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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Good morning dear Rose. See you are watching a movie on your while on your bed showing all your charms. As lovely as it is could you please make better use of the camera angles. We all would like a better view of your lovely butt and honey pot. May you have a nice day lovely Rose.
  2. Nite Noldus. Goodnite to all I am finished for the nite. Time for beddy bye. Time to get my teddy bear and go to bed.
  3. Ben I do not know which way Rose go's. That is up to her to decide. I just watch to see what happens. I do not think Rose wants to go very far with Gina for she still has her panty's and bra on. If anything I think she is just curious.
  4. No, but most women like privacy when useing the bathroom to take a shit or pee and close the door when even alone.
  5. Rose is playing a Belle. She is running around the apt,. nude. Now putting groceries away nude. This is a new side of Rose.
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