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Everything posted by Buster

  1. I've already lost any and all interest in this couple.
  2. lol Gia... that couple didn't leave because she was overly camera shy. They broke up and left because she was as bat shit psychotic as Isabel and he got tired of dealing with her bullshit.
  3. Why the fuck are all these trolls getting these cam house sites?
  4. Yeah the signing in english is impressive but the accent is very noticeable. Diana's singing is far from perfect but it's way better than mine so I can't hate.
  5. Buster

    Hey Nij.

    Thank you raisin. And thanks to everyone that pitched in. tbg- this is the 2nd time you've tried to make that claim. You weren't right then. You're not right now. If I did have a 2nd or 3rd account, I would have had -1000 a long time ago. And 40 in a day? Don't make things up. Snaky doesn't have massive amounts of negative karma because he doesn't ask for it like I do. And you don't have it because you don't post in the other boards a fraction as much as I do, but you used to and when you did your neg. karma used to trump eveveryone... and it did for a while. Does that mean you had multiple accounts? It doesn't? Ok then.
  6. You'll be surprised how many girls are into that shit. Then again, she could just be a total sub and goes along with whatever he likes/wants.
  7. If he doesn't get too drunk tonight, I'm willing to bet they're going to come home and fuck. Whether they do it on the balcony or in the bedroom will be the question.
  8. If you need someone to give you a reason to do something, then you probably shouldn't do it.
  9. Well at least nobody can get mad that they missed it or bombard the thread with pic/vid requests.
  10. And again, he fucks his girl every night (or every other night) so love and affection isn't an issue. As kooloos stated, Diana plays games too but that's never a problem. The truth is if Efim played the piano for hours, or read a book for hours, or engaged in any other recreational activity while Diana was in bed, the same shit would still be said about him. Of course if she were to do to the same thing nothing would be said, because she's the girl am I right? Or is it a case of "he doesn't treat her the way I would therefore he's wrong"?
  11. This guy Efim fucks his girl every night and you people still complain about him playing games? Why do you think he needs to have his nose buried in her ass 24/7?
  12. Where is this argument taking place? I had no idea people here knew about blue and red pills.
  13. Wow, soooo much to say now lol. Prepare for another wall of text but I'll clearly separate it to respond to everyone that needs a response if you don't want to read it all. First I'll thank Joshie, hollywood and themightyrasin (holy shit with that post lol). I may come off as brash but I'm not above being thankful. Having said that, movado, you know what's funny? After your response in Leora's thread, I was actually gonna let that shit go because I find your immaturity amusing. Squirrel even gave you props for "standing up to me" (although there was really nothing to stand up to). But you insist on pushing me with your baseless claim so now I'm going to fucking push back... hard. Sentences on your nuts with whip cream huh? Such an awesome comeback, and only two steps up from sticking your tongue out or calling me poopie-head. Am I really here critiquing peoples' (and it's PEOPLES') writing OR did I make a suggestion that maybe you'll want to write at least on a 2nd grade level if you want the RLC higher ups to take you seriously? Maybe you haven't noticed but we have numerous people on here that don't speak/write English as their 1st language. I get it, and if I was some grammar Nazi as you claim, then I would be correcting EVERY post that needed correcting. Do I do this? No. Do I even have a desire to do this? No. But even those that don't speak proper English at least know the very basic principle of punctuation. Me correcting you was only a suggestion since you wanted to complain to RLC, but if it's that important to you, keep writing like a 7 year old like I give a shit. A spy huh? I can't even be insulted because this claim is just too fucking stupid to take seriously. If you used even a fraction of standard brain power you'll see that I'm not even the only one that says that your complaints are ridiculous. I wasn't even the first person that said something to you about complaining about that plant. And when people wanted to complain to RLC about the new couple spending the majority of their time on the balcony, I wasn't even the only person that said they should stop complaining. But I guess I'm still the spy and others aren't right? Go fuck yourself. And the reason why we say that their complaints are meaningless is not because we're spies, it's because they're fucking meaningless. You say you pay to see people interact and shit like that. I agree but RLC cannot and should not interfere with how they interact and as a customer, you have ZERO say as to how they interact. It's because voyeurism is about watching, not controlling. If one paying customer could control what they did and how they did shit, then another paying customer could