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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. This new guest is as useful as a poop lollipop. She follows the other 2 like a lost puppy when they are there and sits like a lump when they are out
  2. This isn't over. that moron just went into the bedroom and tore up one of Zoya's shirts
  3. I think they were play fighting and Zoya ripped his shirt. He's been trying to break something of hers ever since and poured something on her that made her cough and had to wash out.
  4. Before they get the next couple they need to fill in that f'n walk in closet.
  5. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 3

    Ivo, Sonia and Christy look as bored with the card games as the viewers.
  6. The new guy just came back to grab his other bag. Looks like he's gone
  7. Left about an hour ago.. Took one small bag but left a larger bag by the kitchen table..
  8. They just blew up an air bed and Carla is now blowing up balloons
  9. That theory would work except that the girl in the white shirt also showered naked this morning and then walked around her bedroom topless for a couple minutes.
  10. No she got dressed early and went out. Showered with the bra on again.
  11. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 3

    They left voro quickly with Sender and Akira's friend. Never mind she's back to Tver
  12. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 3

    Akira just left with the new girl .. Back to voro
  13. Kkru394

    Tver - Split 3

    Meanwhile Akira is staring at his computer and Petra is doing one of her shows.
  14. She's been visiting the parties all week. Judging that she hasn't been wearing jackets it appears she's staying in a seperate apartment in the building with the guy who was there yesterday.
  15. That guy guest looks at least 50 years old. I say no way they are replacements, just short term guests. And it would be nice if he stops turning out all the lights at bath time
  16. She took the black bra off mid-shower and left on a white t shirt. She turned around a couple times and you could see nips through the wet t shirt. She also showed the top half of her ass when she washed. I wasn't on my computer art the time so I did not have the ability to capture anything.
  17. I'm an RLC premium subscriber and I live on the US East Coast. The daylight savings time adjustment has really messed up viewing these apartments for me lately. Most of these apartments are now either in bed or just about to go to bed by the time i get home from work and are mostly up and out by the time I wake up in the morning. So the only time to get what I would consider prime viewing in the mid-afternoon is on weekends or days off. With the Thanksgiving weekend i have a few days to view the site. And the biggest premium attraction on the site right now is out for the weekend. I'm annoyed about it. And to top it off there's a couple other apartments where the tenants are nowhere to be found. Then again last weekend was great viewing between the N&B and C&M parties. So take the good with the bad :shithappens:?
  18. The girl in the orange top and the brunette in the dark dress tried to wash the puke out of her hair and had her drink water. They now moved her back into Nelly and Bogdan's bed. Dance time
  19. It took me until now to notice they were missing. It wasn't that she was a larger woman. It was the more you watched them all they did was lay there on the couch and watch tv.
  20. It's hard to keep up today. About eight or nine of the apartments have guests over right now and if there's no guest they had sex or were showering recently. Zoya's guest came back. The lesbian apartments are getting ready for parties. Carla loaned clothes to her brunette friend for the night
  21. No she avoids being naked at all costs. She spends more time acquiring a smokers hack than anything else. She washes her pits in the bathroom with clothes on, and mostly changes in the hall closet. She's working on becoming the most disliked woman in RLC :BS:
  22. Living in Jitka and Marek's apartment. Not in the apartment right now. Premium
  23. try logging out and logging back in. It seems to be working now
  24. Carla has a pretty friend over and the cams just went under maintenance. WTF?
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