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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. people say the sweet little blonde is her sister,now that would be kinky or did you mean the lesbian couple lol
  2. people bitch and say get rid of Becca how many other Barca girls have done what she has or even what she is doing right now,was a nice view
  3. I think the only thing that could make not watch this is if K and K were getting it on then I would have to go spit screen I guess
  4. well I called it hours ago that jasmin would not go to bed,and would stay out in the living room all night,hey even a broken clock is right once in awhile lol
  5. and when I started watching I was working and all the couples usually were in bed when I got home so was lucky to see anything every few days,but leora had me hooked day one,but yes we get spoiled easy I guess,well we did have all 7 girls have sex here then the next 3 replacements did too that's kind of easy to get used to
  6. omg a toppless massage I think I'm going to faint you must have missed the full body massage that lola and becca gave each other
  7. after last night I doubt jasmin will go to bed till she is sure the other girls do,cant have them having fun now why else do you think she came back out in the living room and just sat on the couch had to make sure that nobody started dancing again
  8. you are right that is a nightmare I did not believe she would stay,damn that Rebecca she should have just let her leave when she wanted too
  9. and if you had a girl there who liked to party like belle and becca you could still be seeing some fun,last night was a perfect example when the 2 girls were dancing and jasmin came out a couple times once she asked them to turn down the music,its not even like jasmin was trying to sleep or like she had to be up early I stil cant figure that one out,guess she cant stand seeing anyone have fun I guess
  10. why does she keep checking the bath water if its too hot just add cold water,she has gone in there a least a half dozen times now
  11. when becca first got back her and lola had a good one they both did the fronts too and spent a lot of time on each others tits
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