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Everything posted by upndown

  1. Sorry. Hate to spoil the party, but I miss the comments next to the pics. On the comments pages, I'm seeing things like :"yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: look at those tits" Where!! When!! I don't know what fecking tits your talking about!!! I like things to be neat and tidy, but this to me is overkill. :no:
  2. No, can't happen! :no: BTW, I think you mean 'Is there a way'.
  3. So.. If minus your cool, But plus your a fool, If even, the twist, Is you cease to exist? :idk:
  4. Anybody else notice that the post below this is the sexy.com ad with the girl in exactly the same pose saying "Please fuck me" :lmao: :lmao:
  5. I got as far as 'paper wipes shit', but I'm stuck there!! :scratchchin:
  6. Layla, Layla, Where ur' yea. Ma wee boaby's gettin' itchy wi aw this waitin' :welcome: :welcome:
  7. To clarify, the one attached to my neck when you shout, the other one when you post your pics (friction burns!) On a serious note Mikey, I know this is your baby, and your enthusiasm is commendable, but anything new is going to take a little time to get used to. In the interim, mistakes will sometimes happen that will require some patience. I think the idea is excellent and to have pages of uninterupted beauty will be great. I have been thinking about the comments though, as for me, commenting on one thread, on a picture on a different thread, is a non-starter. The comment will lose its effect if you have to scroll through pages to find the matching pic. This is a shame as I really enjoy reading and occasionally quoting some of the related posts. Please don't take this as a critisism of your idea. As I said, it is a good one, but like most good ideas or inventions, maybe a little fine tuning could make it foolproof (almost). I think the perfect solution would be as is at the moment, except that when someone posts a pic. in the picture thread, it automatically also appears in the comments thread. This would keep the pic thread clean while allowing comments on a visible target. Now I am no tec guy, so I don't know how easy this would be to implement, but as they say "Where there's a will",etc.. I, like pretty well everyone else on the forum, truly appreciate all the time and effort that posters like you take to supply us with such memorable images. However, on a forum like this, I think it is important that the written word is also given its proper place. Hope this makes sense! Jez! Thats the longest I've been serious since my vasectomy!! :haha: :yes:
  8. Oops!, I just quoted a post on the picture thread which I think may have been better on here. :doh: Is it possible to transfer posts between threads? Please help me.. please..please...mods....anyone!!....help....I'm getting suicidal!!
  9. I'm with you on this one bookmaster. I've said in a few previous posts that Ilona's main concern is being Top Dog. She certainly appears to me to have a colder, more calculating personality than the other two girls. I also have to say that after reading the last few pages of this thread, some of the posts are starting to become overly personnal between posters. This site was almost a war zone a few months ago until the mods pulled it back. Please let's keep it to friendly banter. Everyone is different. Some people like canito are quite passionate in their posts, and use phrases that, if taken out of context, can sound worse than intended. I have not seen anything like the disrespect and blatant insults that were hurled at some the previous girls. Jenny especially had countless posts which were just downright nasty. So please everyone, two steps back, deep breath, and let's all be happy!!! :) :)
  10. As some of you know, I have highly developed physic abilities. I have seen a situation happening soon in the apartment that may interest you. In my vision, the three girls will push the sofa and table back and oil each others bodies before starting to slowly caress each other sensually. Unfortunately, just before they get to the pussy touching stage, a passing flying pig, drawn to the action, does not notice the glass balcony door, and crashes into it sending glass flying and abruptly halting the proceedings. I post this information so that when it starts, you all don't waste too much time getting the tissues ready, etc. :screwy: :screwy:
  11. I think Anna has turned her horny switch to 'off', and her "What me?, I'd never do anything like that!" switch to full power. I think it will take all of Irma's considerable tit power to come to bear if she wants those nips of hers sucked again! :yes:
  12. Cheer up peking! Remember, Ilona is so tight with her sexual favours, she even refuses her own fingers permission to touch her! :doh: :haha: :haha:
  13. Yes, I think I'm right in thinking the Mafia do that on particular occasions. 8)
  14. To cheer everybody up after their disappointment, over in Lesbo-land, Carina is showing those ear-bruising thighs of hers. :yikes: :yes: :yes: :lmao:
  15. What??.....They never had sex??....... Well... I'm dumbfounded.......astonished........amazed......sarcastic.. :haha: :haha:
  16. Shit Winnlove, you'll make his head even bigger (that's the one on the top of his neck!) :doh: :haha: :haha:
  17. I don't disagree with you often MrBox, but I think Ilona is not 'just having fun' when she does what she does. She has to be Top Dog and have control over the other two. If you follow what she does, you will see a classic pattern of pecking order behaviour. If there is no threat to her, she does nothing. The minute the other two start to get close, she acts. The big difference in these girls is that Irma and Anna are far more genuine and even possibly more naive than Ilona. To my mind, almost everything Ilona does is fake and calculated.
  18. I would not be too dissappointed. I think the minute Ilona hears Anna going to bed, she will bring this to an end. She only did this to break the other two up. Ilona is proving to be a real bitch in my opinion.
  19. I don't mind if she doesn't wash the dishes often enough. What is really pissing me off is her refusal to allow Irma and Anna time together in peace. She constantly places herself in their way. She has just done it again in Irma's room. Very obvious given that she will normally spend quite some time in the bath. Tonight she saw them go to Irma's room and she was in and out of the shower in about two minutes flat. Then she lay on the bed and demanded a massage. She knew full well that this would break up the atmosphere the other two had going. Anna just sank in the bed as if very dissappointed. This girl is way worse than Nora ever was. I know there is not supposed to be a boss in this apartment, but Ilona is acting like one. >:(
  20. upndown

    Tver - Split 3

    If you look on page 11, there is a quote with your name on it posted by Beancounter. Also, one of the main reasons for emots - :haha: :doh: :headache: - is to help show the attitude behind the post. So if it has - :haha: :haha: - after it, it clearly shows a lighthearted post. B.T.W., I'm still at a loss why you still insist on taking twenty lines to make a two line post!
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