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Everything posted by moos54

  1. tout dépend à quoi tu pense par au bout, c'est la porte à gauche sur la caméra du couloir, après tu as les chambres
  2. French is a difficult language to translate into English and that is why there is often a bad interpretation in relation to my different posts😁
  3. Ils habitent plus ou moins au dernier étage de leur immeuble, ça se voit justement par rapport au balcon proche de la cuisine, je pense que tu ne la simplement pas vue rentré chez lui par la porte d'entrée ^^
  4. yes in french we make the difference between singular and plural therefore "you" can be translated by the following two words "tu" or "vous" as he explained that from time to time his wife uses the account, I wanted to make the difference to warn all those who express themselves on this account
  5. he simply publishes the videos coming from the links that another member put on the forum, it does not come from his account since he did not subscribe to RLC 😁
  6. Va falloir que tu ou vous regardez dans le miroir, car le ou les personnes qui racontent le plus d'inepties sur le forum depuis quelques temps provient bien de ce compte que tu ou vous utilisez Maintenant les insultes ne sont pas tolérés sur le forum, c'est pour cela que je viens de supprimer certains de tes ou vos messages Je veux bien être concilient mais ce sera la dernière fois que tu ou vous m'insultez J'espère que le message est bien passé A bon entendeur
  7. En réalité, ça fait 3 mois que c'est Leora et Malia qui imitent les filles GOV vue que celles ci faisaient déjà des massages communs bien avant que Malia ne rejoigne Leora au sein de RLC Si tu es un membre de la première heure alors tu ne peux pas nier cette réalité Be yourself comme tu le dis si bien
  8. Hector already uses this rule
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording boobs
  10. it's time for rlc to reopen real roomates apartments in Spain and the Czech Republic By dint of campaigning for this, rlc may be cracked ^^
  11. Could someone explain to me why it is wrong for young single girls to want to enjoy life? all these people are very clear in their relationship, they are not looking to have a long relationship with baby and marriage, it is only for sex and fun I still want to remind, and this even if some seem to have more esteem for Milena or Kamila, that they too had the same kind of relationship in front of the cameras of rlc it's still funny to see that the same good thinking people allows to judge and criticize these girls whatever they may do Can you really tell me if these girls should act like Leora for the sake of rlc and the subscribers? that is to say not to do anything of their days in the apartment except a small masturbation or a small massage with her girlfriend but to be absent from the apartment during three quarters of the time? for a girl that people present as not very sociable, I find that she seems to have a very great social life outside the apartment people can say whatever they want, but if we don't factor in solo or group masturbations meant for cameras, GOV girls share a lot more of their real life than Leora and Malia, which is still the name of this project if I'm not mistaken 😁
  12. I hope you enjoyed Leora's show tonight because the weekend is fast approaching and she will be absent again
  13. I hope you enjoyed Leora's show tonight because the weekend is fast approaching and she will be absent again
  14. I see that your consensus slider is not the same for everyone, how many times Diane has also refused to have sex with Olya's guy? several times like Olya He manages to force her hand when he shows her that Olya is giving a blowjob to her boyfriend but apparently it shocks you much less when Diane was not necessarily in a position to make decisions The guys have been looking all day to do this exchange and the girls know it very well, you can't suck a guy in front of another or be naked all day in front of the others without there being a sexual game between all protagonists
  15. ok we all have different opinions of the events Now we can move on, that's what it looks like the girls do, because they don't seem to have had a bad experience
  16. I am the first to defend the girls when something goes wrong but here we can easily see that Olya says no to him because of Diane, she makes rather equivocal signs in this direction, she changes her behavior when she sees that Diane them looking out the bathroom window and having no reaction I am convinced that if Diane had given her consent from the start, there would have been an exchange of partners much earlier in the day I also presume that Olya's guy also manages to convince Diane to fuck with him but apparently it doesn't seem to shock people everyone sees the things they want to see
  17. will have to take our word for it but yes there may be a possibility that we do not have the same thumbnails or not in the same order
  18. Nothing has been deleted from the replay because nothing needs to be
  19. look better because i can see two or three thumbnails about the sex between Olya and Diane's guy
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