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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. That was very nice Rubberball. And now here's a little tribute to you friend.
  2. If things don't change pretty quick they'll find out pretty fast.
  3. With all due respect to John Donne, I never did like that poem of his. To me it is emotionally charged with some high sounding platitudes, but when you pick it apart it comes off in it's content as being rather naïve. We all know that there were several men in the history of mankind that were so cruel, and so wicked in their actions towards others, that if one of these would have been swept up and washed out to sea the world would have been far better off, and humanity would certainly not have been diminished by their loss. I believe that the bells would have been rung out from a sense of joy rather than as a sign of death and mourning.
  4. To me, Audrey Hepburn, and Grace Kelly, were both women with class and style. Young girls used to look upon them both as role models. Just show's you how much the world has changed since then.
  5. Yeah, of course I was just kidding. I like some of the people around here very much.
  6. When it comes to bitching one has to practice at it diligently every day in order to become truly proficient at it. After many long years of such, it is now safe to say that I currently hold the equivalent of a 7th degree black belt in it. :soapbox: If you doubt my word at this, then I suggest that we open up a fresh discussion about 'Television'. I am an Olympic gold metal winner on the discussion of television. That ominous black box that holds the mystery to the devil's anus.
  7. Oh, and I suppose I'm not too nice to go unheard? :curse:
  8. Woody, I had to restore this, minus the text. The music was too nice to go unheard.
  9. I must say, the girl does display good penmanship. However one has to hold their nose when reading one of her love letters though.
  10. Today an old friend died. Walter Gzelac, (Pronounced 'Shellac') I still remember that wry smile of his. A great guy, or else I wouldn't have bothered with this. In fact both he and his brother Henry were both aces in my book. But Walter was one of the guys. I remember like it was yesterday when some of us along with Walt went out drinking. By the time we pulled up to Walt's house to drop him off he was pretty sloshed. We could see the light from the living room through the open front door, and the stairs that lead to the upstairs just beyond it. And I recall both Pete and Jim Burris saying to him,.. "Now remember, just keep walking and don't stop." "Just say, Hi mom, Hi dad, and just keep moving up the stairs." "Got it?" And poor Walt just silently nodded. Well we watched intently as he managed to get to about the third or forth step before falling flat on his face which drew lamenting sighs from all of us. So long Walt,.. I haven't forgotten you.
  11. Some people will stand up for themselves,.. and some people won't. It's just that simple. But I'm off now. Some loose ends to tie up, and then a well earned vacation. And frankly, it's time to move on from this thing now as well.
  12. You put a 'Like' under what TBG said, even though in your heart of hearts you can't stand him. But you do this because you have no character, and are so afraid of being banned, and so you desperately try to curry favor from him instead. Who the fuck would want to be a friend to you! I know I wouldn't. And you know damn good and well you attack me first, when I posted something in reference to what Ozi had posted. Remember asshole when you said to me,.. "I usually just ignore your post because they are usually filled with just nonsense and not worthy of reading". And in that post that I wrote, I wasn't even talking to you, or ever mentioned your name in it. Now do you remember little boy, or do you still want to continue to lie about it all? And when are you ever going to pay your fair share of twelve dollars around here? I know now that I made a mistake in paying mine all these years, when a freeloader such as yourself can just flutter about on this board and hurl insults at those that are conservative, or who happen to post things that upsets poor Maturin. (Providing that they're not Moderators of course) You have no shame, not even when TBG shoed you off like the little boy that you are because he had bills just then to take care of, you even tried to snuggle up to him with a "fair enough" that came off just like a little boy saying ,"Ok daddy". Just a gutless little boy with no manly character at all. So don't worry so much about Karen, worry about yourself instead. And since you often revert to childish expressions, I've often wondered,.. Is your name Mat-Urine something that might possibly pertain to that bedwetting problem of yours, or are you finally over that by now? Now Maturine, sadly I must leave this board for a while, maybe even for good,.. Oh I know, I know, but don't cry :'( as I'm sure you will have lots of fun here while I'm gone. But there are things that needs my attention too. Grown up things, like having to set up a trust and a number of other things as well that I know little boys like yourself wouldn't be interested in. But they have to get done. Then there's that trip I've been putting off for way too long. So be good, and try not to lie so much, and who knows maybe one day after you pay your twelve dollars they may even make you a Moderator as well. Won't that be fun! Just think of all those conservatives that you can ban simply because you don't like what they have to say. Why, they will probably be so afraid of you that they won't even dare to tell others what their own personal views are any more around here. And just think of the respect you will have just then. Why, you'll be a liberal hero to some! Well bye bye Matty. Be good.
