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Everything posted by Buster

  1. If you're talking about dreads, they most certainly can be washed.
  2. Not that I really want to get into this, but there are so many incorrect things here.
  3. That would require intelligence on RLC's part. They can't be bothered with that kind of shit.
  4. $30 for 62 cams = about $0.48 per cam. $45 for 72 cams = $0.63 per cam.
  5. So I just did the math; $30 for 8 apts = $3.75 per apartment. $45 for 9 apts = $5 per apartment.
  6. Darkman- I would assume you would only pay $15 to bump up to premium. Then pay $45 after. But I'm just assuming.
  7. Not for nothing but I can and do very easily live without them, especially women like Leora.
  8. You know what's funny? After reading that post, the only thing you managed to do is prove ozi's point.
  9. I haven't looked in Leora/Paul's apt in months so I can't remember what their dog is like, but Sofia's dog is a fucking pain in the ass to look at. I'll say their dog is more annoying,
  10. The better question to ask is why this poll is in Isabel/Marcelo's section instead of the random discussion section.
  11. If anyone is willing to put up with a cunt that abuses you and chases you with a knife just for "a great BJ and deepthroat" then they are a fool... and that goes for Marcelo as well.
  12. Since you're new I'll give you some friendly advice. Never download anything without preview pics or a decent description as to what the video is, ESPECIALLY from that site.
  13. Oh lord not another one of these types. In case you forgot, she already has a boyfriend that she's happy with.
  14. Well that just sunk my dick into the ground....
  15. My comment was mainly directed at those that subscribe to watch sex, and there are a lot of them here. I agree when you say if someone wants to spend $30/month to watch Adriana/Daniel that it's none of my business, but if they are in fact paying just to watch this one couple then they should quit bitching and just watch them. And if they are in fact paying to watch couples have sex, then they should quit bitching and go watch one of the other 5 couples have sex. Again, as I and other people have stated, no matter what someone expects of the couples you're not paying for them to have sex on screen nor are you paying for them to have sex with any guaranteed frequency. The ONLY thing you are paying for is to unlock the locked rooms. That's it. No where does it say when you're signing up that these couples will have sex or not have sex or will do anything specific just because you subscribe. But that's what happens when people get their expectations misguided hoping to see 7 couples fucking all over the place. You say "paying customers want to be able to watch real life". You can watch real life in the living room, kitchen and hall. And if any one particular couple isn't living their life real enough, then they can go watch another couple. There are 7 couples in RLC. I only pay any sort of attention to 3 of them. You don't HAVE to just watch one. And your counter argument "what would happen if the other couples decided to take a leaf out of this couple's book and treat their houses as hostels" doesn't prove anything because what if scenarios are nothing but speculative. So yes, I'm afraid my argument IS a valid one. Instead of people complaining that one particular couple doesn't fuck enough or spend more time in front of the camera, maybe they should actually pay attention to what they're signing up to.
  16. Damn even I gotta admit that's a sweet ass. She just needs to put it to use one time.
  17. They both seem to be emotionally dependant for each other. whenever they're together, he can't seem to go without affection for too long.
  18. I guess even guys could let themselves go after getting married.
  19. She'll be my favorite if and when she ever fucks someone there.
  20. That should really be for the people that don't believe they're fucking out there.
  21. But you're not paying to seeing the couple, you're paying to unlock rooms. I don't hear paying customers getting mad at leora/paul for having sex in the living room all the time. Isn't that also technically a waste of money? And speaking of, paying $30 a month to see one couple is pretty dumb when there are 5 other couples that have active sex lives in front of the camera with no problems. There are no legitimate bases for these complaints.
  22. For all the skeptics, look in the living room through the window behind the couch and you can very clearly see sex is going on. The moans, squeaking furniture and skin slapping should also help make things obvious.
  23. Buster

    Hey Nij.

    He's ambitious, I'll give him that.
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