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Everything posted by moos54

  1. i don't think it is her name, in Spanish it simply means "happy" For her age, he is known since she celebrated her birthday in the apartment
  2. sorry very difficult, she wrote in spanish with a felt without ink
  3. Il y a une bonne petite communauté de français sur CC, mais comme le forum est Anglophone, la plupart essayent d'écrire en Anglais
  4. Eva was a guest in the past when Dasha was with Demid so it's not a small world, it's a friend world 😉
  5. they are on vacation together at Masha, Sasha and Dasha apartment right now
  6. I find it almost more fun from Elly and Loraine, who actually seem to make fun of their friend in the house doing the same thing but claiming that this is real 😂 Like what is enough to do anything to be in top cam 😄
  7. you're translator is really bad sergio because two guys 😂 i see a pretty blondie girl 😉 and yes i think they know
  8. Kristy is in kamila's bed one of the Angels is in Kristy's bed And the guy is a Friend
  9. Have that feeling too. I guess he maybe visited Nina Alan place for a FUCK visit. you're welcome 😂
  10. Video can be shared only with attachment center on vh
  11. Kami is on vacation til 6th august It's blondie guest, katya Yes she has a nice ass 😉
  12. Des fois vaut mieux se faire son propre avis que de suivre aveuglement celui des autres 😉
  13. She is just a guest, and also a friend of Dasha you often get naked in front of your friends? As a guest, I find she is already very pleasant to watch especially in the bathroom, I think we could not have a better view of her whole body 😉
  14. are you sure? blondie showed all her body in front of cams, so she isn't shy for me
  15. You have too much imagination Carpet or not Carpet, like everyone else they use the broom or the vacuum to make the dust 😂 If not most do sports (not the one of room ^^) and sport can leave marks
  16. ok I understand confusion better now Thesta just wanted to illustrate his words with an image taken on the internet
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