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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. We have Kami and Nicole giving us a show. Who to watch is the question. Nicole has her Kitty on display but Kami has better light and her butt on display. Who to watch, that is the question?
  2. What you call what Nicole is doing dancing? It looks as if she is practicing how to get out of a burning building in a hurry.
  3. She just does not do anything for me, She just does not do anything for me, She just does not do anything for me,, She just does not do anything for me, how is that Happy
  4. I can't complain about Nicole last nite. Did not watch her, so cannot complain. Nicole just does not do anything for me whether dressed, nude or having sex. To all her admirers sorry she just does not do it for me.
  5. Sorry Happy but they were talking about Nicole and I think you were talking about Rose. Please do not confuse me any more than I am. It is hard enough sometimes to keep everything straight.
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