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Everything posted by upndown

  1. I could well be getting myself into all sorts of trouble here - I'm calling it -'In defence of Efim'-!! Just hear me out StnCld before you and Foamy start fighting about which one of you is going to ban me!! I have been a staunch critic of the little shit for a long time. However, recently, a few things have been happening that have had me doubting my opinion. On a forum like this, we tend to go for goodie and baddie type judgements, and the guy tends normally to be the baddie. We also tend to judge through the eyes of lets say, maturity. Efim is a young guy, and when he arrived with Diane, I doubt if he was long out of his teenage years. Diane was a beauty. Someone we all loved pretty much from day one. In the first couple of days, Efim blotted his copybook with the three in the bath episode. We all started snarling! Over time things turned bad. We blamed Efim. It could not possibly be the lovely Diane. However, on more than one occasion, it was plain that Diane had some problems. I saw her twice suddenly punch herself hard on the face for no apparent reason, while they were having sex. On other occasions, I saw Efim grab her wrists to prevent her from doing similar damage to herself. This behaviour must have been very difficult for a young inexperienced man to deal with. We don't know what he did or did not do to help her. There was talk that it was all an act to get out of RLC. Don't think so. Diane's tears, and there were plenty of them, seemed pretty real to me. They also seemed the tears of someone with more than simple relationship problems. The main point that's puzzling me is this. I think that Zoya, Nelly, Bogdan, Dasha and Demid are all pretty decent, reasonable, intelligent people. I know that if in a group of friends, a guy treats his girl very badly, the group, and especially the females in the group, will never give him the time of day again. The exact opposite has happened here. Efim is welcomed with open arms by the females of the group. Maybe the difference is that they know all the facts, while we simply speculate. The girl that he is with now seems to be very fond of him, and he her. I think we should give him another chance to prove himself. If he fucks up again, I shall make a full apology for my stupidity! Sorry for the length of this, but it's a bit like trying to defend O.J.!! :yes: :yes:
  2. You have always been pretty much spot on before bookmaster, so I'll take this as 100%. I am good at telling what people are like. Why they are like that is a whole different can of worms!! I get annoyed at Ilona in particular, because if she just would be herself, I think she has the potential to be a really nice person. :idk:
  3. Yes, I think you are spot on with your thought that Layla thinks she is above them. I think that the length of time she took to recover from her drunken antics the other evening was more down to mental state than physical state. She had let herself be seen as imperfect, and that must have have been a big hit for her ego.
  4. Mikey, I must have put about half a dozen posts on here regarding Ilona's antics. I posted the first one not long after she got here. They pretty much say the same thing. Ilona's actions are all power plays. She simply must be top dog. She will do everything and anything to constantly remind the others of this. The not knocking the door thing is not bad manners, it is a deliberate act to show superiority. These actions are not always big or particularily noticable to us. For instance, when Anna and Layla were on the settee earlier, they had a plate for the pips or whatever it is they spit out. Ilona came down, sat down, took a handful out of the bag, and then pulled the plate over to her, away from the other two. It was good to see that Anna actually pulled it back into the middle. A small thing, but it means that Anna will only take so much before biting back. As I explained to mr1010 last night, I had to be very skilled in reading body language for my job. Unfortunately, if people don't see the subtle moves, they will disagree with your informed opinion. This has been the case for the last few weeks. I think now however, it starting to become clearer to most people exactly the kind of person there is behind the smiles. :yes:
  5. I have always been the first to defend tenants from unjust criticism sir. However, when a tenant behaves in the manner Ilona has, it is totally justified criticism. I will never call any tenants sluts or whores or other such terms. When I see someone acting in a particular way however, I will most certainly give my opinion of them. End of story!!!
  6. You can tell if it is conscious by comparing it to the persons general behaviour. ie if the person is generally acting in a nasty manner, this behaviour may not be conscious. If however the person is generally behaving in a friendly manner, as Ilona is doing, it is certainly a deliberate and conscious action.
  7. I hate to sound boring about this but this behaviour is a power play. It is showing the rest of the girls that she has the most confidence, therefore the least fear, therefore the most powerful.
  8. No mr1010, she does know exactly what she is doing. In my work, I had to study body language extensively. Ilona displays classic control behaviour. Everything she does is designed to make her top dog. Even this evening when Irma came home, she ran to cuddle her, take her to the settee, and then two or three minutes later, she suddenly grabbed her laptop and almost pushed Irma off the settee. Deliberate control actions. >:(
  9. Here's another guy who died way too young. I had this on vinyl in the 70's. Just bought the remastered version. This you tube one is the whole thing live. Superb!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H2922CVjV8
  10. Totally depends on what it is, where it came from and where it is going. If it is considered food stuff, it also presents problems.
  11. What about the two bottles of oil? If they don't use them tonight, and Irma takes them, then she can't be flying. They would not be allowed on a plane. As I would imagine flying is the only feasible way to Russia, if she takes them, she is not going home. :scratchchin: :scratchchin:
  12. Well I tried my best!! Irma was stopped by the cold witch that Ilona is. I said it from day one. Ignore all the laughing and carrying on. When they finished and went into the kitchen, it was clear that Irma was not happy. Ilona did her laugh and squeeze thing to placate her. but I think Irma is now realising she is getting taken for a mug. Ilona is a cold, calculating bitch. End of story!! :headache: :curse: >:( >:(
  13. Evening assholes!! Hope you are all well. Just to let you know, I will be sending one of my telepathic messages to Irma in a little while! Be ready for a surprise!! :yes: :yes:
  14. :wtf: They're at it again!!! This Alina and Anton stuff now. Must be about four or five hours!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
  15. Thanks K.Lane. Excellent stuff! Carla back with a bang - literally! I remember now why I liked them so much a few months ago. There is no faking with Carla. What you see is a girl who loves having sex. I liked these two pics because they show that she has a lot of fun with it. :yes: :yes:
  16. Spot on MrBox. We knew he was good, but if anything, she outshone him. It's a long time since I have saw a woman quite so skilled in the understanding of what a man wants. I think the show may also have been a 'Look RLC, we are what you want", to a certain degree. I never liked Efim, but on this showing I'd be pleased to see him, or rather her, in an apartment. :yes: :yes:
  17. OK, I think we all agree that Efim is a wee shit. However, he does seem to have some kind of attraction for the ladies. I suggest that we ask Nelly (who we know likes us), to arrange a get together between Efim and Zoya's guest. If he manages to get her knickers off in front of the cams, I feel all his indescretions should be forgotten, and he should be elevated to 'Efim the shitless' :yes: :yes:
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