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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Another one that paws at the heart.
  2. So then it's just a question of being rude on your part in calling me warped, or in trying to ridicule me in the fact that I may watch Fox? Is that all it is? Let me tell you something, you intolerant little cunt! There have been plenty of other peoples views and comments that I didn't agree with, but I never attacked them for it personally. I only fired back insult for insult when they first tried to take a bite out of me with their lathering little fangs.
  3. That's right you liberal cocksucker,.. I do! Actually, I watch OAN, it's much more conservative. Now remember, whatever you throw up against me, will come right back at you. You dredged up an old post, and then call me warped for holding those views. Well, you little half-wit cunt. If you don't like my opinions,.. tough! I am still entitled to it whether you like it or not. It takes a moronic liberal to rally behind an illogical quote from Lois Griffin. Tell me moron, how can something that is true become a lie simply because it is mentioned on Fox News? Or is it simply the very though of having to hear a conservative point of view causes you intolerant hypocrites to go into a fit of hysterics over such instead.
  4. Obama, to his dismay is not allowed to become the communist dictator he so much would like to be. Do you really think that he doesn't envy and admire the likes of Castro, or that other little pip squeak there in North Korea? Of course he does. And he's doing the best that he can under the current circumstance to tear up our Constitution and reduce us to this same sort of dictatorial state as those two countries are. Socialism and Communism go hand and hand. You can not be a socialist without first being a communist. I say this because from the moment you usurp the will of the people and say, "I claim the power to take this and that now away from you", because in their opinion you have too much of both, you now no longer have any protection, or any rights left to you. And what was once yours, no matter how hard you may have worked in order to procure these things, won't mean a fucking thing to them. And that is called communism, wrapped in it's rather sheer socialist slip. In their mind it goes something like this,.. "Why you bold and unruly little man, just who do you think you are?" And as far as Europe goes,.. Just take a fucking look at it! But your pretty blind if you don't see just how much Obama enjoys his European counterparts company. "Hey fellas,.. Lets have a huge world conference over here on "Climate Change" I want to put a strangle hold on some of America's larger corporation." So don't tell me he doesn't covet the European model, just because there are still some real Americans left that are trying to resist his leftist entreaties. Remember the USSR? Were they not big exponents of communism? And did they not help to prop up their good ole pal Fidel? And now Obama wants to lift the sanctions off of Cuba and become friends. Why not, he's never been opposed to communist dictators. Obama's as fucked up as some of the worst of those European leaders. He's just a little hampered over here for the moment.
  5. Your right of course, but after all, it is fucking Christmas. It's that time of the year to pronounce "Joy to the world and good will towards men", and all of that sort of stuff. Except with regards to Muslims that is. They, on the other hand, can go fuck themselves! Incidentally, Dearborn Michigan is now nearly 100% Muslim. And they have a lighted sign that reads.. "Allah be Praised" Americans, we will kill all of you, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Praise be to Allah" Can you fucking believe the audacity of these mother fuckers! Right here, in our own country!
  6. The man's got his finger on it. All kidding aside. Some of you guys are really amazing at this. :clap:
  7. Thank you buddy,.. The same to you.
  8. And Merry Christmas Dfcap. Did I spell it right? There, that's better.
  9. Gee, Thanks. I appreciate that.
  10. I don't blame the kid for being a little nervous, it was fatwa that took me out. And I blame the announcers foreign dialect, and phlegm driven annunciation for my blunder. Announcer: "Da word is Fatwa." Me in my shining moment: "Fuckwad" "F.. U.. C.. K.. W.. A.. D.. Fuckwad"
  11. From 54 years ago! And it's still a great song. Great songs, like great friends, are not soon forgotten.
  12. The next president, if it isn't another lying Democrat, needs to fumigate the place. Oh, and maybe remove the water buffalo's head from off of the White Huts den wall. http://www.thisplaceisazoo.com/files/505480/uploaded/MWT-07%20Lifesize%20Buffalo%20Wall%20Mount%20Head.jpg Sorry, but I'm technologically impaired. However, no need to fear clicking on the blue jargon as my computer is squeaky clean, containing absolutely no venereal diseases at all! :) But I do wish I knew how to leave a picture sometimes without the surprise factor involved. It sort of reminds me of those cheap teeny bopper horror flicks where there is always that unnerving startling moment that just suddenly jumps out at you. Then again, Obama has that same effect upon me whenever he pops up on my TV screen. :yikes:
  13. Yeah, I know. I was wondering when they'd get around to banning that book. But I'm sure, seeing just how offensive that little 'N' word is to them, that they will soon now ban all of those equally offensive rap recordings. Or am I missing something here?
  14. Hi Pepe'. Wishing you a merry Christmas out there.
  15. To be honest I wasn't crazy about the movie. But I did like the part where Dave started to pull out the fuses on Hal. The treacherous bastard Hal. He started out with an almost squeaky little girl's voice in the beginning, but as Dave got closer and closer to finally putting an end to this bipolar, binary cunt, his voice slowed down and got deeper and deeper, until it finally ended up sounding a lot like Paul Robeson. "Doooooooon't doooooo daaaaat Daaaaaaaave" "I say, I say,..Yoooooou dooooon't waaaan't tooooooo dooooo daaaaat Daaaaaave." I was waiting and hoping for him to break into a chorus of "Old Man River",.. Which would have been really nice right about then. I know that if I had written the script that's how it would have gone. There would have been a little sing-a-long with the bouncing ball and everything right about there. And the bouncing ball could have been made to look like mother Earth. I think that would have been a nice touch. From the deep recesses of outer space to just floatin down de old Mississippi. There's just no place like home. .. And we just keep on rollin along.
  16. She's lucky that ole hook of his doesn't get stuck in her mouth. Even if you could talk around it, it would be pretty difficult to try to explain to someone else. I remember when I was young and a doctor would stick a tongue depressor in my mouth and then would stupidly ask me a question. I imagine the sensation with Leora in this case would be somewhat the same.
  17. Get a load of the dame at 1:16. She sure knows how to sell a piece of furniture.
  18. There's just no kind way of getting it up the ass, I guess.
  19. Slow night. And I'm feeling kind of blue. Not turquoise or ultra violet, :no:.. just blue.
  20. When I first moved down here to Dallas, Texas in 1977 the city was still primarily made up of native Texans. And I was deeply impressed by how very nice and friendly the people were down here, as it was quite a difference from that of Detroit. And the girls, with that Texas drawl,.. "Yall come back now, hear." I was enamored by their friendliness at the time, except for this one time at the bank. I was twenty six, and was going about getting a loan at the bank, when the bank officer then asked me in a stern and serious way,.. "Are you a good Yankee or a bad Yankee?" I was a little taken back by this, and at first thought he was just joking. But believe me, he wasn't. So I asked him, "What's the difference?" And he said with a grimace, "A good Yankee comes for a while and then decides to leave, whereas a bad Yankee stays." This caused me to chuckle a bit as I told him, "Well, I recon I'm a bad Yankee then." And he never broke a smile. But he did give me the loan nonetheless, so I have to give him that. And right now, it still makes me chuckle some when I think back upon it. And now I'm as true a Texan as can be,.. ;) But I have to admit I liked Dallas a whole lot more before all of these damn Yankees started to move on in. So I guess I understand his point somehow. "Y'all git now, ya hear!"
  21. One things for sure. We old dudes lived in a time when the music was a hell of a lot better than it currently is. Remember those smoke filled rooms boys? I know you do. :yes:
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