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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. so when becca and belle were dancing and she came out and bitched about the music when she did not have to get up in the morning,hell she even stayed up in the living room after the other 2 went to bed so just what was she bitching about except maybe they were making her look like a prude,yes physicaly she is very sexy to look at but sexy is more than looks
  2. if all you want is to see a pretty woman naked you can see thousands of them for free on the internet
  3. just who the hell does jas thinks is paying her salary never have I seen a girl on here act like she has been
  4. she thinks its madness that people translate their conversations is she mental,the irony of this is we heard this from someone translating them
  5. RLCs new add,wanted girls who want to do nothing but watch tv or play on their phone or laptop and get paid for it the more boring the better
  6. I keep asking if anyone knows for sure its her sister and I never get a response you know how people like to speculate on here
  7. they call it a guest room for a reason I don't see much personal stuff in that room,but such a long um for just a guest coming in seems a bit much
  8. that is surprising I would think they would do better they started the whole lesbian play thing I know it was not real but they started what ended up in the lesbian orgy in my opinion
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