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Everything posted by Buster

  1. 2 questions: why do people insist on taking pictures of Roman jerking off? And, how many more times does he have to jerk off before people realize it's not a big deal?
  2. Leora wants him.... besides he doesn't need to keep them around after he's fucked them. Them leaving would be better for him anyway.
  3. Paul needs to fuck other girls. Seriously. He's too dependent on Leora for sex and he's coming off as pathetic when he's always got his nose up her ass. She needs to realize that he can fuck other girls too.
  4. That's the key thing. They may intervene when it's necessary but they're not kicking people out for petty shit, for example they're not fucking or aren't fucking enough. At some point, every couple was generally disliked at first, including Maya and Alina. Now they are everyone's favorite. Everyone hated Adriana/David those first 2 weeks because they would only fuck on the balcony and wanted them gone. Now everyone loves them. All I'm saying giving the consumers the power to remove people would be stupid. And that's not even mentioning the fact that it would then become more of a contest of trying to stay in the house rather than them just living their lives normally. I would run far away from RLC and CC if that happened.
  5. If that happened, nobody would stay longer than a week. That's a very bad idea.
  6. Isabel was far from curvy, not all that attractive and she deserved to be kicked out because she was an abusive psychotic cunt.
  7. Why you felt the need to put that in this thread is beyond me, but I'm literally too happy to care right now.
  8. Looks like Leora to me but will be very interesting if it's not. Doesn't Leora usually sleeps in underwear? This girl is wearing clothes so hmm...
  9. If she had any sort of rational ability to express herself, she wouldn't resort to physical violence, chasing him with a knife and trapping him in a bathroom.
  10. Ignore this post. I'm just trying to get to pg. 52 to get rid of the unnecessary scrolling.
  11. The only change that needs to be made is them both getting the fuck out asap.
  12. Because it's true. Don't watch them. Problem solved. And quite frankly it's pretty dumb to keep watching a couple that you have so many problems with and then complain about the same shit over and over.
  13. It's because we already have a thread for this and it's very obvious to see.
  14. You should really put this in the general discussions board.
  15. This is the kind of sex they've always have. His performance shouldn't surprise anyone by now.
  16. It's been that time for a few months now. I have been very vocal about my dislike for Leora in the past so maybe there'll be some bias on my part, but the only appeal for others to this couple has been those gawking at her. Once you take half a second and move past her looks/body, you see just how immature and self obsessed she can be, and how her 4-year-old temper tantrums just makes her a chore to look at (which is why I often times when people only focus on her looks). Add in the fact that this couple never has guests or does anything special outside of watch television (and this couple is the second longest running couple on RLC). If you've seen them for a week, you've seen them for a year, minus the occasional crying so Paul can kiss her ass begging her to calm down. Granted I haven't tuned into their apartment in about 7-8 months so things may have gotten better between them. But yeah, them and Marcelo/Isabel need to fucking go.
  17. I know what it means. It means that all the couples should have sex every night because I give them money. (in case it's not apparent, this was sarcasm)
  18. I just can't wait for someone to find a way to blame this on liberals.
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