I can say one thing, this dude is going about this in an entirely wrong way. You don't just walk in and fire everybody you don't like or think isn't doing their job. I agree with not being the savior of the world and shutting off all of those trillions going out. Let someone else help them for a change.
Take care of THIS country. Take care of OUR Veterans, don't get rid of half of the already short staffed V.A. Quit handing out money to every dirtbag that doesn't want to work and is very able to do so. That alone will save a trillion or more.
Because this isn't the political section, going further violates the forum rules.
It appears to be a murder/suicide. The final word isn't in yet on it.
He took his wife and dog with him. Yeah, he was 95, but she was only 63 and an awesome classical pianist.
Spy, you're losing your mind. You have ass on the brain and it doesn't look like a woman's ass either.
You know that kind of shit wouldn't happen 'round heah'. The SOB would be shot in the street!
Loving my Gen 1 EcoBoost. Never a hiccup. Change the oil every 3000 miles and don't use cheapy fuels in it.
Mine does 17 MPG in town, 21 MPG on the road and 15 MPG pulling an 8000 pound trailer.
Most of them are probably true judging by some of the conversations I have with people.
I listen to them and have to wonder how they got so far in life without getting killed somehow.
Like the idiot that wants to know why we kill cows, pigs, etc... Why don't we just go to the grocery store and buy the meat.
Good ones, @Jonno
If I remember right, she had them done about a year or so after they became affiliated with RLC. So, yeah, chance!
She also wasn't covered with ink then either. She had a few tats, but nothing like the gawdawful look she's sporting now.
There are several on this board that claim to be so in touch with her, yet none of them have come out to defend her.
I think the only thing they are in touch with is themselves.
It had to be a Lambo. They were the only ones to build a transverse V-12. As far as a Lambo being beautiful, that it up for discussion. I see nothing in them that would make me waste money on one of them.
On Valentine's Day, I gift my wife with 2 rose bushes. Our back yard smells like a rose oil factory. They give beautiful roses all year of every color. A gift of roses from a florist dies in about 2 weeks. These give all the time.
Yeah, it looks like some dumb ass had his tail docked so the poor dog would look cool.
Mutilating tails and ears is not cool.
Then again, there are barbarian doctors that cut half a guys dick off in the name of looks and cleanliness.
I'll never figure out why they are so shy. They are more perverted than any male I've ever talked to.
My wife and her girlfriends could make a sailor blush when they get together.
I remember those days!!!