want something totally different. Then it really wouldn't be real life would it? It would be couples just taking orders from people. If you want to pay to tell people what to do, then go join a fucking cam site. But just go ahead and ignore me and make your complaints to RLC. They will totally take you seriously. One other thing, how the fuck could I be a spy when I've posted pictures before? RLC wants to do everything it can to STOP people from posting pictures/videos. I guess it was part of my plan huh; I'll post a few pictures so throw people off from discovering that I'm a RLC agent. I thought I was being clever but I have no choice but to admire you for foiling my plans. It all boils down to this movado, you're either a buffoon or a child. Or maybe both? In any case you are not someone to be taken seriously. But please respond and tell me I'm this-or-that or call me this-name-or-that-name. I don't have enough respect for your intelligence to be fearful of anything you may say about me that can't be rebutted rather easily. Hedbanga, Serg69, Aubrey I don't mind that you guys think I'm an asshole. There are definitely people on here that I don't like (two in particular). But if you're going to call me an asshole, the very least you can do is get your facts straight. Do you think I'm an asshole because I disagree with "EVERYTHING" or I only want to argue? Does this include all the posts that I've 'liked?' I've made a total over 1376 posts and I've liked a total of 1316 posts. Can't really disagree with EVERYTHING if I'm also liking just as much shit too. Does this also include all the posts I've quoted and responded with a '+1' or 'qft' (for those that don't know, qft stands for "quoted for truth). At the end of the day, I just have no problems being vocal about shit. If somebody says something I like or agree with, I have no problems stating that. And if someone says something I think is fucking stupid, I have no problems saying that either, regardless of who it is. Now in the past, I may have been more brash than I needed to be, especially with newer members and I'm making an effort to quell that. But I will never apologize for being opinionated. Ever. And if someone wants to pick apart things I say and attempt to call me out on anything, then feel free. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong on something, like I was with the whole Diana/Efim scandal, just like I have no problems being thankful when someone defends or says something nice about me, despite the fact that I don't need it nor do I ask for it. Do you think I'm an asshole because I want -1000? Well think about this for a second; Squirrel is without question the nicest and one of, if not the most intelligent person on this board and he has close to -500. If and when he sees this, I'm sure he'll have no problems admitting to wanting more. Do you think he's an asshole? If you do then you need your head examined. The whole negative karma thing has been explained to death and beyond. I'm not going to explain it now. Themightyrasin has already acknowledged part of it anyway. All I'll say is know your history. And finally, relying on others to post pictures and videos? I'll admit to wanting to see at least one picture of Katya/Ruslan's epic sex session the other day because the idea of them, a couple notorious of going weeks without doing anything, having intense sex just totally blew my mind. Prior to that, show me one instance when I've begged for pictures of videos within the past few months. Go ahead, I'll wait. You have jackasses like jjs posting in EVERY board about wanting to change the names of the picture/video thread because people aren't posting enough pics/vids for him, but yeah I'm the one relying on pics/vids. Oceane likes to say the guys here think with their dicks (as if she isn't as interested in watching sex as everyone else), and I'll agree that that statement applies to probably the majority of the guys here, but I have VERY OPENLY defended RLC about not being a porn site, nor do I pine over women like most guys do, NOR do I find some arbitrary reason to male bash because they're not having sex with their girlfriends. That is not very hard to see. P.S: My name has never been Pirate. My original name was 'Nij30.' I removed the 30 because it was fucking stupid.
  14. Whenever you see links like that with no description, it's safe to assume that it's an old video.
  15. If you notice the layouts to all the apts, every single one of them has a space where there are no cameras, and if one or both people want to spend time in that space then they have every right to.
  16. No it isn't, now let ask this; what do you really think rlc is going to do about it? They have a balcony and they're using it. They spent last night on the couch watching a movie if seeing them is that important. This complaining is rather silly for a couple thats only been here 3 days. Jeez, just relax man.
  17. I don't either. Well let them keep thinking it.
  18. If they did have sex it must have been real quick. Also, when did the guest leave?
  19. I didn't even notice him come home and I don't hear any music. Please don't tell me I'm losing my mind again...
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