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Everything posted by Buster

  1. As long as I can hear them fucking on the balcony, it doesn't bother me one bit.
  2. That fucking nasty-ass girl just used the bathroom without washing her hands... fucking disgusting.
  3. New girl came in with Adriana today. Doesn't look bad at all. I would post a picture of her but that imagehost we use is acting like shit and I can't upload it.
  4. I came in this thread pretty much to jump down someone's throat for posting in a retired board. Then I saw one of the posts and was going to chew him out for making stupid post, until I saw that he did it multiple times so I just figured he was retarded and was going to leave it alone. But I agree, if you're going to be a troll at least make it interesting. Can't really add much more since Squirrel pretty much said what needed to be said.
  5. Guy is drunk out his ass right now. Quite funny.
  6. jjs, I would officially like to go on record and say that you are a monumental jackass for putting this dumbass post in every couples board.
  7. I don't feel sorry for him, if I were him I would have already kicked her psycho butt to the curb. EXACTLY!!!
  8. I agree. Put in a complaint; I'm sure the higher-ups at RLC would be more than happy to ignore it. But if you are going to send one you might want to consider learning how to write full sentences, then end with periods. I didn't even bother reading your last post after the first line.
  9. sorry if I wrote something wrong, my english is very bad. Renan, you didn't write anything bad. Your english is fine. Burak, yeah you heard correctly.
  10. Hate to break it to you but they're completely in their right to put the plant where ever they want as long as nothing is DIRECTLY blocking the camera (which in this case it isn't).
  11. Not even Alma/Stefan had sex on the balcony. This couple does it within 24 hours of moving in.
  12. Oh what the fuck! I just finished downloading it. I don't want to see these two.... This is exactly why not having screen caps or at least a damn description is fucking annoying.
  13. I sure am, and it's good of you to know especially when the topic was discussing how camera shy she would be and estimating how long it would take them to have sex which was when I made my comment. But I'm sure you knew all that and wasn't trying at all to be sarcastic.
  14. Just remember folks, who actually called it... lulz
  15. I think they're fucking now. I think I hear her moaning but it's hard to be sure over the TV.
  16. And people scoffed at me when I said:
  17. And not a single picture was taken...
  18. This is the most excited and loud I've ever heard from her.
  19. If someone is unhappy in a relationship, they have no one to blame but themselves.
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