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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I'll bet a the sporting goods stores sold a lot of frilly pink tents when ole Humpback Mountain came out.
  2. Trust me,.. There is no making any sense of it. The very idea of such a hope remains beyond the reach of man. But I too welcome you aboard this listing ship.
  3. I will leave these videos for those that are interested. They're only a few minutes long and are some of the most incredible moves and strategies over recorded.
  4. In honor of Karen, who first posted this version of "Mack the knife". If you were to close your eyes, you could almost envision chancellor Merkel singing this song while in the shower.
  5. This woman told me a joke that is kind of funny. This elderly woman got pulled over for speeding, and the policeman said; "Ma'am, I have to ask you, do you have a gun on you?" She then said, "Yes, it's in the trunk." The police officer then said, "Do you have any other guns on you?" She then replied, "Yes, there's one in the glove compartment." The cop then added, "Are there any more?" And she replied, "Yes, there is one under my seat, and one in my purse." The police officer then said,.. "Ma'am, just what are you afraid of?" She then said with a smile,.. "Not a fucking thing."
  6. I'll take the Koch brothers over George Soros any day of the week. And to say that the super rich Hollywood producers and other rich individuals in the media business, along with that of teachers unions and other major contributors aren't buying or influencing the Democrat party is absurd. Anyone who has had their eyes open, and who actually lives here in the United States knows just how corrupt the Democrat party truly is. And if you want to say, well, they both are,.. fine. But in that case I'll continue to stand with the party who's issues itself still reflect those that have been granted to us by the constitution. Just a quick example of the difference between the two: The Democrat party, and most notably, that buffoon Bernie Sanders, espouses that it is climate change that has brought about Isis, and terrorism, and as a solution to this problem, they, (The Democrat party) want to confiscate from lawful citizens their guns. They also a few months back suggested that if we could only but give these terrorist some jobs, then they wouldn't be doing all these terrible things. Can you believe that! The Republicans on the other hand would never be so illogical, or deceitful in their efforts to try to get Americans to believe that Islamic terrorism which has caused so many to have been brutally killed is actually due to this absurd notion of climate change. They also realize that in the states where gun control is strictly enforced, such as in Washington DC. Detroit, Chicago, LA, ect. There is a much higher rate of murder by the criminals in those cities than in those cities and states to where carrying a gun and protecting yourself is still permissible. But that's just common sense now, isn't it. I mean, if you were a rapist, or a thug, who would you rather select for your targeted victim? Someone who may well end your criminal career permanently, or someone who doesn't have any real means of being able to protect themselves at all.
  7. I think somebody got a little lost here. But that's okay, I think his heart was in the right place.
  8. Now, I'll leave this for others to continue with, if they even care to. Personally, it just isn't worth my time anymore to even bother with.
  9. You only have to read this to see what a hypocrite you really are. It is filled with nothing but hate from you in your attack against those of us that are conservatives. And you now pretend to be open to an honest debate. What a gulling nerve you have. And the mere fact that you obviously can't see how un-American, and how un-constitutional Bernie Sanders is to those of us who still believe in our right to hold onto our own personal property is, tells me just how far out there you really are.
  10. What is it, are you bored? Why don't you just enjoy yourself sitting there in the Alpine mountains of Switzerland and leave the politics of this country to those of us who actually live here.
  11. To have to explain those things that are blatantly obvious in the realm of cause and effect to someone like you is pointless. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Arguing with a liberal is futile, and will only lead to someone's utter frustration. And I refuse to bang my head against the wall, or pull my hair out in an attempt to get you to finally see reason. :bang head:
  12. I have seen liberalism destroy many European countries. And one only has to look at Greece to see what out of control spending and socialism can do. And if you don't believe in the constitution, and in personal responsibility, then yes, the Democrats would be your party of choice. But to any thinking person, or to anyone who doesn't just drift through life with their eyes closed, knows just how detrimental the Democrat party has been to this country, especially within the last several years. Lets see now, you have the anti-constitutionalist, socialist, Bernie Sanders, and the astonishingly corrupt, and proven liar, Hillary Clinton for the Democrats leading candidates. And you say that the GOP platform is screwed up? To a deranged liberal, like Bernie Sanders, and Barak Obama, 'Climate Change' is the chief cause for Isis and for Islamic terrorism. That alone tells me that some of you people who support that view are either very stupid, or very gullible. It's that, or at least they both think you are.
  13. Another one that paws at the heart.
  14. So then it's just a question of being rude on your part in calling me warped, or in trying to ridicule me in the fact that I may watch Fox? Is that all it is? Let me tell you something, you intolerant little cunt! There have been plenty of other peoples views and comments that I didn't agree with, but I never attacked them for it personally. I only fired back insult for insult when they first tried to take a bite out of me with their lathering little fangs.
  15. That's right you liberal cocksucker,.. I do! Actually, I watch OAN, it's much more conservative. Now remember, whatever you throw up against me, will come right back at you. You dredged up an old post, and then call me warped for holding those views. Well, you little half-wit cunt. If you don't like my opinions,.. tough! I am still entitled to it whether you like it or not. It takes a moronic liberal to rally behind an illogical quote from Lois Griffin. Tell me moron, how can something that is true become a lie simply because it is mentioned on Fox News? Or is it simply the very though of having to hear a conservative point of view causes you intolerant hypocrites to go into a fit of hysterics over such instead.
  16. Obama, to his dismay is not allowed to become the communist dictator he so much would like to be. Do you really think that he doesn't envy and admire the likes of Castro, or that other little pip squeak there in North Korea? Of course he does. And he's doing the best that he can under the current circumstance to tear up our Constitution and reduce us to this same sort of dictatorial state as those two countries are. Socialism and Communism go hand and hand. You can not be a socialist without first being a communist. I say this because from the moment you usurp the will of the people and say, "I claim the power to take this and that now away from you", because in their opinion you have too much of both, you now no longer have any protection, or any rights left to you. And what was once yours, no matter how hard you may have worked in order to procure these things, won't mean a fucking thing to them. And that is called communism, wrapped in it's rather sheer socialist slip. In their mind it goes something like this,.. "Why you bold and unruly little man, just who do you think you are?" And as far as Europe goes,.. Just take a fucking look at it! But your pretty blind if you don't see just how much Obama enjoys his European counterparts company. "Hey fellas,.. Lets have a huge world conference over here on "Climate Change" I want to put a strangle hold on some of America's larger corporation." So don't tell me he doesn't covet the European model, just because there are still some real Americans left that are trying to resist his leftist entreaties. Remember the USSR? Were they not big exponents of communism? And did they not help to prop up their good ole pal Fidel? And now Obama wants to lift the sanctions off of Cuba and become friends. Why not, he's never been opposed to communist dictators. Obama's as fucked up as some of the worst of those European leaders. He's just a little hampered over here for the moment.
  17. Your right of course, but after all, it is fucking Christmas. It's that time of the year to pronounce "Joy to the world and good will towards men", and all of that sort of stuff. Except with regards to Muslims that is. They, on the other hand, can go fuck themselves! Incidentally, Dearborn Michigan is now nearly 100% Muslim. And they have a lighted sign that reads.. "Allah be Praised" Americans, we will kill all of you, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Praise be to Allah" Can you fucking believe the audacity of these mother fuckers! Right here, in our own country!
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