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Everything posted by Buster

  1. I hate the way she looks when getting fucked from behind. She needs to put the arch in her back.
  2. Looks like we'll get no show from the guests this time.
  3. No they're in the bedroom I believe. I didn't see them leave.
  4. They had sex in the living room the night they slept over a few weeks ago.
  5. Uh, what? I just checked their apt and I don't see anyone there. Edit: I seem them now, and yes that's the same couple.
  6. I sure do. Then we CLEARLY are seeing two different Sofia's, because the Sofia I see is hardly EVER in the mood for sex. Also, Sofia masturbating? Lol.
  7. Are you saying that people that masturbate are crazy? Or are you saying that him not having sex with Sofia is crazy? I have a news flash for you, people masturbate. As for wondering why he isn't fucking Sofia, it could be because she constantly turns him down, or it could simply be because she's not there right now. This is assuming that she reads what goes on here. Just because other couples have seen this site in the past doesn't mean that they all have, or even read what goes on here even if they do find it. Also, it's "site", not "cite."
  8. Well 4 hrs later and everything is back to normal. I find Katya very easily to be the most attractive girl on RLC but if she's physically abusive then fuck this bitch. Since I didn't see it I won't speculate, but I will keep my eyes open for it.
  9. You'll notice how no one calls Leora a dyke for turning down sex, but Paul is just so gay for not wanting to jump on Leora every waking second.
  10. Then you'll REALLY love it here at CC because people jumping to absurd conclusions is an everyday occurrence.
  11. These people are not porn stars. They're regular everyday type people that have regular everyday relationships. Sometimes they fuck. Most times they don't. Some couples have sex more frequently than others. None of them have particularly out-of-the-norm sexcapades.
  12. Another sexual encounter that nobody bothered to notice. Dare I say people might actually need to start paying attention to them again? I wonder if these two will ever fuck outside of the bedroom. They don't really seem that "adventurous."
  13. I don't know what you're expecting to see, but if you're looking for any extravagant sexual activity, you are going to be SORELY disappointed.
  14. Why the fuck are you requoting this ridiculously excessive picture post?
  15. Can anyone tell if the girl in the white dress is the same girl that fucked her boyfriend on the couch a few weeks back?
  16. How the fuck is a full grown adult still afraid of the dark? If that is indeed true, I just lost considerable respect for her.
  17. Maybe he felt like they were having too much sex and he told her he wasn't giving her any more dick for at 81 days.
  18. You know, fat girls like to hang around thinner more attractive girls to feel better about themselves.
  19. And I've missed all three times... fml.
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