  13. You are nothing more than a habitual a liar, and anyone who wants to research it can clearly see just who the culprit really was. And just what was it Maturin that Karen said or did to you to make you launch into such an unprovoked and hysterical attack upon her? Oh I know, you didn't like the fact that she wasn't a liberal like you. And for the record, it was you that attacked me first with your personal insults, and you either have a very bad memory, or your just a blatant liar as I have said.
  14. TBG alluded to something about his father during World War Two, and I too am very proud of my father and mother during those times. My mother worked at the Ford plant helping to build the planes that were needed. She told me that none of the women there ever complained about the long hours, and that none of them ever had to be reminded of how important is was that everyone did their job right. My father who was fighting overseas, ended up catching shrapnel in the head and chest from a grenade and was told on the hospital bed that they were able to remove the shrapnel from his chest, which was close to his heart, but that they were not equipped to go into the cranium and therefore he was going to be going home soon. He actually got upset, and he managed to get hold of his commanding officer and told him that he was fine and that he would let them know when he was done there. And so after recouping he fought on. When he died in 1968 the military gave him such an honorable send off that it almost doubled me over in grief and in pride. Those people that fought in that war were incredible. They really were as Tom Brokaw had said of them in his book, "The Greatest Generation." My father, like so many, never talked about the war, and I only learned of it at the time of his death.
  15. You are what you are, a detestable, intolerant, hypocrite. And an arrogant, self-righteous liar. Stop involving me or using my name in your usual dribble, such as you have in the post where you say, "We're not all like Woodworker," and you won't have a problem with me. Got it punk? You once lied and said that you just ignore my post, which were post incidentally that had nothing whatsoever to do with you. But somehow in your intolerance you decided that I wasn't entitled to free speech because I was a conservative, and so you began to attack me. Well punk, I don't fold so easily, so if you want to just keep including me in your rants, I will continue to throw it all right back in your face. It's just that simple really, even for a simpleton like you.
  16. I said it before and I'll say it again. You are a lying hypocrite in so much of what you post. You attacked Karen recently yet again with your wild accusations about her not being a real woman, and then proceeded to call her every name under the sun, and all the while she's not even around to defend herself. Where's your proof over these absurd accusations? Hypocrite! To me, you are not an honest or honorable person. But probably the worst thing I can say about you is that you are such a bore. A nobody, that wants so much to be a somebody. A truly desperate and pathetic person in my eyes.
  17. I haven't bothered to look, but if that is the case, it ought to keep a few of the people here happily preoccupied. YUCK!
  18. Your not very original are you. But yes, that suits me fine. As your not the person, or persons to whom I care to post to, or to engage in any worthwhile conversations with.
  19. I don't need your help. And just who the fuck are you, that I should care what you think or believe!
  20. Maturin, I don't give a damn what you may think or what you may believe. I thought you said that you just ignore my post,.. if only just that once you could have spoken the truth. I don't post here to try to win a coward and a hypocrite like you over. That much you can take seriously. I noticed you are attacking Karen once again, even though she's not around to defend herself against your wild accusations. Tell me hypocrite, what proof do you have that she was not a real woman as some of us here do know her to be? Where's your "facts" as you like to speak of when it suits you, to back up your vicious attacks upon her in this way? I do have some respect for Timewarp, and some as well for Kalevipoeg. But none whatsoever for you.
  21. One American News, Fox news, the Wall street Journal. Now what brainwashed liberal tripe do you watch or read? Not that I really care. I'll go that far with you, and as to which countries I have visited, that is none of your fucking business. When was the last time you liberals over there have been here to America? And to which states exactly have you visited? See how annoying that can be. Like the grand inquisition. So back off with that sort of nonsense with me. And I get the impression that you are now working on behalf of Maturin. Either way, I don't need to have justify or prove myself to anyone here, including yourself. We can try to remain civil to one another if you wish, as I don't hold the same level of contempt towards you as I do towards him. But keep this in mind, whenever I post something here, it is not directed towards you or any others outside of those that I consider to be friends of mine. So just either ignore them, as Maturin pretends to do, or you can just run around behind my back and try to have me banned as again he has attempted to do. But don't try to bait me with your silly gotcha questions, because as I've said before, I don't need to prove myself to you or anyone else here just because they don't like what I say, or can't face reality. I can't imagine a so-called grown man running to mommy and trying to have someone banned, just because that persons views upset him so much. Wow, what a lack of character, or manliness on that persons part.
  22. Sad song for anyone who has lived a life, or lost someone.
  23. They probably buy news footage from people just as many news stations often do. I don't know if perhaps the caption editor here made a mistake by calling that one segment Norway with what you say is a palm tree there or what? For that matter, the buildings and the street in that segment doesn't resemble those of Norway either. But even so, you'd have to be a fool to close your eyes and just pretend that Radical Islam is not a real threat or a real problem in this world, all the same.
  24. If that were the case, you wouldn't have an Iranian nuclear bomb deal.
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