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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Yep because my phone fucked up the right spelling. Typing on computer is easier. Here is the right word: бляДЬ
  2. The entire system is shit. To make it worse the time to introduce it is really bad. People waiting for finally some interesting places and this is just a slap in the face for most of them. However the system does not work like a tip on chaturbate. Participants will get the amount people donated with their normal earnings. They do not see who donated how much. So at least for now the system can't be used to do any requests. But I say again introducing a system like that when there are so many more problems is just bad. They can't expect any support from me for this system. Seems nobody learned from Shitstream. Let's hope this system will go the same way
  3. The word is влияд and means something like "shit" or "fuck"
  4. Turns out that place is in the same city she lives in.
  5. What do you mean? She is there because Capo is gone for personal reasons.
  6. She just had sex with blanket boy. Nothing to see
  7. Bloody in German means only stained from the red body fluid. So no I won't use that term. I say shitty cams
  8. Yeah that looked really bad.
  9. Yeah but most important is that he gets well soon. I can imagine that leg hurts like hell...
  10. And cam6 not working too.
  11. You should do a ticket...
  12. It was the same apartment they lived before. But it was winter when they lived there and so the pool did not get used. There was a jacuzzi and a pool up there when Nyu & Ronny and Cindy and her bf were there.
  13. Very good point. We sometimes can make a bit fun of them but we should not forget they are human beings like you and me.
  14. jabbath1987

    Footy #2

    I tipped France 😂
  15. jabbath1987

    Footy #2

    Next year new chance in Qatar. In winter 😂🤦‍♂️☃️
  16. jabbath1987

    Footy #2

    Good fair game. I hope the good mood in your country won't fade away now. 👍
  17. jabbath1987

    Footy #2

    Congrats to Italy. 👍 England and penalties. Well this law of nature is still valid 😂
  18. jabbath1987

    Footy #2

    Well after the first goal the game got a bit slow...
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