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Everything posted by upndown

  1. I know this was posted a few days ago, but I just saw it. So good it deserves a second view. ;D ;D ;D
  2. I wasn't being serious. Just a pretty weird sense of humour! ;D ;D ;D
  3. Sorry know, the google translator seems to be struggling with this ??? ???
  4. Nikki seems to be intent on getting as close to Jenny as possible. Could this be love? I hope its not more of this girly girly touchy feely shit!! ;D ;D
  5. They really need to put a cam in the corner area. That is where everybody is going to be sitting, especially in the winter months. Better still, move Bogdan and the Smiling Angel to another apartment and give this one to the refugees. You could get two or three hundred in there!!
  6. Well, I'm really disappointed! I was using my considerably powerful psychic abilities to send a message to the guest to get up and go into the bedroom, while Lev was giving Zoya the old Russian hot dog. Nothing! Zero! Not even a twitch! I'm going to have to check with my I.S.P. that they have the 'psychic power broadband enabler' switched on. :-\ :-\ :-\
  7. Well maybe.... if Mario and the black dude can find anther guy! ;D ;D
  8. Perhaps Carla made conditions with Mario if he wanted her to stay - and 'the mighty dark dick' is one of them! :) :)
  9. Yes, but if no one will talk to you it must be difficult. On her last visit, I remember her as bright and bubbly when Rita and her were together. I think Charlie Chaplin would have a hard time being interesting in this apartment at the moment. (I suppose that's a given seeing that he's been dead quite a few years now) :) :)
  10. The guest certainly seems to getting more used to the cams. I hope so, cause I sure would enjoy seeing some Guest/Zoya action. :P :P :P :P :P :P
  11. The whole thing seems a really disjointed arrangement. He certainly does not seem to want to be there, at least not for the reasons Nikki (and Nora and RLC) wants him there for. Between that and Jenny being ignored and pretty much having to stay stuck in her room, this looks very much like a quick, cobbled together arrangement, doomed to failure. :-[
  12. tonpied, give it up! StnCld asked for no more derogatory comments about Jenny sometime ago. Nobody with any brains thinks it's funny! They are trying to get a good happy forum here. This crap doesn't help.
  13. With all the other apartments, you tend to neglect Leora. Then you click and Wow! there she is! She really is quite stunning. :) :)
  14. I think if the tech problems were solved, the apartment is ok. I quite like the settee views. I can just picture Kami & kristy snuggled up on there. :P :P
  15. Snaky would be the man to send in. Snakes smell with their tongues! Wow! maybe that's why he doesn't kiss ass!! ;D
  16. Perfect apartment for Kami & Kristy. :P :P
  17. Either that or she is saying "Have any of you guys got a hard dick?" :)
  18. True Story - Many years ago my wife and I visited my mother-in-law who was in her seventies. During the conversation she suddenly said "Oh, wait till I show you my new vibrator" and left the room leaving my wife and myself staring at each other open mouthed. To our relief she returned with a back massage pad!! A priceless moment though :)
  19. I now know what you mean about Rita as I myself have fallen madly in love with Nelly! The difference is that Nelly is already spoken for, which means that at some point she is going to have to chose between me and Bogdan. I am quietly confident however, that my forty plus more years of life experience added to my extensive collection of Beatles LPs should do the trick!! :-\ :-\ :-\
  20. I've heard about being up each others arse, but that's just ridiculous!! ;D ;D
  21. Jeez, its really dead here tonight. They used to say that 20 to 30 year olds had sex a minimum of twice per week. With twelve apts., that's around 3.5 times a night! Mind you, that's before some prick invented smart phones! :( :(
  22. Maybe euromike could work his magic and show both faces together.
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