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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. I personally have no problem with how RLC runs things they have no idea how each individual girl will react but when the girls try and bend the others to their will at the detrimement of us who pay their wages and bills then it becomes a issue but that is a problem with the girl not RLC
  2. this is supposed to be real life right,like its normal for a beautiful girl on a paid vacation in barcalona to just sit on her ass and watch desperate house wives every night and to bitch if anyone else wants to cut loose and have some fun,that has been my biggest bitch about jasmin she knew what this apt was all about but she moved in anyway then tried to mold it to her way of thinking,people hated it when melina did it at barca 1 but give jas a free pass
  3. I have seen jas wearing ear buds before when watching her Ipad so if she had a problem with the noise there was a simple solution no need to storm past the other girls and slam the door after only a couple of minutes of the door being open except just to be anal and try and kill the mood remember the look she gave becca and belle when she saw what they were doing that first night she puled that crap
  4. if jas has a problem with noise while she is watching her ipad does she not own a pair of ear buds or headphones she does not need to be anal about it
  5. you cant see anything she turns off the lights and uses her phone as a light really pisses me off because I think she is so hot she is just the type I love,i had 3 girlfriends in a row all 5 ft 2 inches 100 lbs
  6. I see you call me irrational I say you are irrational because you are blinded by jasmins beauty and no matter what you will never admit anything bad about her ,and you still did not say why she does what she does just as I thought because there is no reason in the world for it
  7. why the hell does jasmin even do it though its not like she is trying to sleep so what possible reason could she have to come out there and do that she did exacly the same thing to belle and becca all I can think of is to try and kill the fun if any of you jasmin appologists can awnser that one I would love to hear it
  8. remember that one time the neighbor pounded on the door that one night complaining about the noise and how it killed the mood and the girls quit dancing and the clothes went back on its the same deal with jasmin its just a mood killer when someone complains and slams doors
  9. its not the first time she has done that ,what the hell is her problem its not even like she was trying to sleep ,I just think she can stand to see anyone having fun if she cant and that's what I have a problem with
  10. belle finnaly has a fun loving girl to party with and she cant get off her phone now what the hell
  11. and its not even like she is trying to sleep she is on her ipad,what the hell is her problem?
  12. can you see her pulling that shit if lola was still around,tell me again how jas doesn't try to kill the fun
  13. what about the night becca and bele were dancing and she came out and bitched about the music as if she had to get up in the morning or something that is the time I am talking about,oh and no listening to music we are going to watch tv every single night crap
  14. yea I have only been following RLC for 2 1/2yrs I go back as far as when pregnant nora was here,i say no other girl has bitched about us fans and tried to be sure her roomates did not have fun like jas has
  15. in what universe is feeling each others tits not sexual I'm not talking about a massage they were sitting on the couch and kami grabbed kristies hand and put it down her shirt so she could play with her tits
  16. oh and they were not faking it then and just doing what it took to entertain the people that actually pay for thieir life styles
  17. oh k and k were the first to play the lesbian thing they did the full body massages hell I watched kami grab kristies hand and put it down her shirt to feel her tit and you say they did not do anything sexual
  18. problem is is I already paid for it and oh I wont make that mistake again till something changes,but I cant stop watching just hoping something good might happen
  19. you want to get to know the girls personalities well isn't that what jas is bitchin about oh people are translating our conversations oh no
  20. what personality watching desperate house wives 24/7,making sure your roomates don't have fun give me a break
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