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Everything posted by Buster

  1. How exactly are you breaking the hymen? By being the FOURTH person to create a thread here? Or is by being the first person to make a dumb-ass thread?
  2. I said this in the random discussions thread but I'll say it here since this is where the discussion has migrated too, but I don't necessarily find her attractive nor do I find her body to be anything special. Right now I'm just hoping that they have a decent and interesting relationship and aren't bat shit crazy like those other spaniards. BTW, she changed in the hallway earlier today so I don't think she's all that hung up about being in front of the camera.
  3. I have to strongly disagree with this statement... ...and this one as well.
  4. That's what's disappointing most of all. I can't believe after all this time they didn't even bother to upgrade the cam quality. I was also hoping they would have added sound to the guest bedroom but I knew that was going to be a bit of a stretch.
  5. No, although nobody is really sure who that girl is; probably just a friend. Alina's sister used to visit her a lot in their old apartment.
  6. It's funny that the first split-second a couple is announced, the first thing some people do is run straight to google to try to find personal shit on them before they've even spent a full fucking day in the house. And of course by 'funny' I really mean, 'what the fuck are you thinking?'
  7. It's not about being demanding but everyone is going to have preferences to what they like, just like with all other aspects of their lives.
  8. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed) (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed) .
  9. I'm not finding her all that attractive but we'll how the chemistry of the relationship is before I pass judgement.
  10. Can anyone explain to me why in the serious fuck Diana started punching herself in the fucking head @ 13:30?
  11. That's because that file service is pure ass, but I use it only because that's the one provided.
  12. For future reference... http://camcaps.net/alina-anton-apt-3/the-''omg-looooook-there-are-having-sexxxxxx''-topic-1740/270/
  13. Wait a minute... is Diana even in the house? And what exactly happens if he does decide to "break our balls with games" as you put it?
  14. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  16. I doubt it. Those walls are pretty thick and Diana makes little to no noise.
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