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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. I went back and looked and yes she said they were ok but I know I would be frustrated if I had to look at a woman so beautiful and knew she was masterbating but turned me down for sex,and yes I am being selfish a little bit as I would love to see her having sex again
  2. but when he tries to get some and is rejected can that go on qo on without consequenses I am in my mid 50s and have been in similar relationships in the past just because my ex said their was nothing wrong did not mean shit and no she did not say why she does not want to have sex with her man but can masterbate 3 times in 2 days but turn him down,dont get me wrong I hope they will be here forever but it is just a worry that we will lose her
  3. ok now I have have been back on RLC for 2 months now 18 hrs a day most times and still have not seen these 2 have sex I read here of them doing it once in that time that I missed,2 times in the last week I saw paul trying to get some but only to be shot down both times he even had her panties off one time she got up put her panties back on then went out to sleep on the couch,now you want to tell me everything is great with these 2 that's ok but I don't buy it
  4. hey RLC is a business this might be a tease so if you want to see more of her subscribe,do you see my train of thought they might just be trying something different here you can only do the same thing over and over again before it gets old,i personaly would love to see more of her she is so my type so maybe its wishful thinking on my part,that is assuming RLC is involved in the tenants actions
  5. belle was the last one to use the dildo on Carolina that night for awhile uncovered then with the sheet up,edited except when lola took caro out on the balcony
  6. nothing is going to happen with these two for a few more days just as peoples who singed up for the orgy or right after subscriptions run out,like mine is hey got to give people a reason to renew their memberships again,that one goes out to the members who think rlc micromanages the events here to get the most money they can witch they might I just don't know myself one way or the other
  7. one bottle of wine was not going to accomplish much,now they need to go get something stronger
  8. of that I am not sure,i don't believe so myself I keep asking if anyone knows for sure in hopes one of our translating members might know that one
  9. its her phone she uses it as a light,i don't understand her if she is so shy why bathe here or have sex here she lives in the area why not just go home to do these things????
  10. I went through the same thing about a month ago myself I let it expire then 2 hours later belle and becca had their fling and I missed it,now I have to make the same decision again in 4 more days
  11. I have never seen anyone like kira she never gets anything from her lover she never bates when does this girl ever have a orgasm all she does is satisfy her lover never anything for herself
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