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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. It's obviously the cameras. She even took a long time before showing herself naked for longer than a few sec in the beginning, showered in the dark & with bad lighting etc. But way to go to just throw around baseless accusations like you did in the bolded part. It tells more about you than about the guy you're accusing.
  2. He'll probably get accused by some guys on the forum of trying to steal her phone now! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. It's true Lacrim has his haters as well (all male tenants in RLC villas do). I don't particularly care for him, but don't think I've spoken negatively about him either. I'm just not the mr complainypants type. I might make fun of him though: humour is always better than hate or anger. ๐Ÿ˜‰ He comes across as a bit dodgy or awkward sometimes, but I'm sure he'll get kicked if he crosses a line so I don't worry too much about him (or Dylan, or any other male tenant). Advice some people should take to heart, for their own mental health & blood pressure.
  4. It is of course up to Shantal (and she'll only fuck Dylan off cam I'm afraid), but I do hope they fuck on cam just to make the the lynching mob piss themselves with frustration and anger. ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. It was to be expected exactly this (yelling rape/abuse) would happen. Some eternally virgin witch hunters just can't help themselves... ๐Ÿ˜‰ They don't even care what Shantal's position is or what she thinks, they just want the "witch" (warlock or wizard, in this case) burned.
  6. That's because you're wrong (& jealous) and you know it. You sound like a boarding school principal discovering two teenagers in bed with each other.
  7. Who did Lacrim have sex with? (missed that part & no replay, sorry).
  8. Of course it couldn't be long before the hater mob started preparing torches & pitchforks no matter what. Anyway, she wasn't drunk, is awake and smiling. But to hell with what she thinks for the envious incel lynch mob, right? Remember guys: he's not actually buggering any of you, so you have jack shit to say about what he can do. The only arbiter of that is Shantal herself, and she's perfectly fine (I still doubt we'll see sex on cam though, but if we do, it will be because she's OK with it).
  9. He did. "Trying" is not crossing a boundary as long as she plays along a bit, which she did. She stayed all smiles throughout. He stopped where she wanted him to stop, just not before ๐Ÿ˜‰. Not that this will stop his haters from complaining, but I saw nothing to accuse him of, or kick him out for. Now they're just sleeping next to one another peacefully. They might very well have sex off cam later (good for them, less so for us, but it's obviously a boundary for her). Happy now? (probably not...)
  10. Yes, and he respected that in the end. But you can't blame him for trying.
  11. She knew his reputation before she got into bed with him. I think she's attracted & curious. She didn't only hear (& sometimes see) about his many bed partners, but also about his performance & size down there, after all. The problem is she doesn't want to fuck on cam. Off cam, she'd have fucked him, and perhaps she will in the future, but probably not for us to enjoy... ๐Ÿ˜ž
  12. The remaining girls (including from other villas/apts in BCL) should wrestle naked to establish who gets the master bedroom after Aziza is gone! ๐Ÿ™‚ Dylan could be the arbiter. Or maybe Milena: she already has the master bedroom at B2. Events like this might increase viewership?... ๐Ÿ˜›
  13. Again, in 100 % agreement here, and not even being funny. I think this guy really needs help before he finds out where the RLC apartments are. Seriously. I would not feel at ease as a tenant (especially Aziza or Dylan, but actually any tenant) reading his continuous vitriolic bile. Not promising anything regarding your comments on other subjects though. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. You know I rarely agree and even clash regularly with you kris66, but in this case I agree with you completely. Funny return, too. Your wit is improving! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I would even have upvoted your comment, but I'm out of reaction icons for today (funny how there's a limit on those). I upvoted some of your reactions in the past though, despite vehemently disagreeing with, or ridiculing, others. I judge each comment on its own merits, regardless of who it comes from. I mostly agree with you regarding Veritas & Lacrim (although his guest gf is not bad, maybe she doesn't know him that well). Otherwise, not so much. But you know that! ๐Ÿ™‚ May I add I really hope Veritas doesn't know or find out the location of the RLC apartments. He sounds like the type who might do who knows what... Not kidding this time...
  15. Thank you guys, but unfortunately I only have a basic subscription, which means no replay feature... ๐Ÿ˜• Of course, if someone would be so nice to send a vid of her changing/showering through PM, I'd be extremely grateful. AND discreet, as guys who have sent me stuff in the past already know.
  16. Aziza's busty & pretty friend really should become a tenant, by the way. Too bad she's a bit shy. Still, the odd titty slip now & then, & apparently she changed on cam yesterday... I'm really hoping for her to use the bath or shower, but am afraid she won't.
  17. A lot of guys probably don't like him (nothing new with guys in the project), but you seem to be the only one with an obsessive hatred that exceeds the pathological.
  18. Anyway: anyone know something more about the new/guest girl? Name? Role? Brought by whom? New girl or guest?... I also wouldn't mind to get a vid of her changing in PM, as I don't have replay. The guys who sent me stuff in the past know I'm discreet about those things. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. I'm sure you'll hate whatever guy approaches her, in that case.
  20. Or he might just pick another damsel to want to "save"...
  21. Someone might get a seizure if this actually happens. My talk of medication was only half-joking...
  22. It's time for your medication again, obviously.
  23. Felling?... Maybe you should write in Danish after all: the (indeed crappy) automatic translator might do a better job than you... ๐Ÿ˜‰ ... Or maybe don't type when you're emotional. And if you really have to: at least proofread and/or edit. I don't have automatic translator on either, as it is indeed annoying, but I don't have the feeling I'm missing all that much: I know French & German & Dutch anyway. Sometimes I see texts in Spanish or Italian that are hard to understand, but they'll usually get quoted or answered in English and that way I know more or less what it's about. And if not, it probably wasn't important anyway...
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