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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. watch RLC do something at about the time people that subscribed because of the lesbian parties subscriptions run out just like that night becca and belle had together that was around one month after the party believe me I know my subscription had just run out then but it got me to resubscribe
  2. hell when they were in voyeur villa they had a lot of sex and nudity
  3. well if the motion detectors start going off in the guest room its a good bet its a new girl coming in
  4. now we get to guess whats up,is jas leaving or are we getting a new girl or is it just maintenance, if like people were saying they might close this apt soon it does not make any sense to do maintenance
  5. when a woman would rather masterbate than have sex then turns down her man when he wants sex that's complex alright
  6. hey I go back 2 1/2 yrs no its not how they have always been they used to sleep together and have sex all the time look right now she stayed on the couch all night till he left then she went to bed so don't tell me this is how they have always been because I know better
  7. have you even been watching them lately she masterbated 3 times in 2 days but wont have sex with him and she sleeps on the couch every night and wont go to bed till he leaves you think that is a good relationship really??
  8. I asked a few days ago if these two had given up having sex as I have not seen them do anything in over a month and a half hasn't anyone else noticed her sleeping on the couch almost every night its not like she is just falling asleep watching tv because in the middle of the night she wakes up and instead of going to bed she will just cover up and stay there,the other day I thought they were going to do something he even had her panties off you could tell he wanted to do something and she gets up and put her panties back on and went in the other room I don't know about you guys but I can see something is not right here leora is wonderful and I would hate to see anything happen that might mean she will leave RLC I hope I am worried over nothing
  9. yes I wish they were being entertaining as we all do, the european fans have all the other apts they can watch, back when I was working before I became disabled I would come home from work I would log in and everyone was sleeping most every day and that pissed me off and that was when there were only 7apts ,now there are 17 and I see nothing has changed and people here are paying 45 a month to watch people sleep or if they are awake they are just watching tv its in RLCs interest to do something about this and change something
  10. its the jasmin effect here, if belle had the right girl here she would be game and be entertaining as hell we all know this,so these girls went from being on their phones or watching tv all day to watching tv and being on their phones all night instead not much of a change is it really
  11. if they did tell them to stay up its because here in the US its prime time and everyone on here is in bed except these girls and zoyas crew,i live in eastern standard time its 8:30 here 5:30 west coast so you lose most all the usa with nothing to watch except people sleeping,granted this is not worth watching and was probably a bad idea for these two girls but with other girls it worked well go back to the lola days they would be up all night and were entertaining
  12. I think that last view right before she covered up was the best,hey for her that was one awesome show,maybe she read my earlier comment about not playing the game lol
  13. I'm not sure about a lot of things about her to tell you the truth,she does not do things because of her boyfriend but he has been with other girls,she is not shy she gets nude enough and she is here to make money but wont play the game to make more money
  14. people claim its her sister but I asked on here if anyone knew it for a fact or were people just assuming it,and I got no answer
  15. the girls were already asleep when he crawled in between them,did you catch later when her shirt had rode up and she rolled over and threw her leg over him her tit had to be rubbing on him I commented then he probably would have liked to be awake for that
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