckold 


    She really is a mystery and Alberto loves her anyway.  I heard the other day that she went swimming naked or with her panties only at the beach and then rather than putting the wet panties back on, she went commando (no underwear, how weird and sexual).  And she will never live down a playful kiss from Dani (over a year ago by the way).  Please keep repeating these events over and over and over and it will seem like it happened a hundred times rather than the one time it actually happened.

  18. 13 minutes ago, BubbaG said:

    At any rate it's going to be interesting to see the reaction as Alberto returns. I ask in advance if someone could interpret what is said. Alberto may not even have anything to say, I don't know what I would do. Most likely if all that people say is tru then I wouldn't be there anyway.

    Thanks !

    OBTW that phone sure gets a workout!

    What do you think Alberto is going to be upset about.  Dani is a good friend of both Martina and Alberto.  Alberto knew very well that Martina was going out late and probably getting drunk with Dani.  Dani had just come back from vacation and they would have had a lot to talk about.  It seems that no one has noticed but except for the vacation at the festival, Martina has not been going out late at night partying.  No one has mentioned that.  She does stay up late at night talking on the phone with her friends, Marta, her brother, Elena, Luis and Dani.  I would bet that Martina has a large social network that also keeps her busy on her cellphone.  That will change soon when she starts school again which I believe is in the middle of September.  Keep fantacizing guys and girls.  She hasn't even seen much of Nelly.  Everyone must be disappointed.

  19. 16 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

    Ha Ha Ha, lets not overlook the open door policy of peeing in front of friends. At 0240, after entering the apartment with her friend Dani, Martina sat on the toilet, door open, with Dani sitting on the couch arm facing her, not more than 4 feet away. 

    When you gotta go, you gotta go.

  20. 1 hour ago, philo said:

    There is another group on this forum who will tell you that you did not see what you think you saw in the kitchen. That's what they tried to tell me. Your instincts seem to be good so just rely on that rather than what you are told and you will be fine. You will have to be strong because if they cannot convince you to believe as they do, they will attack you. 

    Whether you have a special ability to read people's body language or not, and whether Martina and Dani flirted with each other while they were drunk, and even if they went on the balcony and Dani came back into the living room perspiring profusely,  still,  any sexual activity between Dani and Martina would be totally conjecture.  What is not conjecture is that Martina ended up in bed beside Alberto as she always does and this cannot be disputed.  If Martina were having such a great time with all of these promiscuous friends, why doesn't she stay out all night and not return home to Alberto and Taco?  And when he wakes up to go to work, he rolls over to give a good morning kiss.

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  21. 56 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Again again again ... it is NOT that hard to believe.  But it is also quite possible that she has hooked up when she is away.  She has done it before.  She has been quoted that "no one controls me" and it is obvious she is a very free spirited person.  And she rarely does her partying and socializing with her  boyfriend, which in itself is not very relationship healthy.  She has voiced concern on where her relationship is going with the "ni ni".  They don't appear to be exclusive and to one of your points, she tells Alberto everything and he accepts it.  Not sure why you think she has to be a compulsive liar for my view of this to be true.  She tells Alberto everything. 

    If you agree that it is "more possible than not that she is just having fun with friends" then we can find common ground.  But you continue to respond strongly to any suggestion to the contrary.  You have an agenda of some sort. 

    I am not good at not having the last word, but I will keep trying.

    We have common ground and I have no agenda. There is no such thing as winning.  I just hope they stay happy.  It is always possible it may end, but I hope not.

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