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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. did you see where her and her man were cuddling on the bed in the living room she had her leg over him then sasha got on the bed behind her and threw his leg over her, very strange
  2. wow masha is so messed up the girls had to help her change her clothes damn they were not gone that long,the other girls look ok
  3. hell I was as pissed as anyone when they stopped partying,but I have accepted it,i have two weeks left till my membership runs out and I wont be renewing it unless something drastic changes till then I'm going to enjoy what I can from these apartments and the others,but everyone is entitled to feel however they want after all its their money
  4. I think that blonde guest is so damn sexy she is so much my type I got a thing for the petite ones with a sweet ass
  5. well all us guys who said these girls get bonuses for doing stuff have been proven right finally,guess we can thank jasmin for that at least
  6. I followed rlc for 1 1/2 yrs I joined when I saw her walk across their old living room nude and I have seen her masterbate many times you don't need to sell me on the wonders of leora I was just wondering why it seams like they don't hardly ever have sex anymore is all
  7. kinda like a normal married couple lol,when I followed rlc before they did it all the time so I was just curious is all
  8. I have been back following RLC for a month and a half now around 18 hrs a day yes I have no life lol and have not seen these two do anything I read here of them doing it once and I missed that, I have seen all the other couples doing it many times, have these two pretty much given up having sex,i read here of her masterbating 3 times in 2 days I'm just curious whats going on here
  9. and that is smart of them ,by that time they are the only thing goin on and have all the viewers
  10. sasha and the little hottie are sitting body to body when there is plenty of room for her to move over
  11. hey are you having a problem with the motion detectors and the thumb nails are not changing or is it just me
  12. 3 am looks like they are all staying,looks like I will be getting up early to catch the shower parade their friends tend to not be shy
  13. last night after jasmin came out topless and said something to the other 2 about the bras i have never seen two girls whip their bras off so fast the look on jasmins face was priceless,was one of the best moments of the night
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